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Re: THE PATH - April - 1938

Feb 21, 2005 02:54 PM
by christinaleestemaker

--- In, "christinaleestemaker" 
<christinaleestemaker@y...> wrote:
Last modified on 15 September 2004

Missing (unindexed) Issues and Periodicals
The contents of the following issues have not yet been indexed:

Part A. INDEX INCOMPLETE: unindexed issues (alphabetical): 

American Theosophist, The, Wheaton 
Annals of Psychical Science, 1905-1910 (incomplete) London, Caesar de 
All issues after June 1905 
Australian News and Notes 1933-? (incomplete) Sydney, Harold Morton 
All issues except November 1933 
Australian Notes and News 1928-? (incomplete) Sydney, Harold Morton 
All issues except 1928 no. 2 (August 1928) 
Branch Work - Adyar, Madras, India 1891-1893 (incomplete) 
1892 and 1893 
Branch Work Papers - USA 1890-1894 
1890 nos. 2, 3, 4, 6 
1891 nos. 12, 18 
1892 no. 27 
1893 nos. 32, 33, 35 
1894 nos. 41, 42, 46+ 
Broad Views (London) AP Sinnett 
1907 July to Dec 
Die Drei - Monatsschrift f�r Anthroposophie 1921-1931 (incomplete) 
All except June 1923 
English Theosophist, Bulmer & Birt 
v1 and v2 1895-1899 
Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1987 - continuing (incomplete) 
All issues after Volume 13 no. 3 
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1885 - continuing 
Most issues missing 
The Malayan Theosophist (Singapore) 
1939 April 
1940 Oct 
1942 Jan 
Neue Lotusbl�ten 1908-1915 (incomplete) Leipzig, Franz Hartmann 
1914 and 1915 
The New Californian 
1891 November, December 
1892 March to November 
1893 Feb., Aug., Oct.- Dec. 
1894 All 
New England Notes 1895-96 (incomplete) Boston, Robert A Chandler 
1895 all issues 
1896 January 
The Occult Review (London) 
1930 March 
1934 all issues 
1935 all issues 
1937 all issues 
Any issues after July 1938 
Oriental Department Papers - European Section 1891-1894 (incomplete) 
GRS Mead 
Many issues missing 
The Pacific Theosophist (USA) 
1891 Nov, Dec 
1892 Jan to Dec 
1893 Jan to July 
Papyrus (Cairo) 
1918 all issues 
1919 all issues 
1923 issue 6 
The Path (Sydney), The Independent TS 
1926 May, Sept., Nov. 
1927 Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov. 
1928 Jan., May, July, Sept., Nov. 
1929 Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov. 
1930 Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov. 
1931 Nov. 
1932 Oct. 
1935 April 
1937 July, Oct. 
1938 Jan. 
1939 April, July 
1941 Oct. 
1942 July, Oct. 
Peace Lodge Studies, TH Redfern (incomplete) 
Nos. 5-10, 12-14, 16-24, 26, 28, 30+ 
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 1884 - continuing 
Most issues missing 
Quest, The -- London, GRS Mead 
vols 2-23 (except Oct v20) 
Rivista Italiana Di Teosofia 1902 - continuing (incomplete) 
The Saturn Lodge Monthly (Shanghai, China) 
Dec 1920, 1921+ 
Star in the East, (The). Australian Division 1918-1926 (incomplete) 
Sydney, TH Martyn, Mary E Rocke 
Vol 1, no. 2 
Vol 2, no. 2 
Vol 4, no. 4 
Any issues after Vol 8, no 1 (Jan-Mar 1926) 
Theosophy in England & Wales, H Baillie-Weaver 
Feb 1921-1924 
Transactions of Annual Congress of European Federation of 
Theosophical Societies or
The Transactions of the European Federation Congress of Theosophical 
All Transactions are missing EXCEPT the following: 
1904 Amsterdam 
1905 London 
1906 Paris 
1923 Vienna 
1929 Budapest 
1934 Barcelona 
Vahan, The (2), 1891-1920 (incomplete) London, GRS Mead 
All issues missing, except Aug 1891 and Dec 1920 

Part B. NOT INDEXED. -- By Country. 

