Re: Theos-World RE: Self
Mar 01, 2005 06:12 AM
by Mauri
W.Dallas TenBroeck wrote:
Mar 1 2005
RE: Self
If "you" think of "yourself," you are already thinking of a "self" that has
passed into memory. You are looking backward at what "you (memory) did."
Or, am I wrong?
Dallas, are you equating "you" and
"self" with "memory" and ... But
"memory" has parts to it, so does one
pick and choose parts from one's memory
to represent "one's self," or what ...
and, if so, "who" does that choosing ...
and, if so, if that "who" is defined in
some manner, "who" does that choosing
... and, if so, if that "who" is defined
in some manner, "who" does that choosing
... etc, etc ... ^:-/ ...
My more or less current speculation
about "self" would seem to suggest that
it might be likened (at a stretch ...)
to what "one" sees when looking trough a
multi-colored, patterned window like the
one's they have in some churches (where
the "self/one" Is the seeing, itself,
rather than some interpretive,
second-hand, dualistic memory or karmic
influence or colored window). "Just
being" meditation for me seems to
suggest that it might evolve, at some
point, into a kind of transcending of
the colors and patterns (karma/maya) in
that window.
- References:
- RE: Self
- From: "W.Dallas TenBroeck" <>
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