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Mar 19, 2005 03:11 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Mar 18 2005


Dear Rob:



Many thanks.


I have re-edited parts of the text and re-arranged (spacing) this.


Please review it for consistency. I did the spell check.



If you approve, use it.


Best wishes,













HPB wrote and said:  


"Let no one imagine that it is a mere fancy, the attaching of importanceto the birth of the year. The astral life of the earth is young and strong between Christmas and Easter. Those who form their wishes now, will haveadded strength to fulfill them consistently." ...Let no one mistake the importance and potency of numbers--as symbols. Everything in the Universe was framed according to the eternal proportions and combinations of numbers. "God geometrizes," and numbers and numerals are the fundamental basis of all systems of mysticism, philosophy, and religion. The respective festivals of the year and their dates were all fixed according to the Sun--the "father of all calendars" and of the Zodiac, or the sun-god and the twelve great, but still minor gods..."  


ULT - HPB Articles I p. 504



"The 3rd day of the month was sacred to Pallas Athene, the goddess of Wisdom; and January the 4th is the day of Mercury (Hermes, Budha), who is credited with adding brains to the heads of those who are civil to him...December the 25th was the day of the birth of the sun for those who inhabited the Northern hemisphere..." ( - idem, p. 505 )


"According to our theosophical tenets, every man or woman is endowed, more or less, with a magnetic potentiality, which when helped by a sincere, and especially by an intense and indomitable will--is the most effective of magic levers placed by Nature in human hands--for woe as for weal. Let us then, theosophists, use that will to send a sincere greeting and a wish of good luck for the new Year to every living creature under the sun...Let us try and feel especially kind and forgiving to our foes and persecutors, honest or dishonest..."  

HPB "1890" LUCIFER, Jan 1890, Vol. 5., p. 357. ULT HPB Articles II, p. 495









The vast tsunami in the Indian Ocean that has just been experienced, [Dec. 26 2004] seems to relate in some particulars of historical and ancient geological catastrophes. The suffering of individuals is of course enormous and deserves all our efforts to help and succor.







It may be noted that the present "plate-tectonics" hypothesis is not endorsed by the S D. This plausible hypothesis has recently engaged the attention of geologists and geographers. It advances the concept that our presentknown continental patterns are fixed to their "plates."


These in turn "float" and gradually move on a softer subterranean core of amore fluidic mass of hot rock; and the result is that they have participated (without altering shape) over millions of years in "continental drift." But, this is not a theory that is confirmed by the esoteric history of our Earth, as given in the SECRET DOCTRINE.


In tracing the past history and movements of the RACES, the land masses follow the order of evolution of the RACES from 1st to the 5th. The book The SECRET DOCTRINE, does not take into account the location and fate of many islands and peninsulas since the face of the Earth has changed many times, and the Poles have been inverted several times [SD II 350 353 360 368 432-3 785-6 436].


The last serious geographical and geological change occurred around 12,000 BC [SD II 8-9] and was followed by the submergence of Posedonis (9,566 BC). 

Change in the elevation of the continents and islands is not always violentstates the 









Mme. Blavatsky in the SECRET DOCTRINE, Vol. I pp. 153 - 205 outlines the early ROUNDS whereby the circling and evolving hosts of Mankind pass throughthe experiences of many degrees of matter until they reach in the middle, the 4th Round, the most gross. If one refers to the diagram on p. 200 (SDI) it will be seen that this is the balance point were the "matter" being evolved is at its densest.


We as a host of "Human" Monads have just past this mid-point. At the Mid point which occurred about 18,618,886 tears ago (SD I 150fn) the significant event called the LIGHTING UP OF MANAS (mind) occurred. In the 2nd volumeof the SD, HPB reviews all these in far greater detail.






The stature of man (which in the early Astral matter races, was gigantic as compared with ours) has varied and decreased with the concretisation of the material environment. The passage from the 1st to the 5th RACE following this increased densification is traced in the SD [SD II 9 224-5 336-8] On page SD II 338, we read of a still existing series of statues on the north side of the Hindu Kush range that illustrate this decrease. At Bamiyan stand carved in stone the record of the decreasing size (173, 120, 60, 27, to 6 feet in height ) of the physical forms that humanity has used. A few years ago the magazine NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC published photographs of these.


Giant human skeletons are mentioned in SD II 9 151 194-5 278-9 293fn 330 337 347-8 409 

SD II 752-6 774-5 Mahatma Letters, bottom of p. 2]






Our Round is the 4th Round and our Globe is the 4th ("D"). On Globe D so far 4 "Races" have been evolved. The 3rd was named "Lemurian, " the 4th, "Atlantean," and the 5th (ours) is named "Aryan" (noble).

The LIGHTING UP OF MANAS occurred during the mid-point of the 3rd Root-race(Lemurian) [SD II 154-5, 167, 79]






Questions concerning the past of Mankind and the old races that had been given names such as Atlanteans, Lemurians, etc. relate to time periods, and the nature of geological time measuring, also, the chronology of the SECRET DOCTRINE was asked about.


In considering the past and the attempts to measure and evaluate such mistylegends as appear to envelop Lemuria and Atlantis – those periods when we used Lemurian and Atlantean bodies -- for Occultism holds that all of us -- we -- as immortal EGOS, were the same EGO-Minds that were then evolving in those periods and used those bodies. What does Volume. II of the SECRET DOCTRINE, when compared with modern Geological periods offer us

Establishing of the facts that Esoteric and Oriental Literature and philosophy have recorded in regard to the evolution of our Earth. This covers each of the first 3 ROUNDS (3 times around the 7 GLOBES) and, specifically, itdeals with the history of evolution in this, the 4th ROUND.


In this 4th ROUND it deals with the most recent time period named by HPB inthe SD the 4th GLOBE [see Diagram SD I 200]. One must remember that these(ROUNDS, GLOBES, RACES, SUB-RACES) are measures of time.


Another fact that esotericism speaks of is that there have been great changes in material (PHYSICAL), psychological (MIND, FEELINGS, EMOTIONS) and spiritual (MONADIC) development.  


These are traced by occultism and a summary is offered to us, together withexplanations in Vol. 2 of the S D. We can, by reading what is offered there, learn in greater detail about our own past history. About that which occurred during those vast periods when we incarnated again and again in that “past.”






On S D I, p. 181, HPB gives facts about the three lines of Evolution. 


She describes them and names them:


1. Spiritual (or MONADIC).


2. Intellectual (or Manasic), and


3. Physical. (or material, physical bodily forms).


It will be found that the 2nd Vol. of the S D focuses in still greater detail on the 4 Races that have preceded ours in this Round. It provides information concerning our evolution there and upon the development of mind, psyche and Soul.  


The physical side of evolution and its remains as fossils and monuments – contrasting with the Scientific views of geology and archaeology arealso discussed as of the time when HPB wrote which was over 120 years ago.






It is very important to realize ( and carry this in mind during the following consideration) that the Reincarnating EGO (Atma-Buddhi-Manas) of each human being is an IMMORTAL (as a MONAD).


It (We) have been named the ETERNAL PILGRIMS.  


It [the Monad] moves from body to body, as the eras and races pass in time,and all the development of faculties are embodied in the character and thetalents of each of us. In all cases there is an increment, and an improving of our range of experience. 


We can trace a continual widening of our comprehension of the Universe, andan intuitional inquiry into the causes of both our diversity and coupled with that the paradox of, our close unity.  

Ultimately, we find that the UNITY of ALL dawns on us as a potential and then as an actuality. It is a most wonderful prospect and gives to each of us a sense of purpose, of dignity, and of an importance, which, once graspedcannot be relinquished. We find that the brotherhood of the immortal Monads is the basis for all relationships -- there is a commonality, a sharing, of spirit, mind and matter, even though we may try to guard that which we think is solely "our own."


Therefore, we, who now use 5th Race, "Aryan Race" bodies, were the same Egos that used the old "Atlantean" bodies (through each of its 7-fold Races), and, the still older "Lemurian" bodies (and their 7-fold Race developments).   


When we speak of those old Races we are speaking of ourselves when we livedin them and used them. We are trying to look into our own past history. 

When we visit Cyclopean monuments, we are revisiting buildings in which we may have had a hand in their original construction or subsequent renovationand restoration down the eras of time.


Our present human bodies--that we are using today--each has in its past as heredity, one or a mixture of the Sub-Races of the 5th Race. It, the 5th Race, named "Aryan" (or Noble), is said to be about 1,050,000 years old [ SDII 141, 144-5, 395]. The Aryan race arose among the later sub-races of the Atlanteans, and gradually separated from that older root stock. There are still human groups and tribes whose heredity can be traced to the Atlanteans; and even to the last sub-races of the Lemuro-Atlanteans. It takes vast ages for all the traits and characteristics of a great Race to die out completely. All this historical complexity is explained in S D Vol. II.


The 3rd Race (Round 4 - ours) was named Lemurian.


The 4th Race (Round 4 - ours) was named Atlantean.





4,242,352 LEMURIA, as a continent, is said to have begun slipping below the ocean 4,242,352 years back (as of 1888) [ SD I 439fn].





998,100 years ago the Atlantean continent began sinking [SD II 10, 141, 144, 

ISIS I 557, 593]  


9,664 BC The last Island related to Atlantis, [“Posedonis”] is said to have sunk 9,664 BC  

[ML 155, SD II 5, 8, 406, 444fn; ISIS I 589-94 ].


1,628 c Thera (Santorini) Volcano Erupts (Tree Ring Dating)

[ L A Times, Aug 29 1996 ]

[ End of Minoan Civilization, and tidal waves overwhelm 

the coasts of Eastern Mediterranean.]


In the SD we can find that a special date is drawn attention to (SD I 150 Fn). It is over 18 million years ago, when the Mind of humanity is said to have been "lighted up." [ see SD II 167, 254-5, 70-80, SD I 150fn. ].


Since the description of the facts found narrated in ancient oriental literature and the secret books of the Occult Fraternity, runs in many ways contrary to the hypothesis and theories of our modern Archaeology, one finds that much of the 2nd Volume of the SD is a great polemic, and many arguments are advanced in contrasting and opposing views: the theories of Archaeology and the FACTS of Occult Science and History.