El Mensajero de la Estrella (OSE monthly) 
Philadelphia - Revista de Estudios Teos�ficos 1898-1899 Buenos Aires 
Teosofia en Argentina 
Australian Star News, 1926-1927 
Cosmos, 1973-1983 Sydney, Peter Glasson, Yvonne Malykke 
Dawn, 1921-1924, Sydney TS Loyalty League 
New Age, The 1887 + Sydney 
Path, The 1925-1949 Sydney Independent TS. Partly indexed - see Part 
Star in the East. Australian Division 1918-1926? Partly indexed - see 
part A 
This World & the Next 1894 South Yarra, Vic AC Fletcher 
Anthroposophie �sterreichischer Bote von Menschengeist zu 
Menschengeist (AS) 1922-1923 Wien, Ludwig Graf Polzer-Hoditz (1869-
�sterreichische Bl�tter f�r freies Geistesleben (AS) 1924-1930 Wien, 
Austria A. Koppits 
Le Lotus Bleu 
L'Id�e Th�osophique 1898-1901 Brussels, Belgium 
Canadian Theosophical Quarterly 1929 William E Duckering 
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 
The Buddhist 1886-1901 Colombo CW Leadbeater; AE Bulltjens; LC 
Wijesinha; DBJ; CJ 
Far Eastern Theosophical Notes c1926 Shanghai 
Saturn Lodge Monthly. Partly indexed - see Part A 
La Estrella de Oriente (OSE monthly) 
Revista Teosofia (Teosofica) Cubana 1905 + La Habana, (Havana) Don 
Rafael de Albear 
Revista Teosofica 1907-1913 Habana 
Espero Teozofica - 1911 Prague Vaclav Cimr (1888 - ) 
Tidens Teosofi 
Annales des Sciences Psychiques 1891-1919 Paris 
Annales Th�osophiques, Les (Quarterly) 1908-1914 Paris 
Bulletin Th�osophique 1900-1948 
Bulletin de l'Isis 1888 
Bulletin de l'Ordre de l'Etoile d'Orient (OSE Quarterly) 1913-1927 
Paris, Zelma Blech 
L'Aurore (1) 1888-1895 Paris, Lady Caithness 
L'Aurore (2) 1897-1914 Paris 
L'Initiation Reve philosophique des hautes �tudes 1888-1912 Paris 
L'Universit� Th�osophique 1930-1931 
Le Message (Hazrat ...) 1932-1934 
Le Message - Th�osophique et Social 1919-1924 
Le Th�osophe 1909-1917 
Libres Etudes 1909-1910 Paris 
Anthroposophie - Wochenschrift f�r freies Geistesleben (AS) 1922-1935 
Stuttgart, Ernst Uehli (1875-1959) 
Drei, Die - Monatsschrift f�r Anthroposophie --Partly indexed - see 
Part A 
Dreigliederung des Sozialen Organismus (AS) 1919-1922 Stuttgart, 
Ernst Uehli 
Lichtbringer (OSE journal) 
Lucifer mit der Gnosis (AS) 1904-1908 Berlin & Leipzig, Rudolf 
Luzifer - Zeitschrift f�r seeleben und Geisteskultur-Theosophie (AS) 
1903 Berlin, Rudolf Steiner 
Luzifer-Gnosis. Zeitschrift f�r Seelenleben und Geisteskultur 
Theosophie 1903-1908 Berlin & Leipzig, Rudolf Steiner 
Mitteilungen (Deutschen Sektion der Theosophischen Gesellschaft) (AS) 
(irregular) 1905-1914 K�ln, Cologne, Hamburg (1910) Mathilde Scholl 
Orden des Sterns im Osten (OSE quarterly) 
Pfad, Der (AS) 1924-1930 Stuttgart Alfred Heidenreich 
Philosophische gronden der Theosophie, De 1914-1915 JJ van der Leeuw 
Psychischen Studien 1874 1904 Leipzig 
Studien-Vriefe zur Pflege anthroposophischer Lebenserfassung (AS) 
1931-1935 T�bingen, Fritz Schimpf 
Theosophie Adyar 
Theosophie (Monthly) 1910-1914 Leipzig (Hugo Volrath's TPH published 
this journal) 
Theosophische Kultur (TGD) 1909-1937 Leipzig 
