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Re: Blavatsky screwed up Theosophy - Sinnett

Mar 21, 2005 10:06 AM
by Anand Gholap

It is becoming more like chat-room. So number of messages will 
increase. Vladimir says 5 to 10 percent of all text here is useful to 
him. One should not expect more than that in a yahoo group. All 
should be prepared for low quality, high volume discussion. 

--- In, Vladimir <forums@s...> wrote:
> Just skim it through. I find only 5-10 per cent of all texts here
> useful for me. I bet your own rating would not be much higher.
> Monday, March 21, 2005, 1:03:19 AM, mala514 wrote:
> > do you all realize 63 postings were sent out today so far, 3/20, 
starting at
> > 12:05 am? And this day is not done yet. How can all these 
postings be read
> > daily, and what if a couple of days are missed not opening 
mail?!? while the
> > group is interesting I persoanlly cannot keep up with something 
that generates so
> > very much daily mail.

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