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RE: re <<What is your impression of the term Teacher and it's possible intended meaning?>>

Apr 13, 2005 05:23 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Apl 13 2005

Dear friend:

No "Teacher" ought to be "authoritative."

However a teacher ought to be able to offer information that will stimulate
the mind of a researcher to secure or work out for themselves the facts and
truths in Nature that are being looked for.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Mauri 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 3:38 PM
Subject: re <<What is your impression of the term Teacher and it's possible
intended meaning?>>

---What is your impression of the term 
Teacher and it's possible intended 

That sounds like something I might've 
said, though I might not have said it. 
Inasmuchasif that question was addressed 
somewhat to this list as well as to ... 
whoever, whatever ... In any case here's 
some speculation on the topic of "my 
impression of the term Teacher and its 
possible intended meaning" (in case you 
were wondering, that prelim was my 
version of Dallas's "may I break in 

"Interpretive." That is, that would 
appear to be, basically, my impression 
of the term Teacher and it's possible 
intended meaning---where the quotes were 
intended to refer to "possible, intended 
meanings." Not that the quotes are 
"necessary," necessarily, (or 
"necessarily"...), but, in this case, 
the intended meaning of those quotes 
(need I add ...) was kind of 
speculatively seen as having "possible 
importance" (depending on whatever) in 
terms of where particulars re 
"interpretations," in general, might be 
seen to be highly dependent on one's 
"basic notions" about how one's 
worldview might affect the nature of 
one's interpretations: so that (as per 
"my intended meaning"...) a student of 
esoteric topics might, in some cases, 
(I'm speculating), tend to see beyond 
what might be seen as rather 
conventional interpretive notions by 
some form of "intuitive recognition" or 
"feeling" or "intuitive awareness" as if 
of some form of "background reality 'in 
terms of karmic effects,'" eg, wherein 
what might be generally "understood as 
interpretation" might, from another 
perspective (in exoteric terms ...), be 
seen as having a "karmic/mayavic 
relevance," as well or simultaneously 
(in a sense or "in a sense" ...) Not 
that ...



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