RE: Theos-World Re: Weekly Review: Misconceptions about the Big Bang
Mar 13, 2005 05:20 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Mar 13 2005
Thanks Lenny,
All noted with thanks.
Also thanks for reference to Sci. Amer. On "Big Bang."
In my understanding, Lenny, at NO TIME is there ever a complete pralaya.
I say this, since logically (to me) the universe is infinite -- hence this
alternation, as posited, cannot be reduced to any kind of time-space period,
or succession, or cycle except as might be generated by us because of our
present finitely defined imagination -- a kind of materialism in thought
that is self-limiting.
Getting out of that trap is important. THEOSOPHY helps.
There is inevitably a conjoint existence. Manifestation and
non-manifestation are intertwined (as in the CADUCEUS symbol), there are
two serpents overshadowed by the THIRD which is NOT CYCLICAL but wholly
straight -- a balance median or a background.
This does not obviate the ABSOLUTE as an eternal, inscrutable, essential and
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 3:18 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Theos-World Re: Weekly Review: Misconceptions about the Big Bang
Maybe the below article will show us why science, so long as it bases it's
theoretical conclusions regarding the nature of reality on observed physical
phenomena, will never comprehend the theosophical metaphysics (as symbolized
by the ABC model in line with the description of Cosmogenesis in the SD)
explaining the fundamental condition of primal space prior to the "Big Bang"
initiated *only* this lowest "physical" phase of Cosmic involution.
They fail to consider that prior to that apparent "beginning" there must
been an emanation (inflation), and fractal *involution -- followed,
afterward, by a spiritual, astral and physical *evolution* in time... All
this having
occurred in accord with the cyclic laws inherent in *this* Cosmos' "laya
(its zero-point spinergy or G-force) which is everywhere, eternally existent
in Absolute Space.
In this view, it should be noted that the expansion of the lower physical
sphere of space -- which is involved as the fourth level of fractal
(like bubbles within bubbles, within bubbles, etc.) -- analogously follows
overall infinite expansion of the outermost surrounding spiritual field
Pass Not"). It follows, that the expansion of the lower order physical
time continuum that science measures is finite... And, ultimately, must
disappear into the Cosmic laya point when the outer field returns to its
source --
without violating any of the fundamental scientific laws of symmetry,
conservation, thermodynamics, or entropy.
Unfortunately, IMO, the below scientific explanation adds considerably to
In a message dated 03/08/05 4:03:57 PM, writes:
** Misconceptions about the Big Bang
The expansion of the universe may be the most important fact we
have ever discovered about our origins.
Cold molecular things such as life-forms and terrestrial planets could not
have come into existence unless the universe, starting from a hot big bang,
expanded and cooled.
Forty years ago this July, scientists
announced the discovery of definitive evidence for the expansion
of the universe from a hotter, denser, primordial state. They had
found the cool afterglow of the big bang: the cosmic microwave
background radiation.
Since this discovery, the expansion and cooling of the universe has been the
unifying theme of cosmology, much as Darwinian evolution is the unifying
theme of biology, but many misconceptions still persist.
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