Theosophische Rundschau 1902 1907 
Theosophische Wegweiser 1898-1907 Leipzig, Arthur Weber 
Theosophisches Leben 1898-1920 Berlin 
Vahan, Der - zeitschrift f�r Theosophie 1899-1905 Berlin, Richard 
Ananda 1929 Adyar 
Branch Work Papers - Adyar -- 1891-1893. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Brothers of the Star, The (OSE monthly) Adyar, Madras 
Central Hindu College Magazine, The, Benares 
Disciple, The (1) 1913-1922 Adyar, Annie Besant 
Indian Theosophist, The, Varanasi 
Kalpa, Calcutta 
Light of the East, The (monthly) 1892-1895 Calcutta 
Link, The (Qtly) 1912-1913 Adyar, Annie Besant 
Lotus (S.E. Asia) Varanasi 
Maha Bodhi 1892 1930 Calcutta 
New India 1914-1937 Adyar, George S Arundale & N Sri Ram 
Pauses 1891 1893 #24 Bombay 
Philosophic Inquirer ?? Madras 
Pilgrim, The 1911-1913 (likely Adyar, India) Lilian Edger & 
Upendranath Basu 
Prasnottara, The 1891-1903 Adyar, Bertram Keightley 
Theosophic Gleaner, The - 1891-1906 Bombay 
Theosophic Thinker, The 1893-1897 Bellary, & Madras, TA Swaminatha 
Theosophical Miscellanies ?? Calcutta 
Theosophical Movement, 1930-1999 not yet indexed, The, U.L.T., 
Theosophy Company (India), Bombay 
Theosophical Review, The, Varanasi 
Theosophy & New Thought 1907 Bombay, BP Wadia 
Theosophy in India (was the Prasnottara) 1904-1912 Benares, George S 
Arundale ? 
Tomorrow - Adyar?, George S Arundale 
Het Sterleven in Indonesie (OSE monthly) 1923-1924 Java 
Koemandang Theosofie 1922-1938 Surakarta, Raden Mas Partowirojo 
(1876 - ?) 
Theosofie in Nederlandsch Indie 1906-1941 Baratvia/Jakarta, D van 
Hinloopen Labberton 
? Theosofie in Nederlandsch Indi� 1908-1936 Bandoeng, Java, D van 
Hinloopen Labberton 
International Theosophist, The 1898-1904 Dublin, Alice L Cleather & 
Fred Dick 
Internationalist, The 1897-1898 Dublin, Herbert A Coryn & GW Russell 
Theosophy in Ireland 1922-1964 Dublin 
Antroposofia - Rivista mensile di Scienza dello Spirito (AS) 1946-
1985 Milan 
Gnosi - Rivista di Teosofia 1920-1925 Torino (Turin), Francesco 
Rivista Italiana Di Teosofia -- Partly indexed - see Part A 
Theosofia 1898-1899 Rome 
Ultra - Rivista Teosofica di Roma 1907-1927 Roma 
Atmavidya 1919 + 
Teosofia en Yucatan 1925 Merida, Yucatan 
Anthroposophie Maandblad (AS) 1922-1923 Utrecht, Holland, Pieter J de 
Haan (1891-1968) 
Het Theosophische Pad 1911-1938 
International Star Bulletin 
Philosophische gronden der Theosophie, De 1914-1915 JJ van der Leeuw 
Teosofia 1897 + Amsterdam 
Theosofische Beweging,De 1905-1948 Amsterdam, JWP Schuurman 
Theosophia, Theosofia - TVN 1892+ Amsterdam 
New Zealand 
Dawn, The (OSE) 1917-1926 Auckland 
Forerunner, The (OSE journal) 
Hestia - 1888-1888 Wellington, ET Sturdy 
Balder (Norwegian TS) 1897-1901 Kristiania (Oslo), Richard Ericksen 
Norsk Teosofisk Tidskrift 1914 + Oslo, Ernst Nielsen (1901 - ) 
Teosofi i Tiden 
Tidskrift for Teosofi 1898-1899 Kristiania (Oslo), Th Knoff 
Vidar (AS) 1915-1940 Kristiania (Oslo) Norway 
The Karachi Theosophist 
The Philippine Theosophist 
