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HPB-a great betrayal-Mrs. Besant�s �return of the Christ�.

Feb 25, 2005 05:46 AM
by Alaya

Mrs. Besant's "return of the Christ".

To return to M.L�vy's book; it deals with "Mrs. Besant's Proceedings" 
under various headings. In the one entitles "Mrs. Bestant's Return of 
the Christ" is to be found some of the most amazing balderdash � 
given out as serious teaching!
M. L�vy writes; -
"In the course of their investigations these two (Besant and 
Leadbeater) look up on the one side, the past incarnations of him 
whom Mrs. Besant calls the "Master Jesus", that is, of the "Jesus" 
born in 105 b.C; and on the other side, the past lives of the being 
whom she calls the "Lord Maitreya, the present Bodhisattva, the 
Supreme Teacher of the World" whose ego at a given moment replaced 
that of "Jesus", this being the last incarnation of the Christ whose 
immediate return (as Krishnamurti) she is announcing.
"Let us quote from their account of the incarnations of the "Supreme 
`In the Fourth Root Race we again find the personage supposed to 
be "Maitreya" as the husband of the ego claimed by these authors as 
that of "Master K.H". Mrs. Besant is again incarnated in the family 
as daughter, the eldest sister of the "Master M."; "Maitreya", being 
at this time the head of the trime.' (p. 113)
<< Maitreya married to K.H and Besantas daughter of M. in the 
atlantean period?!?! - do I need to say how ridiculous, megalomaniac 
and created to promulgate interests this is?? - Alaya -- in first 
place, the lifes of someone are sacred and should not be used for 
self promotion - Besant and Leadbeater, EVEN TOUGH they weren't lying 
(to remember of a life in the atlantean period? come on, let us be 
reasonable...) the disrespected the masters with all this talk..- Let 
us cry on more examples...>>>

`We meet "Jesus" for the first time at the beginning of the Fith Root 
Race, as daughter of Krishnamurti ans sister of Maitreya' (p.252)
`The, on p.328, as the wife of Julius Caesar 18,878 B.C., being at 
this time the widow of Vulcan (Known in his last incarnation as Sir 
Thomas More)...
"He is later identified as daughter of Krishnamurti and Fabrizio 
Ruspoli, parents at the same time of the "World-Teacher Maitreya", 
their young daughter. These incarnations took place 72.000 B.C, on 
the shores of the lake Gobi.
"In 15.910 B.C. we find "Jesus" as grandson of "Maitreya" and as 
father and grandfather of a large family composed, as in all cases 
investigated by these two authors, of present members of the T.S. 
"etc. Etc. Etc....
"We cannot conceive this information gathered from `occult' 
investigation will be felto to be indispensable by anyone. Now that 
we know that Mrs. Besant's World-Teacher" is an ordinary man of the 
lunar chain (to whom Mrs. Besant was firts domestic animal << She 
rembember her life as a dog?! haha >> and then sister, and who, in 
the early period of our earth, was daughter of the young 
Krishnamurti, who could be found still to imagine that there could be 
here any question, save a mad impious joke"...
Incredible as it may appear to those who know anything of 
H.P.Blavatsky's teachings, their comprehensive grandeur and 
sublimity, especially as given in the Secret Doctrine, this 
extraordinary misture os clumsy fairy-tale and extravagant and even 
malicious mumbo-jumbo is apparently swallowed whole by the blind and 
credulous followers of this grotesque "Neo-Theosophy".... Mrs. Besant 
is a "blind leader of the blind"... We have direct testimony of this 
statement in Mr. T.H. Martyn's (President of the Sydney Lodge, 
Australian Section T.S, a member of thirty year's standing) famous 
letter to Mrs. Besant. In it he tells her: - 
"You have been relying upon C.W.L as sole intermediary between the 
Hierarchy and yourself for many years... C.W.L.'s word is final and 
his seership infallible to you." The quality of this 
supposed "seership" bears a very close resemblance to a stupid and 
vulgar hoax. This is clearly shown by MR. Martyn, who says � "In 1919 
I went to America. Van Hook was in New York. He talked freely of 
C.W.L's immorality and about faking the `lives' of people. Mr. Martyn 
then puts togheter various pieces of evidence against this man and 
tells Mrs. Besant that he finds "staring me in the face the 
conclusion that Leadbeater is a sex pervert, his mania taking a 
particular form which I have discovered, is a form well known and 
quite common in the annals of sex criminology." This sex criminal is 
the creature whom Mrs. Besant has accepted as a intermediary between 
herself and the Masters of Wisdom!! This is the man whom she has held 
up to and imposed upon their followers as a model of all the virtues �
a `saint'.
... A great and world-wide organisation is being used to promulgate 
blasphemous, poisonous and absolutely anti-Theosophical and anti-
occult docrtines as emanating direct from the Mastes.

... all the Neo-Theosophists seem to prefer the Besant and 
Leadbeater books than H.P.B's... H.P.B says with reference to this 
very Maitreya whose name they so lightly take in vain, that He is not 
due until the Seventh Sub-Race, and that in any case, "it is not 
possible in the Kali Yug", our present materialistic age of Darkness, 
tat a new Savior of Humanity can even appear."... We must reject the 
Besant-Leadbeater pretensions in toto, for their absurdity is patent.

<<< All this is more to a fanatic cult than to a serious Society >>>

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