Our Sciences of Archaeology, Geology, Paleontology, etc...are hardly 250 years old. Looking at physical evidence only, theories were devised (based on that material evidence alone) to account for the evolution of living beings on Earth. There was, and is, an on-going conflict between "evolutionists" and "creationists."


Geology provides details concerning the effect of climate on minerals, plants and the fossils of animals and humans, and archaeology employs these as clues to the timing of evolutionary events. It is all based on physical evidence. The evolution of consciousness, mind, intelligence, instinct and intuition are invisible, hence the Scientific speculations based on solely the physical evidence of change cannot possibly give an accurate view of their separate evolution.



ASTRAL CONCRETIZATIONS (astral fossils of an early Round)


When we look at the evidence of geological change, the S D states that in some cases we may also be looking at the concretized remains and evidence ofevolutionary change in earlier ASTRAL periods. Thus some fossils and strata reflect traces of those ancient Astral conditions and its changes duringthose past eras in terms of our present highly condensed material -- whichnow clothes those original Astral forms. [One might consider (using an analogy) that the space between the Atomic nuclei and their peripheral electrons was even wider in those early days than they are to day, thus making the appearance of "matter" far more tenuous--"misty" to us as a perspective. As matter "condensed" so did the Astral fossils and strata.]


The great difference between Occult and material Science in this, it lies in a grasp of the nature of the early periods of Astral development and itschanges prior to our present material physical condition. The early Rounds of our Earth (One, Two, Three to the middle of the 4th ROUND) are evolutionary periods involving only the Astral material and its progress.


Minerals, plants animals and mankind were all astral in form, and just as "solid" to each other then, in those periods, as we are today solid to one another in this present condensed "matter" that we use all the time. Physical Matter, such as we now are familiar with, and live in, became gradually more concretely manifest and visible in the 4th GLOBE of this, our ROUND (which is the 4th in the World series of Rounds). The 4th GLOBE, of this 4th ROUND, being the densest -- which is where we are, as "forms," now.).


In this our 4th GLOBE, the 7 RACES which form it, also, the sub-divisions of time, recapitulate the entire process of development (as the fetus does in the womb) of the 3 earlier ROUNDS.


RACES One, Two and Three (Lemurian) up to the middle of the 3rd were largely Astral forms -- of Astral matter, and these have gradually consolidated as the material conditions changed and densified around them. [ SD I 142, ]


The Astral form is electro-magnetic in character and for each individual intelligence (be this mineral, plant, animal or human) there is a specific and individual "force-field" to which cooperative materials are attracted. These assist in making a coherent bodily form. The "materials" are also Monads.


Thus, the Astral is held in esotericism to always precede the physical.


If one considers what Science teaches us today about the constitution of the atom, we can see that if we analyze our physical body to its ultimate nature we are left with "force-fields" that are "atomic" in nature and quality. But that Power which draws specific atoms to form molecules, cells, and physical structures into a living body, is yet to be located, and subject to analysis. Yet, it exists since we are here, using our bodies and very conscious in them of both feelings and thoughts.


At our present evolutionary stage, the astral form/entity is entirely interior to the physical. It forms the mold or framework on which the physical molecules, cells, and other physical structures form a coherent cooperative, in which an Intelligence (called the Human Personality) can reside. It is far more resistant to change than physical matter and serves as the continuing basis for our appearance, from childhood to old age.






There is an astral BRAIN which is the true center of Intelligence, and where memory is recorded. The physical Brain changes and alters from second to second, (as does the living matter of the whole body) and so, the Brain, is constantly renewed as it deteriorates and that which needs removal is replaced. It is the physical tool of the Astral, the True Brain.






In Man's form, a MIND (in addition to the feeling, sensitive Personality) also resides [SD II 167, 79-80, 254-5]. Man's form has associated with it, all the impulse of a well-developed instinctual and desire nature. The Mind in man is of the Spiritual essence that inheres in Him; it is THIS (the MONAD -- the HIGHER SELF) that broods over each of our personalities as we live our daily life. We can thus see that no matter how many fossils are discovered, the astral, the mental and the spiritual heredity and evolution cannot be deduced from them.


Because of this HPB, had to draw comparisons with the facts known to Occultism and those tentative theories and hypotheses that were being advanced byarchaeology, and the scientific theories on evolution and heredity that were current in her day – and which, as is usually the case, became accepted as "true" and as a "basis" on which to further pursue study and deposit fresh and additional facts as they were unearthed. [One ought to become familiar with the 3 books written by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompsonregarding FORBIDDEN ARCHAEOLOGY -- which uncover some of the data that archaeology has been concealed – if it did not fit those theories. This has retarded real progress.]


Since HPB's time, there have been some changes brought on by fresh discoveries and technical improvements, in the views and dating of modern Science, but the basic distinction between the physical and the astral, the physicaland the intellectual, and the physical and the Spiritual consciousness hasnever yet been derived from fossils. Nor have their evolution been tracedexcept hypothetically.


The general theories current when the S D was written over 120 years ago, are still in place, but thanks to dating techniques the antiquity of early times and geological ages have been extended and broadened. In the 2nd partof this essay we offer some data (in terms of times) for comparison on this.





During HPB's time another theory (besides Lyell's 'Gradualism') concerning evolution was also under consideration in France, based on the observationsand hypothesis of the eminent scientist Georges Cuvier (1769-1832).






Cuvier as a Zoologist and Chancellor of the University of Paris developed from his observations of fossils found in old geological strata the concept of "Catastrophism." Great global cataclysms were seen to substantially alter the progress of evolution from time to time. A perspective is needed

to view these.


Geologists have revealed many great catastrophic changes that have left their mark on global geology. For example: (These catastrophic time-frame estimates are made by modern Geology.)


Early CAMBRIAN Age (estimated at 570 million years ago). Unicellular forms seem suddenly to give way to multicellular ones showing mineralized skeletons -- trilobites, etc... The cause for this change is not known.


End of the ORDOVICIAN Period (estimated at 425 million years ago). The cause of a vast mass extinction that occurred then is yet to be determined. This was apparently accompanied by a long ice age.


Close of the DEVONIAN Age (estimated at 365 million years ago). Another mass extinction of species occurred -- cause yet to be determined.


The PALEOZOIC Era closed (estimated at 225 million years ago). A most violent mass extinction (including the ancient trilobites) occurred leaving onlyabout 5% of all species alive. It is theorized that the supercontinent "Pangea" -- "mother" of the present continents was then in place. Water levels diminished, and sea levels lowered dramatically Massive volcanic action seems to have taken place following that.


TRIASSIC Period ended (estimated at 190 million years ago). Another mass extinction of living species was observed. This may have been triggered it has been theorized, by the impact of large meteorite or a small comet in the area of Quebec's Lake Manicougan (60 mile wide crater). The subsequent ice age caused a massive die-off of living forms. It is theorized that the hypothetical link (Cotylosaurus) between the dinosaurs and the mammals and reptiles was destroyed at that time.


65 million years ago another comet/meteorite was also estimated to have collided with the Earth and the resulting devastation caused the death of mostof the Earth's species. This included the remaining dinosaurs and reptiles. A world wide layer of Iridium between 2 layers of limestone may

have been deposited, as Iridium, rare on Earth, is largely present in meteorites [1980, Alvarez]. Mammals survived and a new distribution of fauna bloomed after this.


35 million years ago saw possibly two impacts (one under the Chesapeake Bay, and another in Siberia) -- that triggered the death of most of the animalspecies of the Earth, as a great ice age ensued.  


This catalog causes one to observe that long periods of relative stability can be traced by geologists to be interrupted by violent events: floods orvolcanism. These upheavals alter the course of Life as a whole.


Archaeologists and Geologists wonder if a new era and change in quality of life is marked by the rapid development of new species. For example it is noticed that fossils indicate a rapid rise in the mammalian population of the Earth following the general demise of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. Later still, human fossils begin to be found in strata that seems tobe around 4 million years old.


In HPB's time a very grudging 40 to 100,000 years was allowed for the emergence of the human skeletal frame, presumably from that of the apes, which so closely resembled them.







Scientists of HPB's time like Mr. De Quatrefages and others, challenged this "descent from the Apes theory" because anatomically man's skeleton can be shown to precede that of the Apes. [ S D II 87fn, 287, 315fn, 665fn, 666-8, 677-8, 680-5]


To explain this: Man's skeletal form is far more primitive, and the skeletons of the Apes show specializations that could only be derived by environmental requirements placed on them. Whereas the human skeleton can be shownto remain unchanged in structure no matter how old the strata may be from which his fossils may be found. The antiquity of the strata shows no variation in man's skeleton. Further the special characteristics of various human skeletal features can be found today among us. We are also aware that today with our current highly technological civilization, there are savage tribes and races that still co-exist with us in South America, Australia, Africa, Polynesia, (not to mention the "inner-city" jungles that we have created in our large cities).


In HPB's time a very grudging 40 to 100,000 years was allowed for the emergence of the human skeletal frame, presumably from that of the apes, which so closely resembled them.


But the S D teaches that the Apes are the descendents of man and not his predecessor or progenitor. [ see SD, Vol. I 186, 190-1; II 87fn, 189, 193, 678, 689 ]


Another important factor is brain size: 





An additional factor is the size of the brain. It has to be noted that Man's cranial capacity, the average -- including those we term 'savages' -- is 100 cubic inches or more. This is about 3 times as large as the brain volume of the largest Ape, the Gorilla, which measures on the average, 31

cubic inches or less. [SD II 193fn, 661, 676, 682].










Included Geological Chronology -- Time Charts


Chronology of THEOSOPHY and Hindus




It is important as we said at the beginning of Part 1 to remember that the entire evolutionary cycle of the immortal monads we call “humanity” on our Earth is 3 fold:  

1. Spiritual (or MONADIC),  

2. Intellectual (Mind and Emotion conjoined), and,  

3. Physical form. [SD I 181].


In all cases the units are immortal MONADS. The study of evolution is the study of the progress of the Monads as each is assisting in the evolutionary development of others which are less progressed. In all cases, the wiserassist the rest, who have less experience, in theirs.






It is a vast living and progressive BROTHERHOOD. It is a vast cooperative.The first object of the TS is to demonstrate that. The SD was written with that purpose in mind, hence the HISTORY (SD I 267) of the past is opened to all of us as never before. The sweep of esoteric History shows us in retrospect where we have been and how we have participated in the maturation process that has produced our talents, character, and our personality in general; it now plays an important part in our motivation. But, as studentsof Theosophy we have to always remember that these are not the essential "US." We are the Spiritual MONAD, which is Atma-Buddhi-Manas. The "personality" is our vehicle, and our "pupil."