Izvestiia Rossiiskogo Teosoficheskogo Obshchestva (RTO) 1914-1917 St 
Petersburg TS, L Gel'mbol'dt 
Teosoficheskoe obozrenie 1907-1908 St Petersburg, Vasilii I. 'vovich 
Viestnik (Vestnik) Teosfii (monthly) 1908-1918 St Petersburg, Anna 
Alexeevna Kamensky (1867 - ) 
Theosophy in Scotland 1910-1923 Edinburgh, D Graham Pole 
South Africa 
The South African Theosophist 1903-continuing Pretoria, CL Peacocke 
Antahkarana (El Sendero) - 1894-1896 Barcelona 
Estudios Teosoficos 1891-1893 Barcelona 
El Loto Blanco - Revista Teos�fica (became Theosophia) 1917-1932 
Barcelona Frederico Climent 
Sophia - Revista Teos�fica 1893-1926 Barcelona & Madrid Don Francisco 
de Montolia y de Tagores (1861-1892) 
Sri Lanka 
The Sri Lanka Theosophist 
Antroposofisk Tidskrift (AS) 1923-1933 Stockholm, Anne Wager 
Gunnarsson (1873-1957) 
Stjernen (OSE bi-monthly) Sweden & Denmark & Norway 
Teosofisk Tidskrift - Scandinavian TS 1891-1936 Stockholm, Baron 
Victor Pfeiff 
Theosophia (Swedish TS) 1897-1899 Stockholm, Gustav Zander 
Tidlos Visdom 
Bulletin de l'Ordre de l'Etoile (OSE Quarterly) 1931 1933 Switzerland 
& Belgium 
Das Goetheanum Internationale Wochenschrift f�r Anthroposophie und 
Dreigliederung (AS) 1921-1985 Dornach, Albert Steffen (1884-1963) 
Die Drei (2) Quarterly J of Anthroposophy & Goetheanism (AS) 1948-
1985 Dornach, E Piper & E Schwebach 
G�a (Gaia) Sophia (AS) 1926-1932 Dornach, Guenther Wachsmuth (1893-
Journal of Anthroposophic Medicine (AS) 1981-1985 Dornach 
Kalender Ostern ... - Ostern ... (AS) 1929-1942 Dornach, Elisabeth 
Vreede (1879-1943) 
Le Lotus Bleu 
Mathematisch-Astronomische Bl�tter (AS) 1940-1942 Dornach, L Locher-
Mitteilungen der Sektion f�r das Geistesstreben der Jugend (AS) 1928-
1930 Dornach 
Mitteilungen des Vereins f�r biologischdynamische 
Landwirtschaftsmethode (AS) 1937-1952 Dornach, Ehrenfried E Pfeiffer 
(1899 - 1961) 
Rundbrief der Sektion f�r das Geistesstreben der Jugend (AS) 1927-
1928 Dornach, Maria R�schl; Wilhelm Rath; Ernst Lehrs 
Svedeniya (AS) 1934-1940 Dornach, Harriet von Vacano (1882-1949) 
Was in der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft vorgeht (AS) 1924-1985 
Year Book of the Section for Natural Science at the Goetheanum (AS) c 
1926 Dornach 
United Kingdom 
Annals of Psychical Science July 1905+ London. Partly indexed - see 
Part A 
Borderland - 1893-1897 London, WT Stead 
Crusader, The 1898-1899 London, Basil Crump; SGP Coryn 
Dayspring, The - OSE (Qtly in 1926) 1913-1926 London, Emily Lutyens 
English Theosophical Forum 1933-1938 London 
English Theosophist 1895 1900. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Grail, The - 1897-1897 London, Herbert AW Coryn & Basil Crump 
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1894+ London. Partly 
indexed - see Part A 
Light 1881 1900 London 
Mitteilungen, The (AS) 1912-1914 London, Harry Collison & Mathilde 
Modern Mystic & Monthly Science Review, The (AS) 1937-1940 London, 
Nell (Norman) Dagg (1897-1962) 
Northern Theosophist, The 1893-1895 Middlesbrough, WA Bulmer; Howard 
