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Re: Theos-World Animals and aliens at sea

Mar 11, 2005 04:15 AM
by Mauri wrote:

<<There were given writings that were
writen in archaic Classical Greek which
were analyized by the Univ. of
Ca.Fullerton and they found that within
the sentences themselves the ancient
dialect changed as the sentence was
writen down by the experiencer in
projection state. >>

Seems to me that those who haven't followed this thread (like myself) might wonder if that "projection state" is (or might be ...) a reference to what might be generally known (or not-so-generally known ...) as "scientific remote viewing" ...


PS Of course in my case, being a
speculator, I have for some years now
practiced unscientific remote viewing,
and ... well, not that the results
haven't been kind of circular, in a way, (as Leon, among others, might be the first to attest), but ... ^:-/ ... maybe if the general reader, or some general reader/s, were to read between the lines of that "but," there, eg ... not that one person's "but" might not turn into another's whatever, but, seeing as or inasmuchas this here discussion list is a certain kind of discussion list ...............

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