We ought to use the diagram that HPB gives us on p. 200 of SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. I frequently.


This "Part Two" deals mainly with the 3rd, 4th and 5th ROOT RACES of GLOBE "D" in the 4th ROUND. [ the Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan root Races through which we have passed, and are now passing, as immortal Egos. ]


If we wish to review the information given in the SECRET DOCTRINE concerning the land masses (continents) that were used (in this the 4th ROUND, GLOBE"D") by the early RACES, when we were incarnated in and used the type of bodies provided by those RACES, we could open the 2nd Vol. of the S D at p. 6 where a table of Continents is given:



TABLE OF CONTINENTS [ 4th Round, Globe "D" ] [S D II 6 – 9]



1. "The IMPERISHABLE SACRED LAND" lasts from one end to the other of the Manvantara. Presumably this is an area which is never destroyed by either floods or volcanism but is reserved for the use of the Wise, who alone know its present location.


2. "The HYPERBOREAN" -- 2nd Continent - extended its promontories south from the North Polar area. Apollo (the Sun, Hyperboreas) traveled there oncea year according to Greek tradition, and for that half year visit, the Sunnever set there.


3. "The LEMURIAN" -- 3rd Continent -- (the name was invented by P. L. Slater who between 1830-60 asserted its existence on zoological grounds). He contended (as does the Secret Doctrine) that it stretched, shaped like an enormous crescent from Greenland in the West through England, Europe and North Africa, then passed through Madagascar and Mauritius, through Ceylon andSumatra, then, including Australia, it crossed the Pacific, touched South America and California and ended in what we call north-east Asia after passing through the area we name the Bering Straits in the East.


4,242, 352 BC        


Extreme volcanism began the period of Lemurian destruction [SD II 266], andfinally its remnants were swept away in a vast flood around 4,242, 352 BC [SD I 439fn].


4. "ATLANTIS" -- 4th Continent. It included portions of the 2nd and the 3rd Continents, but was chiefly massed in what is now the Atlantic Ocean, permitting the passage over land from Europe to America. It had many important land masses associated with it, including north Africa and Egypt, as well as portions of Central Asia, and some remnants of Lemuria in the Indian and Pacific ocean areas [SD II 403, 327].


998,100 BC      


Atlantis began a cataclysmic sinking around 998,100 years BC [SD II 141], and its largest peninsula was submerged around 850,000 BC [SD II p. 10]. Posedonis, the last island (of which Plato wrote) sank in 9,566 BC [SD II155 406 444fn ISIS I 589-594, "Five Years of Theosophy," p. 99fn]. A number of archeologists and paleographers have remarked on the close similarity of monuments, zodiacal and astronomical records, and of script that is to be traced on opposite sides of the Atlantic--showing an ancient linkage there.


5. "AMERICA" -- is the 5th Continent. However, in old Sanskrit literatureit was located at "Patala" -- the "antipodes" to India It is the land massrelated to our Race, named the Noble (Aryan). Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor are parts of the 5 th continent; and, more recently, America has once more become more densely inhabited in the last 300 years. But, as we may see when we consult a map of our Earth, our land masses of today include portions of the older continents that have been heaved up out of the ocean.Submersion and upheaval are constantly going on.


It should be noted that the records of the SECRET DOCTRINE are not limited by (or to) the present geographical outlines of the configuration of our present continents.  


12,000 BC 


The last serious geographical and geological change occurred around 12,000 BC [SD II 8-9] and was followed by 


9,566 BC


the submergence of Posedonis (9,566 BC). Change in the elevation of the continents and islands is not always violent states the S D [SD II 787fn].






The SECRET DOCTRINE states that a complete record of all these many changes covering millions of years, have been maintained [SECRET DOCTRINE I xxiv-v, xxxii, xxxix, II 324-29 334-5].  


Ancient monuments were erected to show Astronomical time, and record the source of

measures as well as other facts that succeeding civilizations could use when the time came for their civilizations to emerge again [SD I 439fn II 346430 501 732].






It was in the 5th Sub-race of the 3rd Root Race (Lemurian) that mankind separated sexually [SD II 715fn] In the 6th and 7th Sub races Cities were built and the first seeds of civilization were scattered under the watchful eyes of the "Divine Instructors" [SD II 20-21,199, 220-1, 317-19, 366, 432, I xxxiv-v]. It was then that language and writing were developed [SD II 199-201, 346fn, 439-42, 729, I xxxii].





Our Earth is subject to 7 major periodical entire changes which occur as the RACES change on the GLOBE where they are evolving [SD II 329].


The RACES and their Continents are periodically destroyed alternately by fire (volcanoes and earthquakes) and water [floods] -- this is a doctrine as old as man [SD II 725].


Our continents, like Lemuria and Atlantis, have been several times submerged and then have reappeared so that they may bear their fresh crop of civilized groups of mankind [SD II 332]. AS an example the Egyptian Pyramids aresaid to have been three times submerged [SD I 313 424 617 II 351-2 462-575 749-50


Such re-emergence is accompanied by a cleansing process whereby the thick deposits that cover the land are disposed of and restore its fertility [SD II 325].







[ We give below a table of Geological Ages as they were estimated in HPB's time, and as they are estimated now. [SD II 710]






[ These dates are used by Scientific Geology

and are approximate estimates only. ]



Name of 1888 2000


================= ============== ====================


PRIMORDIAL . 321,000,000 years,

[SD II 711-2]



Laurentian . . . 1 billion years ?? (+/-)

Cambrian . . . 590,000,000 years

Ordovician . . . 505,000,000

Silurian . . . 438,000,000


PRIMARY . 150,000,000 years

[SD II 712]


Devonian . . . 408,000,000 years

Carboniferous . . 360,000,000

Permian . . . 280,000,000


SECONDARY 45,000,000

[SD II 713-14]




Triassic . . . 248,000,000

Jurassic . . . 213,000,000

Cretaceous . . . 144,000,000


TERTIARY 9,000,000

[SD II 714]




Paleocene . . . 65,000,000

Eocene . . . 55,000,000

Oligocene . . . 38,000,000

Miocene . . . 25,000,000

Pliocene . . . 5,000,000


QUATERNARY 1,600,000

[SD II 715]


Paleolithic . . .

Pleistocene . . . 2,000,000

Neolithic . . .

Holocene . . . 100,000

Historical . . . 10,000 (?)




[Origin and Evolution of Mammals considered  

S D II 724-738.]






[SD II 68-70]





Year Groups, Tribes Notes and References

>From To or Individual



Universal and World Periods SD II 68-70 ; OCEAN 125



311,040,000 000 000 years = Maha Kalpa, or Life of Brahma

( 100 of Brahma's years)

[311 trillion, 40 billion] SD II 70


3,110,400,000,000 years = 1 Year of Brahma SD II 70

[ 3 trillion, 110 billion ]


8,640,000,000 years = 1 Day + 1 Night of Brahma


4,320,000,000 years = 1 Kalpa = l Day of Brahma or

1,000 Maha-Yug as SD II 69

or 14 Manus SD II 59-60

see The Theosophist, Nov., 1885, p. 115-6;


1 Day of Brahma = 4,294,080,000 years 

= 994 Maha-Yugas or 14 Manus


add 25,920,000 years = 1 Sandhi (twilight)


4,320,000,000 years = 1 Kalpa 1 Day of Brahma

(4 billion, 320 million) SD II 69-70


1 Manvantara = 306,720,000 years = 71 Maha Yugas 

of4,320,000 years


add 1,728,000 years = 1 Sandhi SD II 69


308,448,000 years = 1 Manvantara SD II 69


4 Yugas [ The 4 "Ages" ] . SD II 69 ML p. 121; IS I 32


1,728,000 years = Krita (or Satya, or Golden Age-Yuga)


1,296,000 years = Treta (or Silver Age--Yuga )


864,000 years = Dwapara ( or Bronze Age--Yuga )


432,000 years - Kali ( or Black, Iron Age--Yuga )


4,320,000 years = 1 Maha Yuga - or 1/1000th of A Day of 


SD I 136 II 69 HPB Art. III 422; 

Lucif XIII, 183-4; ML 121    

ISIS I 14 32 293 301-4 428587 II 260




Solar or Heliacal Year 25,868 years SD I 314 Ocean 121

( 1 Sub-race ) SD I 439fn II 141fn 330fn 436fn


Metonic Cycle 6,586 days = cycle of eclipses ( or revolution

= 18 yrs. 11 1/2 day - the moon's node

[a cycle of 6,585 days (18.041 years)


Grand Cycles Orpheus: 120,000 years IS I 294fn

Cassandrus 136,000 years IS I 294 fn




Our Earth


1,955,884,687 years (in 1887) from the beginning of

"cosmic evolution" SD II 68fn

- 300,000,000 Years as a Sandhi (twilight)


1,664,884,687 years (in 1887) from the first

appearance of "Humanity" (on this planetary

chain) as a physical form SD II 68fn


Kali Yuga ours is the 28th age of the 7th Manvantara of

308,448,000 years ISIS I 32




B. C.


18,000,000 B C



18,618,727 Lighting up of Manas [ mind ] (as in 1887)

SD I 150fn; SD II 69 254-5



4,000,0000 B C



4,000,000 c. Engulfing of Lemuria (e.g.:--Easter Island)

4,242,352 SD I 439fn II 68-70 141

[4th Round, 4th Globe, 3rd"Race"]


Easter Island - evidence SD I 322 439 II 224 317


Atlantis [ Titans / Kabiri / Cyclops ]

[4th Round, 4th Globe, 4th "Race"]



1,000,000 B C



1,050,000 Beginning of the 5th "Race" SD II 141 144 435


Vedas SD I 269-71 II 483-4 450 606 616

T M 5-67 Glos 361 IS I 444 THY 2-468

Theos't I-247 Col. I TOP. WQJ ART II 82-3

Theos't 9-428


1,050,000 BC


Vedanta SD I 7 50-1 269 451 Glos 361 253

(Uttara Mimansa - Vyasa)