H Birt 
Occult Review. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Oriental Department Papers - European Section -- Partly indexed - see 
Part A 
Ourselves - 1895-1897 Bow, East London, CH Collings 
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Partly indexed - 
see Part A 
Quest, The London, GRS Mead. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Students' Notes (Isis Lodge) 1914-1920 London 
Theosophical Journal, The, 1968-1997 London Partly indexed 
Theosophical Review, The 1925-1928 London, SL Bensusan 
Theosophical World University Quarterly Bulletin 1930-1933 London 
Theosophy in Action 1940 1972 Gen Sec EFNSTS, London 
Theosophy in England and Wales. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Threefold Commonwealth, The (AS) 1920-1922 London (was incorporated 
into `Anthroposophy` by 7/8-1922) 
Unknown World, The - 1894-1895 Arthur Edward Waite 
Vahan, The (2) -- 1891-1920 London. Partly indexed - see Part A 
United States of America 
American Theosophist, The -- 1913-1949. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Atma's Messenger - 1895 New Haven, Conn., Melville S Wadham 
Bio-Dynamics (AS) 1941-1985 Pennsylvania, Ehrenfried E Pfeiffer 
(1899 - 1961) 
Branch Work - USA Partly indexed - see Part A 
Century Path 1907-1911 NY, & Point Loma 
Channel, The (Qtly) 1915-1917 Hollywood, Calif., Marie Russak ; Vance 
Cor Ardens (?) 1921 Chicago (Nicholas Roerich) 
Divine Life, The 1913-1915 Chicago Celestia, Root Lang & Harry R Lang 
Ernest Wood's Question and Answer Bulletin 1959-1965 Houston (32 
Esoteric Christianity 1913-1918 Chicago, David SW (or M) Unger, Max & 
Ray Wardall 
Forerunner, The (AS) 1940-1945 NY, Henry B Monges (1870-1954) & 
Virginia Moore 
Jewish Theosophist 1926-1932 California 
International Theosophical Chronicle 1905-1914 London & Pt Loma, FJ 
Dick & H Crooke 
Journal of Scientific Exploration -- Partly indexed - see Part A 
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1907-1921 NY 
Mercury 1894-1899 San Francisco, William John Walters; Edith & Marie 
A. Walsh 
Messenger, The 1913-1932 Wheaton 
Mind in Nature (psychical, medical, scientific) 1885-1887 Chicago 
New Californian. Partly indexed - see Part A 
New Century, The 1897-1903 NY, Katherine A. Tingley 
New Century Path 1903-1907 Pt Loma, Calif., Katherine A. Tingley 
New England Notes - 1895-1896 Boston. - Partly indexed - see Part A 
New Way, The (prison monthly) 1911-1929 Point Loma, Calif., Herbert 
Coryn ; Katherine Tingley 
O.E. Library Critic 1912 - 1942 Washington DC, Henry Newlin Stokes 
Occult Digest, The 1925-1939 Chicago, Effa E Danelson; Marie Harlow 
Occult Word, The 1884-1888 Rochester, NY, Josephine W Cables 
Open Court, The 1886-1907 Chicago, Edward C Hegler; Paul Carus 
Pacific Theosophist. Partly indexed - see Part A 
Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research 1907-1926 
Reincarnation 1914-1927 Chicago, Weller van Hook & C Shuddemagen 
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1890-1895 SF, Calif. 
