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a voice in the silence

Mar 27, 2005 09:24 AM
by Vladimir

This thread looks like a peculiar incarnation of a kinda special Voice
of the Silence: the one which silently talks to oneself.

Sunday, March 27, 2005, 9:13:25 PM, thalprin wrote:

> Mostly I object to the dumbying down of folks sensabilities AND the
> effort to create 'their' accumulation via creating an alienation for
> folks ....hehe, no wonder they always talking about aliens. :))))

>> > I saw someone mention the 'New Agers' and I have some 
>> > thoughts/observations about that - mostly, from what I can 
>> see/have 
>> > deduct(ed) it's pushing a stockpile of crap purported by little 
>> minons 
>> > who are nearly wholey possessed of ego and deluded by 
>> > illusion. 'Commander' this and 'kiss, kiss' that - try 
>> channelling 
>> > this: it's baseless, tasteless, utter crap. 
>> > (They wanna build a commune, what's new. Buyers beware.)
>> Also worth mentioning how much of their time seems to be spent 
> with 
>> stroking folks egos/sexual-fires, + pretense/deception, +warring 
> AND 
>> sales/sales/sales. 
>> Poor dears, they are in deed very poor.
>> > 
>> > I've looked around, I don't say this lightly. 
>> > 
>> > "I know garbage when I smell it."


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