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RE: Theos-World Re: Pi as a fractional number?

Mar 06, 2005 04:02 PM
by Eldon B Tucker

As to ratios, there are several irrational numbers that deal with important
aspects of existence. One is PI. Another is E (which is involved in such
things as statistics and the "bell-shaped curve" that deals with
probabilities). A third is the Golden Mean. And a fourth is the Feigenbaum
constant (4.669201609...) which deals with period-doubling and the onset of
chaos in dynamic systems.

All four values have both scientific and metaphysical significance. For a
discussion of the first three numbers, see THREE STEPS TO INFINITY by L.
Gordon Plummer (published by Point Loma Publications). 

-- Eldon

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John []
> Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 1:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Pi as a fractional number?
> << I guess that's why Pi is not a "rational" number -- it is not a
> ratio, it is an approximation of such, however close to its aim. >>
> Pi is still a ratio, it is just not a ratio of two integers, which is
> the definition of a real number.
> << But anyway, originally "length" is measurable ... >>
> We can't always stay with "original" usages. If we were to do that, one
> would not be a number.
> Originally, one was not a number, it was "unity". The numbers were two
> and up, multiples of the unit.
> And, of course, originally, zero was not a number. Just look at the
> Roman Numeral for Zero to see what I mean.
> And length can be along a curve, otherwise, it would be meaningless to
> talk about the distance from here to London, unless you want to treat
> the distance from here to the opposite side of our planet as being a
> straight line only?
> --
> John, webmaster
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