Re: Theos-World Different forms of presentation of the Ancient Wisdom
Mar 22, 2005 01:53 PM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 03/22/05 6:53:58 AM, writes:
>Theosophy has evolved over thousands of years. It's outward form of
>presentation was different at different times and different places.
That's talking only about the "exoteric" versions of theosophy -- which are
generally distorted interpretations designed to satisfy the needs of organized
religions controlled by crafty self designated and self serving "priests" --
who count on the ignorance, blind beliefs, and desire for "gurus" of their
gullible congregations.
Some of those "interpreters" may mean well in setting up their rules of
conduct... But, nevertheless, the exoteric so called "theosophies" they teach are
intentionally misleading so as to support their religious and organizational
ideas, as well as assure their personal control of their own circle of students.
Real occult teachings CANNOT "evolve"... Since, such "esoteric" theosophy --
which we are interested in talking about here -- can never change, no matter
what the time or place ... Simply, because such "Theosophy" deals ONLY with
fundamental reality as it actually IS. Therefore, the only evolution is of
"things" -- which theosophy, that deals primarily with "ideas," has no interest in
-- except scientifically and metaphysically explaining the underlying
fundamental laws that govern such evolution.
For you to keep harping on your guru's exoteric "evolving" nonsense as being
theosophical (or "Divine Wisdom") using these off the wall chat room style
pontifications and proselytizing quotes from false teachings -- that have no
continuity or relevance to the clear understanding of the esoteric theosophical
metaphysics (as given out by the Masters directly through HPB, alone) -- is a
complete waste of time for any student of "true" theosophy on this forum.
Nuff said. "Let the buyer beware."
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