Theos't I-201 287 9-411 Lucif 6-119


Advaita (non-dualistic) SD I 8 55 522 II 637 GLOS 7

(Shankaracharya - founder) ML 53-4

Theos't 10-7 Glos 307

Dwaita (dualistic)


Manu Smriti (Code of Manu given Krita Yuga) IS I 585-6


1,000,000 Aryan Race began SD II 395 Theosophy 45, p. 219


Brahmin invasion of N. India Is II 156fn 169 158

Is II 323 192 SD I 209 II 565 Glos 222

Persians, Turanians, Goths, Slavs  

IS. I 569-576; II 426-433



c. 1,000,000 - 500,000 B C



998,100 Cataclysms: Atlantis begins sinking SD II 141

Is I 557 593 SD II 10 144 Glos 42-3


869,000 Dwapara Yuga Commence (since 1888) SD II 147

( Kali-Yuga began 3,102 BC )


850,000 Since submergence of last large peninsula of

the Great Atlantis SD II 10


850,000 Glacial Period est. by Stockwell & Croll SD II 141 144


800,000 Angkor Wat built (2nd most Occult Edifice) Glos 223

Is I 239 561-8271-2



500,000 - 250,000 B C



470,000 Babylon's astronomical observations go back to

this Nebo or Birs Nimrud,  

BCW 13-274 Isis I 533


450,000 Epoch of Ramayana (Brahmin estimate) C & J p. 73

Theos't Vol. 10-35 SD II 496 IS II 278 Glos 275


400,000 Egypt was settled by Atlanteans and the Eastern

AEtheopeans SD II 750



250,000 - 100,000 B C



250,000 + Last Glaciation of Europe Isis I 3


Pyramids were 3 times submerged SD I 313 424 617

S D II 462-6 575 435 749-50 351-3 462 351-2 93 276fn 429

GLOS 223 300; IS I 154 239 296-7 517-21 

THY Vol. 67-p.54


Sphinx (Harmachus) SD II 124 618 Glos 135-6 Is I 573


200,000 Chaldean Astronomical Observations extended back at

Alexander's invasion -- Berosus SD I xxvi


200,000 Stockwell & Croll est. of last Glaciation S D II 144



100,000 - 30,000 B C



78,000 + Denderah Zodiac [Egyptians brought Lanka--Menes ]

SD II 374fn 431-6 456 577 580; IS I 440-1


49,186 Egyptian Records go back to ( Diogenes Laertius )

by 8,863 yrs. in 323 BC IS I 33


34,300 Sumerian Tablet gives 32,234 yrs between Deluge

and last king of Isin c.200 BC Thy 16, p.195



30,000 - 10,000 B C



29,217 Alpha Polaris (Dhruva) (as Pole Star) (in 1888)

31,105 yrs ago Glos. 17


15,194 Zodiac Originated 1st degree of Aries ( Ram )


15,086 Vernal Equinox and 1st degree of Libra coincided

( 16,984 yrs ago in 1888 ) SD I 658


12,300 Vyasa - Uttara Mimansa & Vedanta taught Isis II 621

"Bhadarayana" SD I 50 269 451 Glos 361


11,100 Vega (Alpha Lyrae was Pole Star Thy 17-18



10,000 - 6,000 B C



9,566 Deluge of Deucalion. Last Island of Atlantis ML p. 155

submerged. Last war between the "Sons of God"

of the "White Island" and the last Atlantean sorcerers

ISIS I 589-594; 5 Yrs of Thy p. 99; SD II 406 444fn


9,500 Atlantis - Last Island sank “Timaeus"- Plato as narrated

by Priests of Sais to Solon TM 46-469


8,000 Hindu Initiates had same Secret Philosophy then

as now (estimate) SD II 406 IS II 535


8,000 Tchandalas (Semites) begin to emigrate India to Chaldea

SD II 200 Glos 323 165 IS I 135 551-2 578

Isis II 438-9 SD I 313fn


7,975 End of the last Sidereal Year Ocean 129 SD I 649-50

(9,868 yrs. before 1893) SD II 314 331 432 470


6,500 c Zarathustra (6,000 yrs. before Plato c 400 BC Glos. 384-5

IS I 19 II 141 SD I 464 II 323 Theos't I-13 Thy 14-97


Zoroaster was a Title - 24 Zoroasters. The last

was contemp. of Gautama Buddha. c. 600 BC ]



6,000 - 4,000 B C



6,000/5,000 Trojan War nearer 6,000 BC S D II 437fn

Thy 27-103 IS I 520 598 Glos 96

(Dardanus) SD II 101 236440


5,100 Neith (1st Dynasty) Lucif 2-465 SD I 399 Glos 77 227 234


4,100 c Manu-Vina (Menes) to Masra (Cairo) IS I 627 516

SD II 335 374 431-2 436 746; Thy 15, 317



4,000 - 3,000 B C



3750 Sargon I reigned (Prof. A.H.Sayce) SD II 691


3,700 Local Deluge in Middle East S D II 691


3,200 c Date assigned to last Veda Vyasa by

the Brahmins. [Vyasa is a title.] Glos 362


3,102 Kali Yuga began Feb. 16, AM: 2 Hrs, 27 Min, 30 Sec.

[the only precise time given] SD I 662 SD II 147 fn


3,102 Krishna's death (18 Feb. 3,102 BC) Glos 170 387

[ midnight 17/18 ] Thy. I-p.374; IV-p. 37


3,102 Hindu Zodiac Begins at sunrise Feb 18th SD I 662

( origin of present Hindu era: "Vikram Samvat"

and Zodiac, Tiravalour, So. India )


3,100 c Vikramaditya at Ujjain ("Vikram Samvat") SD I 662

[ begins at Sunrise, February 18th 3,102 B C ]


3,100 c Fu - H'si ( Krishna of China ) Thy 14- 308


Po - H'si ( 1st Ruler of China) Thy 14- 1


3,100 c Arjuna to Patala ( marries Ulupi ) SD II 214fn

[ Orphean Mysteries ] Glos 29

("Patala" = Mexico ) Thy 15, 546 IS II 561fn


3,100 c Orpheus identified w. Arjuna Thy 27, 148 Glos 242

(On travel to Patala, stops in Greece)

HPB ART III 138 IS I 532 II 129 550

SD I 207 267fn 529 784 Lucif 16-273

Theos't 5-20 Col 2 Bot,

"Mysteries of Orpheus" established.



3,000 - 2,000 B C



3,000 c Gilgamesh epic "Flood" of Jewish Bible Thy 16, 307


2,875 c Akkadians (Semites) Sumer Sargon IS I 576-78


2,800 c Yi-King (Chinese Kabala --Akkadians) Thy 25-444


2,700 Hwang-Ti 3rd after Po-H'si Thy 15-19 Thy 14-310


Babylon & Assyria Glos 47 37 IS I 567 ML 152

THY16-194 307


2,253 Chaldean Astronom. Observations for the past 1903 years

Calliosthenes to Aristotle (c 350 BC) IS I 21


Kasidim Glos 75 81 39 196 IS I xxviii 534 459 567

HPB Art III 134 ML 152 CWB 5-13 326-8 SD II 620


2,200 c Shu-King and Shi-King (China) Thy 14-310 IS I 11


Hammurabi (Code) Babylon Thy 16-196


2,000 c Sumeria old texts interlinear Semitic Thy 16-194

translations Thy 21-414



2,000 - 1,000 B C



1,925 c Hittites capture Babylon IS I 567-8


1,850 c Chung-Ki (China ) Thy 14-34


1,700 c Knossos (Crete) at its height IS I 264 545

[ c 3,000 BC - 1,400 BC ]


1,628 c Thera (Santorini) Volcano Erupts (Tree Ring Dating)

[ L A Times, Aug 29 1996 ]

[ End of Minoan Civilization, and tidalwaves

overwhelm coasts of Eastern Mediterranean.]


Chronology interrupted at this point.  









In The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, p. 179 Mme. Blavatsky refers to certain dates which She calls the "birthdays of the Dhyanis."  


The reference to the "Birthdays of the Dhyanis" is on p. 179 of SD II, andon S D I, p. 470 , we have a reference to the mysterious "birthday of theWorld," which later on, in one of her articles HPB, identifies with the 4th of January, 14 days after the Winter equinox--the "birthday" of the Sun. (HPB Articles II 502.)  


Midnight between February 17th and 18th is said by HPB to mark the commencement of the Kali Yuga, in the year 3,102 B.C. (SD II 435), and earlier in the book she identified this date right down to the second (SD I 662). It is the one date which could probably serve as a basis for true astrological calculations in this the Kali Yuga age. Many of the dates and astrologicalobservations used and preserved by the Hindu Brahmins may belong to that earlier era. [ see SD II 47-49 ]


HPB states in the Secret Doctrine that the Sun in its vast orbit is dragging the whole system, our Earth included, into new and different spatial conditions, where there are changes in the properties and nature of the material elements. One might suppose that only the Mahatmas, w ho are fully "awake" know and perceive those differences. Does this foreshadow a change? Isshe warning us that the records of the past may not always give us the exact conditions physically that we are now experiencing or are going to experience ?


Astrology is very interesting to those who wish to peer, however dimly, into the future of this incarnation, whether theirs, or that of others now alive. This does not seem to have as much value, as the search for meaning and understanding in the philosophical and the moral tenets offered to us. It is quite possible that some of the Brahmins are in possession of those corrections, and use them in their calculations, and of course make them available annually through their almanacs (panchangams). Those who are wise, use such references when initiating a new activity. In 1909 the ULT was started on the 18th of February. The T S was inaugurated on November 17th in 1875.


One may wonder if under Karma, this is the reason why the ancient librariesof Babylon, Egypt, etc. have been "destroyed" insofar as the general public and scholars are concerned, (or the important MSS withdrawn), so that anyconfusion of times and dates would be removed from the prying eyes and thefevered imagination of those who would profit and mislead people if they used those figures.  


In Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine HPB has given hints from history on the antiquity of the records seen by historians in Egypt (Herodotus, Josephus), and in Babylon and Ur (Aristotle, Berosus). These go back almost 50-200,000 years or more. Those dates are still held to be incredible by modern archaeologists and paleontologists. Herodotus was dubbed (until recently) "The Father of Lies." Aristotle (Alexander's tutor, who accompanied him on his march of conquest to the East) held discussions with Berosus in Babylon and Chaldea -- but, those are not given much publicity.


