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Mar 25, 2005 04:29 PM
by david-blankenship

At one time Steve brought up the proposition that theosophy was a religion. That, the writings of HPB and Judge could be regarded as a cannon, since they could never be added to. It struck me at the time this was very true. One could also look on the major organizations as denominations. Recently, in Liberty magazine, there was article by Michael Acree called "Who's Your Daddy?", referring to political parties, that they could be understood by the psychological need to defend one's personal beliefs and also to force one's beliefs on others by the use of the law. The members of the theosophical schools have a need to proselytize their beliefs on others. This leads to denigrating other members from different schools or trash-talk.

To put this in perspective, theosophy is also only a branch of mysticism. We need to get along with some forberance of another's beliefs. Trash-talk is not helpful.

David B.

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