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Re: Theos-World Re: Introduction - mark_ cass/ krishtar

Apr 03, 2005 07:01 PM
by Cass Silva

Dear Krishtar,
Yes please, I am very interested.

krishtar <> wrote:

Cass and Morten
Yes and Not...
It�s one of the most difficult questions in occultism.
IMHO as a Master tests you the more he can untill you prove him that you are apt to be a chela, the same radical and precise criteria must be used towards these - let�s call - entities.
We must ask ( like Morton Said ) and question everything, imparcially, without passion or anxiety,and test the integrity of the "communicating conscience".
It is , unfortunately, NOT enough.
I live among some people who are very much evolved in clairvoyance, in fact, beyond clairvoyance - which is still a low Siddhi.
Yes, it facinates, captivates you but you must go beyond.
See how difficult is to know the qualities of a man or woman incarnated...
How many years of acquaintance are necessary to know the character of a person you live with!
Now picture this situation when dealing with some conscience/entity that has no body with eyes you can see and even with no body to read the gestures of!
IMHO by a correct meditation and experience is easier to feel the energy ofthe entity or the being.
We can know the tree by its fruits and by my last email I passed by experience with this matter to you.

Cass, IMO your tendence is very normal, perhaps it�s the way you learn, but it is so wide in the situations...
We can contact people in our dreams or in certain introspections with:
- Alive people�s subtle bodies who may be dreaming in other countries
- Kamarupas ( I gess the most common, they are eager to get some energy andmaintain their "artificial life" 
- Dugpas or other ( evil-tendences creatures ) in astral projection
- Elementals, artificial or not, good and evil
-Self dellusions caused by many, many reasons.

Cass, if you want to know some of my experiences with these people who havemore familiarity with the astral and have answered some questions...I can tell you in private, because it may end up in long messages and not everybody here enjoys the " pratical side" of occultism if I am not mistaked.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: M. Sufilight 
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Introduction - mark_ cass/ krishtar

By asking question, I guess.

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cass Silva" 
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 6:12 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Introduction - mark_ cass/ krishtar

Dear Krishtar
Your posting was enlightening to me in many ways. I do have a tendency to 
trust first and regret later. How does one learn to know the difference 
between a shade and a genuine contact?

krishtar wrote:

Dear Cass
and Dear Mark

Hope you�re fine.
I think it is not the case of throwing stones, we MUST ( yes , with capital 
letters) be very, very careful.
The different sub planes in the astral are so crowded with kamarupas and 
entities so eager to catch our attention than, to pretend to be a master or 
even an ascended master is the easiest thing for them to do.It�s really a 
chicken-soup for them.
When this ( sub-evolved) " dark fraternity" of semi conscious entities find 
out that someone has some psychic capabilities in any circumstances , 
principally someone who develops a certain grade of paranormality ( natural 
or forced) they do anything to transform you in their - let�s say - slaves.
They make you think you are a <> , that you have a special mission ( it�s 
the most common point )and use what you possess in your memory - conciently 
and not - and use the best trigger thay can: our ego.
Parcimony is very important.
I have myself experienced dozens of these cases and I can say, with 
authority, that not all the things that looks like is really like it really 
If you see what the yogis or saddhus think of the siddhis, you see the same 
objection:They�re consequences from your development and must be well 
Anyone who is in a path of self discovering MUST take the greatest care, 
Mark �s doubt and questioning is very important and it is the way our 
guardian-consiousness acts.

This is very easy to understand in the Voice of Silence:
" 26. The name of Hall the second is the Hall of Learning.* In it thy Soul 
will find the blossoms of life, but under every flower a serpent coiled"
For reference, the explanation HPB says about it is the following:

" The astral region, the Psychic World of supersensuous perceptions and of 
deceptive sights -- the world of Mediums. It is the great "Astral Serpent" 
of Eliphas Levi. No blossom plucked in those regions has ever yet been 
brought down on earth without its serpent coiled around the stem."
The Voice in the silence"
Hoping this may be of interst



----- Original Message ----- 
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Introduction

that sure is an interesting assumption.

thalprin wrote:

ps: that sure is an interesting confession cass.

--- In, Cass Silva wrote:
We keep talking about masters contacting or impressing us and when
we finally hear of it actually happening, some of us, run behind the
wall and start throwing stones.

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