[ see Secret Doctrine, Vol. II pp. 68-70 for a chronological table. ]






The Dhyanis, the Wise, the "Great Souls," are the Rishis and the Mahatmas, of antiquity, and of the present. Being immortals They cannot have a "birthday" in the ordinary sense, since it is posited that all beings, in their essence, and we, ourselves, as immortals, are faced with the same quandary.Do we have a birthday? The answer is both "yes," and "no."  


"Yes," for this period of manifestation on our Earth.  


"No," for the "Eternal Pilgrim" that we are essentially. (SD I 175 268, and 570-575; II 79-80 93-4 103 109-10 167.) It could be surmised that the "Ray of the One Spirit" which is the human MONAD (Atma-Buddhi) would have itsspecial "birthday" in the sequence of Cosmic development in the dim and formative past of the earlier Rounds.


So, neither They--who are alive, nor we, can have a "birthday" in the eternal sense--only in the temporal sense when a "personality" is used for expression on this material plane, and, as a gift of service to those who need that help. Our Karma is focused in every such event.


In the Ocean of Theosophy, p. 131, Mr. Judge defines the use of the word Dhyanis (also spelled Dzyanis, Gnyanis, Gnanis, etc.) calling them "creators,guides, Great Spirits."  


One may surmise that these special days, "birthdays," "festivals," etc...are used by the wise at the junction of specific solar and lunar (perhaps also planetary) cycles for the edification (and the reinforcing) in the masses of their sensitivity to reverberations of ancient and innate truths. Perhaps as a result of their attending such ceremonies (those conducted by the Mahatmas who were those actual historical personages !) -- the minds and hearts of the masses being touched by that influence, if ready, may then inpart, awake from their lethargy, and start seeking for the "Wisdom."  


[ Mr. Judge's narrated an interesting anecdote to J. Niemand for the book "In a Borrowed Body" -- It is about the consecration of the great temple inancient Conjeevaram (Kanchipuram) in South India, about 50 miles from Madras (WQJ Letters, p. 256). [see also Theos. Movement, Vol. 45, p. 121-2, Echoes, p. 31-2.] In Theos. Mvt., Vol. 11, pp 4-5 the names of the Holy Cities for pilgrimage in India are given; also Theos. Mvt., Vol. 7, pp. 98; Vol. 9, pp. 69, 110 makes reference to these.






Several days in each year mark the cyclic return of the impressions of those early beginnings in this Manvantara.  


The 17th of November, midnight between the 18th and 19th of February, and HPB states that these, and the 7th day of March are three of the "birthdays" of the Dhyanis.  


In this connection, we may recall the verse in Voice, p. 72, "Know if Amitabha, the "Boundless Age," thou would'st become co-worker, then must thou shed the light acquired, like to the Bodhisattvas twain, upon the span of all three worlds."  


Does this statement give a clue as to why the three "birthdays" are referred to: these may be those of "Amitabha, and the two "Bodhisattvas."  


It is said that two of the Masters saw that it was possible to make an effort to re-establish the Theosophical Movement in the world. We are indebtedto them and to HPB who agreed to act as their "Messenger." They also refer to their superior, the Maha-Chohan before whom they stand in awe and to whose wishes they accede. Before him, they say in one place, the "book of Karma" stands open.” [LETTERS FROM THE MASTERS OF WISDOM,1st Series, 1919 – p. 47.]


Perhaps the dates of other "birthdays," which may be scattered through the rest of the months of the year, relate to those Dhyanis who are the Regentsof, and directors of other great and Universal Principles. It may be useful to consider that in us our three-fold spiritual nature consists of Mind (manas--the power to think), Wisdom (Buddhi--accumulated experience), and Spirit (Atman--the “ray” of the ONE TRUTH -- of the SPIRITUAL SELF of UNIVERSAL PERCEPTION). These form the Spiritual Man, the "Three-in-One" the "Triune Monad." It is reasonable to conclude that the three Dhyanis whose birthdays we are given, represent the "regents" of those faculties on the spiritual planes of Universal as well as that of mundial being.


We may also consider our own birthday: is it only a date of birth for the present body, then, what about another for the birth of the astral body, the mind, and another for the initiation of the Lower Manas of the personality into the knowledge and wisdom of the individuality its symbiotic "Father?" [ see Transactions pp. 66-76 ] The "birthday" usually is a memory date for the cycle that we (the MONAD) initiated in this present incarnation in this particular (physical) body when we emerged from our Mother's womb. The other birthdays (such as the date of conception, spiritual, mental and physical) are secret ones, and known only to our Higher Self, the Real MONADIC Ego within.






But it is said that all humans belong (in essential consciousness) to one or another of the seven great "Rays" (corresponding to the universal and human "principles") which constitute differentiations within the great MonadicHost. [S D I 570-575]  


Which of these seven do we belong to as a MONAD, (Higher Self) and is this not a matter for self-discovery ? But, looking back, each division of thisseptenary "Host" must have had each their "birthday" in this sphere of manifestation as a "Host." That is still another cyclic beginning, most difficult to define.  


Since the Dhyanis (see Transaction, p. 23-24) have as their responsibility of guiding under Law, the forces that shape evolution in this World, their first appearance at the beginning of a new Manvantara, as a center of Energy and Force on the spiritual Globes and at a definite time in the earlier "Rounds," would have a specific time set for each by the great Cycle of Necessity (KARMA), that has caused the beginning of the whole period and assembled every one of the many "aggregates" or "skandhas" -- with which we are involved.  


Every one of us, as Monads, belong to the entourage of one or another, or some combination, of these Great Beings who guide the World in its progress.And this is not to establish any exclusivity, since we are also within the area of influence of all th e other Great Beings and of the Seven, whether in or out of manifestation, but some one pair of these are our "parents" spiritually. [ see SD I 325-358 ]


Symbolically these Seven Great Beings have been represented as "rays" from the Central Spiritual Sun, [ Sri Krishna personifies This, when he states in the Bhagavad Gita: "I am the EGO seated in the Heart of all beings." p. 73 ], which gives light and life to the Universe, as well as to all individual parts of it.  


It is reasonable to suppose that the Adepts know these events as facts, andin their writings we find evidence that certain dates are respected by them for this reason. This memory is kept alive by Them for the benefit of the masses, and it seems reasonable, as They indicate in their letters to Mr.Sinnett, that because of necessity, they participate in such ceremonies. At such times, Their presence serves to reinforce the original impulse, andcause among the "masses" some to awaken when the brain-mind realizes that a "Path" to perfection exists for it. 






The Secret Doctrine states a specific vibration or resonance is set up when Manvantara begins, in the world of effects called the material (HPB Articles II, p. 297, 417). This may serve to pierce through the veil of the materialism of the embodied, lower, the kama-manasic brain-mind, to give access to the thought realm of analogy and correspondence which alone providesentrance to the immovable, central field of force which is the MONADIC core (Atma-Buddhi)in ourselves, and which every "Pilgrim," as an eternal, but presently "manifested being," whether atom, man or star shares in. It is the concept of universality on the Spiritual plane carried to its logical conclusion on our physical plane.


It would be futile for us, without direct reference to Them, to determine which calendar they use or refer to. No doubt, in the Senzar these cycles are recorded quite differently, as to base, from ours. And in the ancient systems of calendar dating and recording: Hindu, Chinese, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, Mayan, Jewish, etc... we see the remnants of those ancient systems--and, whatever the form, the mathematical base could be a universal one.  






In publishing The Secret Doctrine, HPB corrects the date used by the "Arya Magazine," and, she gives on SD II p.68 the occult date for the beginning of cosmic evolution up to the year 1887.  


This is 1,995,884,687 years. On page 69 she indicates that the beginning of the human period, the Vaivasvata Manvantara up to 1887 is 18,618,728 years. This is when Manas was "lit up" in mankind.  


On SD II p. 70, she indicates that a Kalpa (a "day" of Brahma) is a period of 4 billion, 320 million years (4,320,000,000). This was also made clear earlier in the pages of The Theosophist. The Maha-Kalpa or "Life of Brahma" is said to be 311 Trillion, 40 billion years (311,040,000,000,000). [All these factors seem to be based on the 60 x 60 = 3,600 cycle -- see IsisI, p. 30 fn.] 


The events They recorded and the "creations" initiated by the Great Dhyanis, for which the Adepts hold a veneration, are apparently those which continue to focus certain occult and potent forces in the world and on mankind. We are not aware of these, and we have not developed the means of gauging them yet.


The Dhyanis, the Adepts, the Mahatmas, with their far ranging wisdom have recognized this, and for those reasons they caused HPB to record those datesfor us, to learn to use, if we can grasp their significance. Our age of materialism may have prevented us (so far) from sensing those subtle influences around us. If we are wise, we will seek to open our consciousness to the spiritual afflatus that permeates the world, the UNIVERSE, and which envelops us all. 


At the time of HPB's writing, knowledge about the Tibetan calendars and therecords of India and China was limited. More material has been brought tolight since then, but if interpreted now they need an HPB, a WQJ or a Damodar to secure accuracy within the framework of the Perennial Philosophy.


On S D II p. 78-80, HPB refers to the spiritual Agnishwatta Pitris [also named the Solar Pitris] who are devoid of the grosser creative fire, and are unable to create physical man because they have no double (astral), and areformless. This function was the natural duty of another host of beings.





HPB indicates that two central connecting principles of Manas and Kama are needed to cement the spiritual principles to the Bharishad Pitris [also called the Lunar Pitris] who had the creative fire [from the previous Manvantara] but were devoid of the higher Mahat-mic element, being "on the level" of the precursors of the personality ( Skandhas ? ), and the Kamic elements.[ see SD II 79-80, 109-10, 167, 255fn, 241, 318fn, 483-4, 584, I 288fn, 334.]


HPB adds, in symbolic language, the explanation that the "Spiritual Fire" is in the possession of the Triangles and not the (perfect) Cubes, which symbolize the "Angelic Beings."  


In the Voice of the Silence, p. 19, there might be a hint: "...the light from the One Master, the one unfading golden light of Spirit, shoots its effulgent beams on the disciple from the very first. Its rays thread through the thick dark clouds of matter…" 


There is the danger of materializing concepts if one attempts to compare and make direct connections between symbolic phrases and anyone's personal guesses as to the 7 principles of man (given, let us say, in the KEY) [see Commander Bowen's report on his conversations with HPB, p. 7-9, 10-11, pamphlet " Mme. Blavatsky on How to Study Theosophy."]


