Re: Theos-World re "Mars"
Apr 12, 2005 09:45 PM
by samblo
Though I met a lot of old timers and experiencers "remote viewing" is a
fairly recent interest area, 1980's and later and even then not a lot about it
in the actual UFO Experiencer groups, they didn't have attention on things
like that. maybe a close relative was that they often thought they were
"monitored" through a remote means by the E.T. either by device or by consciousness
iteslf but I can't think of any experiencers who methodically tried to remore
view their abductors, they were more interested in avoiding them and their
attentions. I did have one lady friend who claimed she had remote viewed certain
occult groups on her own initiative but she reported that when she had located
her awareness in the room where they were in meeting they became cognizant of
her presence and she knew it and immediately withdrew from the scene quite
flustered and upset she had not been able to screen her presence from them.
Personally I think UFO Experiencers want better proof of who is the source of their
experiences than what is alluded too by a Remote Viewer.
As too myself I neither claim or disclaim interest or ability in remote
viewing, projection or whatever, but if I did have knowledge particular to means
and methods I can promise I will never place it online or even verbally
discuss with anyone, period. I grant beingness to others and that includes their
personal privacy.
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