Searchlight, The 1898-1911 NY, & Calif., Clark Thurston 
Server, The (OSE monthly) 1916-1927 LA & Hollywood, Calif., Marjorie 
Tuttle; MR Hotchener; Fritz Kunz 
Star Bulletin, 1931-1933, Calif. 
Star, The, 1928-1929?, Calif. 
Theosophic Gleaner, The 1899-1932 
Theosophic Messenger, The 1899-1912 SF; Hollywood & Chicago 
Theosophic Voice, The 1908-1909 Chicago, Eleanor M Hiestand-Moore 
Theosophical Forum, The (1) 1889-1896 Flushing, NY, Alexander 
Theosophical Forum, The (2) 1896-1905 Flushing, NY, ET Hargrove 
Theosophical Forum, The (3) 1929-1951 Pt Loma, Covina, G dePurucker, 
AL Conger 
Theosophical News, The 1896-1897 Boston 
Theosophical Outlook 1916-1921 SF, Calif. 
Theosophical Path, The 1897-1935? Pt Loma, K Tingley, G de Purucker 
Theosophical Quarterly (Hargrove TS) 1903-1938 Brooklyn, NY, Clement 
Acton Griscom 
Theosophical Ray, The 1892-1893 Boston, WW Harmon 
Theosophy (ULT) 1912 + SF & LA, Calif., The Theosophy Company 
Theosophy - Science - Philosophy Dialogue 1966 Wheaton, Helen Zahara 
Two Worlds, The 1925-1927 NY 
Universal Brotherhood 1897-1899 NY, ET Hargrove, KA Tingley 
Universal Brotherhood Path 1900-1903 NY & Point Loma 
Word, The 1904-1917 NY, Harold Waldwin Percival 

> --- In, "Alaya" <lalaya7@y...> wrote:
> > 
> > Thank you for the research Christina
> > but acctualy I have already found something similar
> > I can't find the content.
> > But thanks anyway
> Now I find one with give a folowing summary on the same Url
> Here it is.
> I hope someone needs this
> Greetings Christina
> >PathAu y1938 v18 i67 January p1 - (Jan 1938 issue missing) -- 
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p1 - Editorial -- ed
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p2 - Vivisection (rprnt 'Theosophical 
> Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p2 - Brotherly Sympathy -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p3 - In the Light of Theosophy (2) -- FTS
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p6 - Let Each With a Heart Say (vf) -- 
> Ella Wheeler Wilcox
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p7 - Esotiricism -- Mahatma Letters
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p8 - obituary - Alice Leighton Cleather -
> anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p9 - Personal Reminiscences 1892-1938 
> Cleather) -- Basil Crump
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p12 - Sensations During Death -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p12 - Hell Necessary to Heaven -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p13 - My Key to Life -- J Tyssul Davis
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p17 - obituary - Frank Walker -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p18 - Concerning Books -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v18 i68 April p18 - The Tiger Mahatma -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p1 - Brotherhood -- KH
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p2 - War or Peace (vf) -- Hedley Barron 
> Miller
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p3 - Is Christianity Unique? 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1937) -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p6 - Mysteries of Plant Life -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p7 - Emerson and His Politics -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p10 - In the Light of Theosophy (3) -- FTS
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p14 - Jesus and Christ -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p14 - Cancer Research -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p15 - The Noble Eightfold Path 
(rprnt 'ULT 
> Bulletin') -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p15 - Nothing Lost (vf) -- Richard Metcalf
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p16 - Preview in the Astral Light 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p16 - Seeds of Tolerance -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p17 - Society of the Friends of Madame 
> Blavatsky -- anon (Beatrice Hastings?)