Each Manvantara is the "child" -- or reincarnation of the previous one. There is no "creation" out of "nothing." Always reincarnation, rebirth and reformation. When Manvantara, or manifestation re-begins, the elements thatwere arrested and stored, for the future, begin to awaken and take root inthe several planes under development, where the aggregation of skandhas provided by the past Manvantara, are brought progressively into activity (over several Rounds) to form the basis for the present "evolution" using physical matter. This provides, as a preliminary, the astral, vital, emotional (Kamic), lower Manasic, and physical basis for the eternal MONAD to live and develop in those "aggregates" an independent, but cooperative self-consciousness, wrapped in the life-principle (prana).


By analogy, in reincarnation, the assembly of the old skandhas at the focusfor the rebirth of the Ego , which physically would be in the mother's womb, provides the old material in a new combination of form for that intelligence to enter and thereafter to reside in. If we then look at the development of intelligence in a child body in its early years, one may see perhaps, a recapitulation of this series of "incarnations" or, aggregations of various forces represented poetically by the "ages of man."  


As the personal vehicle achieves greater stability, the incarnation of "higher" principles becomes progressively possible.  


HPB says that the "central two principles" represented by Kama and the Lower Manas are those that "cement" the higher principles, the cubes to the earthly principles, the triangles; and the physical body as a fourth--which is needed for the reflection of the spiritual element to become active on this plane. The higher aspects of the astral are able to project such "privative limits" as to enable the spiritual atoms to inform their respective molecules and cells, and other structures are aggregated within limits set by the developing model for the divine astral. [ SD II 79-80 ]


This complexity benefits the developing intelligence of the evolving "little-lives." They, are like developing "children" in terms of consciousness and experience. If, through direct experience with more advanced Egos they can acquire a progressive independence of their own, they will take on someof the attributes, good or bad, of that "parent," (ourselves as the more advanced Ego), who is entrusted at present with their use and guidance. Then, one may surmise, the "seeds" of the higher principles, may begin to finda dwelling place, or, possibly a reflecting place in them. Reflecting, asthe "material side" becomes by purification able to "reflect" something ofthe spiritual. That purification is achieved by living a conscious life of harmony with all other beings and with the Law of Karma.


It is in this sense that "we" sacrifice our condition as "returning Nirvanees," who are wise, etc., by informing the aggregations, or "bundles," "skandhas," we call our personalities. Someone has to serve as the coordinator.The "returning Nirvanee," plays the part of a tutor, an advisor and has no enforcement powers over the "pupil." Eventually the "pupil," as it evolves, takes its self-development into its own hands and decides the directionand rate of progress it will maintain.


The "perfect Cubes" might represent the Tetraktis or the 4-fold [Atma-Buddhi-2 Manases] "four-square," as Pythagoras might call it [Isis II 410], andthe "Triangles," the lower principles, to which should be added the physical body. [The Diagram on SD I p. 200 shows this.] There is an interestingreference on SD II 592-3 which shows how the interlaced triangles yield the 4 or perfect square. Such are the wonderful powers of universal symbology and correspondence. 


HPB adds that this produces the independence (or a "rebellious" condition) in the "saviors" [the Promethean] of man, raising him out of a state of "inane beatitude" into one of intelligent mental perception and of emotional demand and response on this plane, that reflects their nature. These spiritual beings, HPB says, are those who were destined to incarnate as Egos [Higher Manas-Antaskarana-Lower Manas-Kama] (see Divine Rebels: SD I 418 195, II 489, 380 94 243-6 103 247fn. ) In Hindu mythology, the stories that are connected with Narada--the Rishi closely connected with karmic change--who seems to throw confusion by his unwelcome appearance in some well settled situations, may resemble this process.


The teachings about the Antaskarana is one of the keys. It represents, theaspiring aspect of the lower Manas, raised in understanding towards the virtuous and eternal life of its "Parent" the Higher Manas. It makes of the embodied, Lower Manas, a dual principle, since on one side it is closely allied to kama and on the other, it reaches towards Higher Manas, the true Human Ego. When the Lower Manas and Kama are entirely purified (our lives, considered as a Pilgrimage are illustrative of this process) then the Antaskarana is "destroyed" as no longer needed. The separation of kama-Manas ceases as it has transmuted itself into Buddhi-Manas. Those elements of "separation"--the lower principles purified, now coincide with the elements of the "Heavenly Man"--the perfect Cube consisting of the deathless memories ofits many incarnations and experience therein; and its deathless principles in close unity with the Higher Self.


In the Voice of the Silence, p. 21, it is said: "Thyself and mind, like twins upon a line, the star which is thy goal burns overhead. The three thatdwell in glory and in bliss ineffable, now in the world of Maya have lost their names. They have become one star, the fire that burns, but scorches not, that fire which is the Upadhi of the Flame." That is suggestive of what is said here.


At the bottom of SD II p. 79, the "returning Nirvanees from earlier Manvantaras" are spoken of, and it is hinted, that our Egos may be some of such "returning Nirvanees." Again, in the Voice, p. 73, the statement: "Know thatthe stream of superhuman knowledge and the Deva-Wisdom thou hast won, must, from thyself, the channel of Alaya, be poured forth into another bed."  


And, VOICE, p. 36: "To reach Nirvana's bliss, but to renounce it, is the supreme, the final step--the highest on Renunciation's Path."   


VOICE, p. 54, also offers: "Of Teachers there are many; the Master Soul is one, Alaya, the Universal Soul. Live in that Master as Its ray in thee. Live in thy fellows as they live in It."  


And on p. 63: "All is impermanent in man except the pure bright essence ofAlaya. Man is its crystal ray; a beam of light immaculate within, a formof clay material upon the lower surface. That beam is thy life-guide and thy true Self, the Watcher and the silent Thinker, the victim of thy lower Self. Thy Soul cannot be hurt but through thy erring body; control and master both, and thou art safe when crossing to the nearing "Gate of Balance." ]   


TRANSACTIONS, p. 28, top has some suggestive statements, and on p. 23-4 in that book, HPB, gives the line of "descent" of the Spiritual Beings into matter, and the change in designations that is used to denote this, as the Manvantara proceeds through several "Rounds," from tenuous, spiritual planes to more material ones.






Modern translators of Oriental texts rely heavily on new interpretations bycurrent scholars, some of whom have emigrated from those remote countries.Why have they not also given attention to what HPB has to say and teach ?We are not going to find the academics are any more anxious today to consider or prove the accuracy of the Adept records than they were 120 years ago. Witness, for instance the controversy currently raging between Geologists and Egyptologists over the data that deals with the weathering of the Sphinx by water, not wind-blown dry sand, but rain water around 13,000 or more years ago. The whole weather system of our Earth must have been quite different then. 


The Secret Doctrine is written in English for world use. It almost seems awaste of time and energy to try, with the prejudiced opinions of modern orientalists, to review the statements made in The Secret Doctrine. It seemsalso a waste of our energy to try to adjust some unproven source with whatis placed in plain English for us to use by the Adepts.  


Surely the Masters, and HPB were aware of the attempts at confusion that could arise. The Adept proofs are innate to the teachings and do not depend on "academic" theories that are now called "scholarship" by those who are working backwards.  


The Theosophical Adepts were living "Witnesses on the Scene," and Their records are records of observation and not of backward calculations based on the scanty observations of the present.

[S D II 423] 


Further, many of the dimensions that Theosophy considers to be more vital than the physical are disregarded by academics. Those proofs lie in the dimensions of morals, and the eternal process of ever-becoming. That perception is almost entirely lacking in the academic attitude towards the records of the Adepts. They cannot see the need and value of ethics as an application of facts and laws, to active Wisdom. This is what Theosophy offers to all of us.  


Without Karma and Reincarnation, the concept of the Unity and the cooperation of life are mental cul-de-sacs. And what is more, the purpose of our existence, of any goal or of possible "perfection" is lost.


Why would one become doubtful of the Masters and HPB? Has not their philosophy been shown to be coherent ? Are contemporary views destroying it ? The modern method is to analyze, to try to devise by theory and hypothesis "Universals" from "very scattered particulars."  


Instead of reversing the process, and basing himself on the Universals, the"modern scholar" uses his own limited lower manas to try to review, reviseand criticize the observations of living Adepts, who in ancient times sawwhat happened. It is only natural that there will be differences when these partial and experimental hypotheses are compared with the information provided by the Adepts. Do we have the knowledge and the ability to make clear distinctions in these matters? Is it significant in regard to the ethical and moral molding of our lives?  


These questions are not raised so as to refute polemically the questions asked, but to give a greater depth of perspective to the problem. The materialists do not consider the total aims and objectives of evolution nor do they realize the potential of the perpetual motion and the intelligence resident in every atom. And the atom is made of force-fields, not substance. (That is, unless one is willing to equate force-fields with substance, and qualify it with unitary intelligence and, this “unit of sub-units,” with a large latitude in degree of freedom of choice.)


What kind of a yard-stick are we to use to determine the veracity and the accuracy of such matters? This question is offered to demonstrate that the overall value of the philosophy as a whole should be used as the gauge to settle divergence of opinion.  


This is the dimension that modern scholarship lacks -- they do not view thereincarnating Ego, and the goal of refining every last atom of "matter," and freeing it to become a "god" in its own right with self-consciousness asits manifest destiny. This is why the touchstone of HPB's 4 golden links in the chain: “Universal Unity and Causation, Human Solidarity, Karma and Reincarnation,” [ Key, p. 231 ] are so important in their use as tools for our minds to grasp individual statements made in our texts and correlate them elsewhere.




Hitherto comparatively little attention seems to have been paid to these dates as given relative to these cycles. Individuals may have tried to determine their significance, and mathematical use.  


What is the ethical and moral use ?


