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Re: Theos-World Re: Abuse or just friendly advice?

Apr 10, 2005 12:39 PM
by M. Sufilight


You wrote:
"Otherwise you loses
much energy."

Well I think that depends upon who you are, where you are, what culture you are living in - and also the spiritual needs for new incarnations.
But I agree. Not too much - not too little.
If not at all - you will sometimes get in trouble.

Getting close to another human being can be very healthy if it is a spiritual need.
Some Seekers enjoy "Sex over the email" more than "Sex over the phone".
And we call them weird. Well, maybe.
So what has love to do with Sexual intercourse?

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- From: "christinaleestemaker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Abuse or just friendly advice?

One learned it by him or herself and the other ask his parents or
grandparents or friends.
Never mind if they teach "don't use that daily".Otherwise you loses
much energy.

--- In, "M. Sufilight" <global-
theosophy@s...> wrote:
A few views:

I think various theosophical groups has quite different views upon
whether to teach masturbation to youngster and especially HOW to
teach them

Blavatsky do not help you much about this question. She had her
The Mahatma Letters neither.
Except maybe, that we all aught to find the nearest theosophical

I remember few pages in Wacthmeisters biography of Blavatsky where
she shows
Blavatsky receiving some high estimeed gentlemen, with herself only
a minor robe something like that.
And with the gentlemen having trouble focusing their eyes as well
as their
at the right spots in the room so to speak.
That was how Blavatsky truely was.

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- From: "christinaleestemaker" <christinaleestemaker@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:29 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Abuse or just friendly advice?

> In our country they did not need to educate!
> I think the children ( of a certain age) can educate them!
> Through not having UNFAIR and SICK sexual behaviour with the ones
> don't like , of course.
> But ... there are parents of bad, very bad behaviour in this case.
> If children incarnate there, that will be a problem I think;
> but a problem of insuperable greatness.
> Look to the case of M.J , how can a woman let their child to such
> man?
> Maybe for the money?
> Such things are unbelievable, but not to (us) to judge. ALIAS
> Christina
>> So how do the wellmeaning theosophists "educate" children
>> about sexuality these days?
>> from
>> M. Sufilight
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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