For instance there is a threefold festival celebrated in the Buddhist World, when, on the same full-moon day (around May) the Great Buddha, Gautama Siddartha, called the Sakyamuni, was said to have been born, to have attainedenlightenment, and when, at the end of 80 years of labor he put off the body. The date is movable, as we see it occurring, as it is regulated by theMoon. So is Easter, so is the Muslim Ramadan. It changes from year to year by our calendar, following the Moon (not the Sun) but it is fixed by theold calendars used by the Buddhists in their religious and secular systems. This following of old "moon" has some great hidden significance. If, asHPB says, the "moon" will disappear in the future, then what will be the mental and emotional condition of mankind as a whole by that time ?






The calendar and era of the Jews, which is close to 6,000 years old, may have originated when one of the waves of their emigration from India began, some 7,000 B. C. This chronology whereon they base their calendar is different from the presently used Samvat of the Hindu Panchangams. [ Annually a Panchangam, or horological calendar based on ancient Hindu astronomical calculations, giving many celestial events, is still published in India (see SD II 47 et seq .) ] The South Indian one is considered particularly valuable and practical. It contains dates and times for lunar, solar, and planetary events, the return or position of known comets, the zodiacal relationship of our earth and the sun, etc...  


The Samvat, or commencement of the present Hindu era, is based on the old calculations codified and brought up to date in Central India during the reign of the Adept King Vikramaditya of Ujjain. This has been kept up-to-datethereafter by and in those Brahmin families who are responsible for the preservative features of this work.  


Chinese and Tibetan calendars differ in era from these, and the Buddhist calendar is one which closely agrees with the Hindu and the Jain. This was adopted by the early Sangha, the Buddhist fellowship of monks, in making itsrecords.  


The Jains, one of the oldest of the Hindus, [Ujjain was their ancient capital, destroyed long after Vikramaditya, around the 12th-14th century by Mogul invasions] maintain the chronology entrusted to them. Many of the old Jain families retreated West and North after the fall of Ujjain to the peninsula of Kathiawar, and to the desert fastnesses north of that in Gujerat, and Rajestan on the borders of the Thar desert. They harmonize with the Hindu environment of the present but their roots antedate both the Vedic and the Aryan Brahmanical lore, said to be close to 1,000,000 years old. They had a still more ancient and very secret calendar which is said to be severalmillion years old. It was used in the astronomical calculation in Rajestan, where they lived undisturbed and where a line of ancient Hindu KshatriyaKings (the "Raj-Rishis") retained their independence up till modern times.It was from these that the era of the present Hindu Calendar beginning inthe reign of King Vikramaditya springs.  


In South India, the Dravidians live. They are the remnants of the ancient pre-Vedic inhabitants of India. They made peace with the Aryan invaders, and to some extent a mutual assimilation was affected, and certain Brahmin families are today holders of the ancient line of records, and are the modern heirs of that ancient lore. Some of those families have retained their ancient oral traditions, passing them from father to son, secretly and in code. These are not entirely lost, but it would take an Indian brahmin of some great stature to educe from them those ancient secrets. [ see SD II 47-49 ]






HPB writes of the secret code long preserved in sound, words, syllables, rhythms and measures in SD I xxi, 270-1. Many years ago a ULT student of brahmin descent who had the entree to certain brahmin societies was allowed tomake a "tape recording" which offers an example of the kind of vibrationalencoding employed by the ancient Brahmins for the oral transmission of their wisdom and sciences. This encoding requires special keys to make any sense of it as it is a series of sounds and rhythms. A further code that enables the sounds to be translated into current speech is needed, and this isnot revealed on this tape. One must realized that every one of the sacredtexts of ancient India is an enormous repository -- a secret Encyclopediaof information, and it would takes days, weeks, months to fully prepare anoral decoding of any one text.


On this tape one may hear, at first, the usual method of the public chanting of a verse from the Atharva Veda in ancient Sanskrit.


This is followed by the chanting of a single line from that Sanskrit verse--and one hears an extended version of the words used in terms of several permutations of sound and meter rhythms that are used at this second level. This takes several minutes to expound.  


The next section of the tape focuses on the first word of the original Sanskrit verse. Again the process of chanting offers (as sound) the verbal extension used; and it is chanted using a series of particular sound patterns, intonations and rhythms over several minutes.


The fourth decoding takes for analysis or reproduction the first syllable of that original first word -- and again it is astonishing to hear the variations of sound, pitch, vibration and rhythm imposed on that single syllablewhen this is chanted and decoded.  


And this is taught over many years to the several children of those Brahminfamilies in the old way, "mouth to ear," until it is PERFECT -- and they are trained to correct each other so that the original intonations are retained. It is also said that there are included certain cross-checks which enable the masters of this craft to restore accuracy, as any errors that might have been made by any one of the student transmitters shows up as a variant at such a key point. This permits the master to review and find the exact point at which the change occurred and then re-train the pupils to the needed accuracy.  


Thus the oral transmission of the Vedic texts and their commentaries continues down the ages from past to present, and presumably will continue into the future.






The last well known King Adept of Rajestan (Rajah Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur) lived in the age of Akbar, a wise Mogul Emperor (called by HPB an "Adept") of the 16th-17th century. It was Akbar's life endeavor to learn about and reconcile all religions ( see his "Din I Illahee --"The Day of Illumination"). In this he was opposed by his horrified, orthodox Muslim ministers, but he was partly assisted by his friend, the independent Rajestani Raja: Sawai Jai Singh, whose capital, Jaipur, was a few hundred miles South-East of Mogul Delhi.  


Raja Jai Singh was a wise astronomer and a student of the influences of the"stars." Apparently he was one of the last historical Rajput kings to bring astrology up to date and to employ it. The Mogul emperor Akbar, gave him the title "Sawai," meaning that he was the man who stood above all the rest in learning. His observatories in Jaipur, Udaipur, Ajmer and Delhi are still usable today. The Delhi observatory was built under his instructionsso that the astronomers of the Mogul Emperor could use it.  


The observatories at Ujjain, are now in ruins, and although some attempts have been made to have them partly restored, are virtually unusable, although their original plans are still said to be kept secretly. In south India,the Brahmins of the Dravidian communities who are some of the oldest in India, have their own records and observatories in Kanchipuram, Tanjavur, Chidambaran, Kumbakonam, Salem, Tirupattur, Tiruvanamalai, Madurai, Sri Rangamand elsewhere. Astronomical and other data are constantly being added as the old calculations and observations are kept up to date by certain brahmin families who have chosen to serve as the preservers of this ancient lore.  


See for instance the following from the SECRET DOCTRINE :



Two Antediluvian Astronomers.


The SECRET DOCTRINE offers the following evidence:

“To the mind of the Eastern student of Occultism, two figures are indissolubly connected with mystic astronomy, chronology, and their cycles.Two grand and mysterious figures, towering like two giants in the Archaic Past, emerge before him, whenever he has to refer to Yugas and Kalpas. When, at what period of pre-history they lived, none save a few men in the world know, or ever can know with that certainty which is required by exact chronology. It may have been 100,000 years ago, it may have been 1,000,000, for all that the outside world will ever know. The mystic West and Freemasonry talk loudly of Enoch and Hermes. The mystic East speaks of NARADA, the old Vedic Rishi, and of ASURAMAYA, the Atlantean. … 


Narada] … is referred to by the honourable title of Deva Rishi (divine Rishi, more than a demi-god) …Narada is here, there, and everywhere; and yet, none of the Puranas gives the true characteristics of this great enemy of physical procreation. Whatever those characteristics may be in Hindu Esotericism, Narada — who is called in Cis-Himalayan Occultism Pesh-Hun, the "Messenger," or the Greek Angelos — is the sole confidant and the executor of the universal decrees of Karma and Adi-Budh: akind of active and ever incarnating logos, who leads and guides human affairs from the beginning to the end of the Kalpa. [see S D I 207-210]. "Pesh-Hun" is a general not a special Hindu possession. 


He is the mysterious guiding intelligent power, which gives the impulse to,and regulates the impetus of cycles, Kalpas and universal events. He is Karma's visible adjuster on a general scale; the inspirer and the leader of the greatest heroes of this Manvantara. … Nor is it through any ambitious or selfish motive; but, verily, to serve and guide universal progressand evolution. … It is he who has charge of our progress and national weal or woe. It is he who brings on wars and puts an end to them. 


In the old Stanzas Pesh-Hun is credited with having calculated and recordedall the astronomical and cosmic cycles to come, and with having taught theScience to the first gazers at the starry vault. 


And it is Asuramaya, who is said to have based all his astronomical works upon those records, to have determined the duration of all the past geological and cosmical periods, and the length of the all the cycles to come, tillthe end of this life-cycle, or the end of the seventh Race. 


There is a work among the Secret Books, called the "Mirror of Futurity," wherein all the Kalpas within Kalpas and cycles within the bosom of Sesha, orinfinite Time, are recorded. This work is ascribed to Pesh-Hun Narada. 


There is another old work which is attributed to various Atlanteans. It is these two Records which furnish us with the figures of our cycles, and the possibility of calculating the date of cycles to come…


The chronology and computations of the Brahmin Initiates are based upon theZodiacal records of India, and the works of the above-mentioned astronomerand magician — Asuramaya. The Atlantean zodiacal records cannot err, as they were compiled under the guidance of those who first taught astronomy, among other things, to mankind. Asuramaya, to whom the epic traditionpoints as the earliest astronomer in Aryavarta, one to whom "the Sun-god imparted the knowledge of the stars," in propria persona…[in] "Romaka-pura"… somewhere "in the West…" since it was part and parcel of the last continent of ATLANTIS... the birth-place of Asuramaya, "asgreat a magician as he was an Astrologer and an Astronomer"…in anycase his calculations agree entirely with those of the Secret Records. From fragments of immensely old works attributed to the Atlantean astronomer, and found in Southern India, the calendar elsewhere mentioned was compiled by two very learned Brahmins* in 1884 and 1885. The work is proclaimed by the best Pundits as faultless — from the Brahmanical standpoint — and thus far relates to the chronology of the orthodox teachings. Ifwe compare its statements with those made several years earlier in "Isis Unveiled," with the fragmentary teachings published by some Theosophists, and with the present data derived from the Secret Books of Occultism, the whole will be found to agree perfectly, save in some details which may not be explained…”


* The "Tirukkanda Panchanga" for the Kali Yug 4986, by Chintamany Raghanaracharya, son of the famous Government astronomer of Madras, and Tartakamala Venkata Krishna Rao. 

S D II 47-49







A long-time resident of India narrated: Twice, and independently of each other, two friends of mine, visited Paithan, a village near Surat, 200 miles North of Bombay, where a certain Brahmin family has an astrological library consisting of many hundred volumes, known as the Soma Shastra (the "Bookof the Moon") -- there is another of these I am told in Tirupatti -- thesefriends of mine had gone there (quite independently and at several years interval) to find what the "future" had in store for them.  


Their shadows, in sunlight were measured at the time they made their request. Three ancient volumes were then brought then out, and they were told that the prefatory paragraphs would be translated and read to them, and, if these did not suit, to reject that book, but if one suited, then the brahminwould read further from it. They told me (independently) that one of the volumes so chosen by them, turned out to state some of the outstanding events in their earlier life. The brahmin read on, and this reading gave them some highlights -- a view into their "future."  


I was told, of these events several years later, when they had actually lived through some of those "future" events and had proved to their satisfaction that the Soma Shastra had a real value and an inherent power.  


One may draw any conclusions one wishes from this, but these are (even if it is only hearsay) within my observation. Others have spoken of these Shastras, and a few more "incidents" show there is a definite popular knowledgeof continuing psychic (spiritual ? lore) and, that owners (trustees ?) of some of the old manuscripts act as their preservers, and have keys to reading and understanding them. Elsewhere in India, in the north are said to exist a corresponding library of "Books of the Sun" -- the Surya Shastra, and the facts that were related their were said to have a wider purview: relative to the fate of realms, countries and the World. This information is only released guardedly to princes or their ministers at certain times of crisis.}











Concerning the dates questioned. Why would HPB give us dates that may havebeen true in 1888, and false thereafter? That would indeed be futile, andvery confusing. Also it seem it would destroy any confidence in the Theosophical texts she was responsible for.


If one considers the translations of the writings that are currently attributed to Tson-Ka-Pa one is forced to rely on two factors: 1. the authenticity and accuracy of the manuscripts from which the translations are made, and 2. the fairness and the accuracy of the scholars who have made the translation. All these factors have to be verified.


It is for this reason that the modern student of Theosophy has to be firmlybased in the metaphysical and philosophical tenets of the Wisdom Religion.He has to be able to view and understand at a glance the evidence inherent in any statement, whether original or translated, of that wisdom. In considering details and differences, he needs to ask himself constantly whether he is dealing with actual truth, or the "blinds" that were drawn by the writers, or their translators, over those facts.  





There is another and more important consideration: as time passes, students engaged in the preservation of the original teachings of the Masters as recorded by HPB and WQJ, are, and will be increasingly faced with the suggestion that the records they are faithful to, are no longer in tune with the advances that are being made in our world, that they are no longer true or exact, and that the work of HPB, for instance, has been surpassed and improved upon.  


Does one really believe that allegations and doubts, such as these are constructive to the continuity of the work of the Adepts? It was very early after HPB's death that Annie Besant and G.R.S.Mead decided to "improve" on what HPB had left. In fact, taking advantage of HPB's last illness, Mead started to apply his concepts of scholarship to her writings, and began to make changes, that he thought were an "improvement," on them. As a consequence after her death, the SECRET DOCTRINE was reedited (1893) with over 40,000 major and minor "alterations." [These can be easily identified by proof-reading this 2nd edition with the original of 1888. Over 40 will be found in the first page.]


In 1897 a spurious "3rd. Volume" was published. Mrs. Annie Besant took responsibility for this. And there is no trace of the MSS of HPB from which she claimed it was copied for printing. Changes in later editions of the KEY to THEOSOPHY, and in the VOICE of the SILENCE, and in other of her writings have been sanctioned by Adyar T S "authorities." 


Were it not for the work of maintenance by the ULT and its republishing theoriginal texts (starting in 1912 by reprints in the monthly magazine THEOSOPHY), and later by the actual facsimile reprinting of HPB's books we wouldall be in sad shape. Probably the Theosophical Movement would be rated asa "failure" by now.  


If we review the history of the modern Theosophical Movement, we can see how vital the will of perhaps a single individual (Robert Crosbie is a case in point, as is also Mr. Judge) has been to preserve the message for the benefit of the future. We can think of the "tests" that those individuals were faced with and which they were "successful" in passing through. We are the beneficiaries, and we owe them a great debt of gratitude. ULT will remain, if it continues in its work, pure and undeviatingly, a repository for the original teachings. Its associates should strive for nothing more than that preservative aspect in addition to the continual promulgation of original THEOSOPHY, and make those teachings readily available to others.


Let us take it for granted that HPB and the Adepts, writing for us in our age, used that now universal scientific calendar which we would be using forour calculations, of which they were well aware, as also of the fact that the English language would become the most widely used language in the future of the next century (ours) for their writings to be diffused in. If we have not well grounded ourselves in the tenets and doctrines offered by “original THEOSOPHY ,” and if we begin to pay attention to the claims of "authorities" and "doubters," we will lose our hold on that which we sense is at the core of the teaching: a sense of our own immortalityas eternal Monads – Eternal Pilgrims,” of the accuracy of the Masters' knowledge of nature and of history, of the justice of universal Karma, and finally of the Unity of all Life. Those are at the core of our wisdom, the rest is detail. It is summarized in the phrase: “Universal Brotherhood.” And as a motto, it adopted that of the Maharaja of Benares: “There is no religion higher than truth.” 


The sole benefit of history (if accurate and non-partisan) is that it enables us to avoid repeating errors. The lure of change, of "excitement" is kamic, it snatches away the reason, and diverts it by the thrill of "novelty"or “discovery.”  


We ought to recognize that Nature (in her vast life-supportive sensitivity)installed every cooperative interaction ages before modern science began in the last 300 years its task of rediscovery.






Buddhi and Higher Manas alone give stability. So we need to control the gyrations of our own kamic desire, and ambition-impulses, and center our attention on learning the laws of assisting growth which the Adepts have taught.


The most valuable "novelty" is in watching our own perceptions widen and deepen, and the real thrill is in seeing that the lore we are assimilating isproved true every day we live.


In any period of manifestation cycles of finite time exist. The Wise Dhyanis begin their work in and with Nature at a definite time. It is said “They know the ultimate divisions of time.” They, we, and allbeings, who participate in evolution and manifestation are divine and immortal in our essential nature.  


The personal and physical is illusory and changeable.  






They (the Wise, the Mahatmas, the Adepts, our Elder Brothers) stand as examples to us, of the will to achieve perfection and of ages of experience. They embody that perfection which for us is still only a goal. Our stage ismarked by self-devised and self-directed efforts in learning about ourselves, self-consciousness, and the vast program of cooperation in which we areall inescapably engaged, which we call evolution.  


We need, as an objective concept, the example of Those who have achieved, who have reached the goal that life represents as Ideals. And we need to always recall that we are a deathless, immortal MONAD at heart. The source of our wisdom in interior, initiation is from within. The ”outer” Instructor (Guru), as a “Presence,” inspires us to this self-devised task.  


The promulgation of Theosophy by HPB on behalf of the Mahatmas, gives us outlines of both the rules of personal and individual self-development, and the record of facts of history in the progress of Nature.  


This recent event (of the re-promulgation of ancient and immemorial Theosophy) marks a turning point, a change in the way of thinking and understanding Nature and ourselves. It has been called by Mr. Judge: "a change in the Manas and the Buddhi of the Race." (WQJ Letters, p. 72)


Any "birth" is a fresh incarnation. It is characterized by a curriculum involving the continuation and further development of individual responsibility, and the duty to learn and practice the ethics of brotherhood, based on the eternal and essential unity (the brotherhood) of all Monads..  


When a fresh endeavor in the general education of mankind is to be attempted, it would be chosen, by Those who are Wise, to synchronize with those cycles of spiritual forces that echo from earlier efforts and commencements down the ages. Some of such "echoes" are annual. Some occur at wider intervals. The first quarter of each year, and the last quarter of each century are said to be such cyclic periods.


We could take this to represent in our own incarnation, the connection thatis reestablished between our three-fold spiritual consciousness (Individuality), and the skandhas (the monadic “life-atoms”) that aresimultaneously reassembled to provide the necessary physical bodies for our, and their, continued evolution as “Personalities.” Those living elements of life were used by us in the past, and under karma it is justice that we meet with and continue to work with them for their evolution and ours. 






In dealing with the mystery of Man's spiritual nature working in and through a personality, HPB offers a genealogical clue. She writes:


"If the reader were told, as in the semi-esoteric allegories, that these Beings [the higher Manas] were returning Nirvanees, from preceding Maha-Manvantaras--ages of incalculable duration which have rolled away in the Eternity, a still more incalculable time ago--he would hardly understand the text correctly..." (The Secret Doctrine, II, 79-80.)


Theosophy was re-diffused over a century ago, at a time when it became possible to bring to the attention of mankind its psychological importance and constitution.  






This was done through the doctrines of universality and eternity based on the Unity of the one Source, on Karma, on Reincarnation, and by disclosing the "Key": the immortality of every individual Monad, and the sevenfold nature innate to both man and Nature. This seven-fold division is represented by the seven primordial Spiritual Instructors, the Rishis and the Mahatmas who are the Dhyanis (the WISE ONES). They are those "Planetary Spirits,"that guard and preserve mankind and our Cosmos. [ S D I 570 – 575 ]


The present educational program, conducted through a long series of incarnations, is being guided over a vast period of seven great, and a number of seven-fold minor cycles of time (called Rounds, Globes, Races, Sub-races, etc.) in the evolutionary sweep. The process develops the perfection of each one of the seven principles present in man and in Nature, and, the awareness of unity through the patterns of collaboration which the seven great forces of Nature are seen to manifest in the various classes of beings. These represent stages of conscious development in themselves. This sense of unity is reinforced by an influence, which we could call a "birthday" festival, when it recurs annually.


H.P.B., as "messenger," presented the doctrines most helpful to review thiswisdom, and which it will be the best for us to use to change our moral outlook.  


The Secret Doctrine was deliberately written in English--a language which the Masters knew would be the one most widely diffused in the near future ofthe world. It was filled with those notations that our culture and science could understand the reasoning of, so as to open the next vista to us.  


In giving such information we find throughout the book that They used the calendar notation and calculations of our time, rather than one more ancient, which only a part of the race might know of. Students of the Secret Doctrine find that they are consistent in doing this.









[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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