> PathAu y1938 v19 i69 July p18 - Concerning Books -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p1 - Brotherhood and Food -- J 
> Krishnamurti
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p3 - In the Light of Theosophy (4) -- 
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p7 - Symbols -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p8 - The Coming Oligarchy 
> (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') -- Robert A Hughes
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p14 - What Does aLodge Teach? -- AR
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p16 - Furs and Feathers -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p16 - Karma in Court -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p17 - Spiritual Progress -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p17 - Seeds of Truth 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p18 - A Curious Karma -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p18 - Long Life -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p18 - The New Year -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p19 - Prayer -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p19 - The Occult in the Papers -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p19 - Gold Finding -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p19 - review - 'Key to Theosophy 
> (Abridged)' by HP Blavatsky -- anon
> PathAu y1938 v19 i70 October p19 - obituary - Henry Wiedersehn -- 
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p1 - The Point of View is Everything --
> J Tyssul Davis
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p5 - Karma of Sport -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p5 - Why Reincarnation? (rprnt 'Path' 
> 1890) -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p5 - Three Gates of Gold -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p6 - The Homeless Life (rprnt 'Aryan 
> Path' -- Prajnanda
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p8 - In the Light of Theosophy (5) -- 
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p12 - obituary - Henry Wiedersehn -- 
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p13 - Mental Reversion -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p13 - The Heritage of Hatred -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p13 - Prognostication: 1939 (vf) 
> (rprnt 'SM Herald') -- Samuel Prenter
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p14 - Krishnamurti -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p15 - A Lost Civilisation -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p17 - Viveka -- MJW
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p19 - review - 'Krishnamurti and the 
> Search for Light' by VK Maddox -- HRG
> PathAu y1939 v20 i71 January p19 - Concerning Books -- HRG
> PathAu y1939 v20 i72 April p1 - (Aprtl 1939 issue missing) -- 
> PathAu y1939 v21 i73 July p1 - (July 1939 issue missing) -- 
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p1 - Karma -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p3 - Ambition (vf) -- John Bateman
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p3 - The Cosmic Christ (rprnt 'Emperor 
> and Galilean') -- Henrik Ibsen
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p4 - Man and the Animals -- WB Pease
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p8 - From an Early Letter -- HP 
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p8 - All in All (vf) (rprnt 'Sonnets 
> the Universe') -- Edmond Holmes
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p9 - On Rabbits, Top Hats ans Other 
> Phenomena (rprnt 'The Balance') -- Mancunian
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p13 - Sowing the Seed (rprnt 'New 
Era') -
> - RJC Butler
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p14 - A New God Holds Court 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1939) -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p15 - Gleanings -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p15 - The Inner Tribunal 
(rprnt 'Golden 
> Verses of Pythagoras') -- anon
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p16 - On Elementary Books -- Charles 
> Lazenby
> PathAu y1939 v21 i74 October p18 - Metta (rprnt 'Aryan Path') -- 
> Ernest V Hayes
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p1 - Theosophy as a Guide in Life -- 
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p4 - The Hatreds if Plants -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p4 - The Price of Knowledge -- HP 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p5 - review - 'Hitler's Last Year of 
> Power' by Leonardo Blake (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1940) -- 
> Robert A Hughes
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p8 - Concerning Job -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p10 - HPB (vf) (rprnt 'Dream of 
Ravan') -
> - Edmond Holmes
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p11 - Crusts and Crumbs 
(rprnt 'Toronto 
> Theosophical News') -- Albert Ernest Stafford
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p12 - On Self-Improvement (rprnt 'Key 
> Theosophy') -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p12 - New Books -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p13 - Real Astrology -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p14 - The Actor and the Character 
> (rprnt 'SD') -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p14 - In the Long Run (vf) -- Ella 
> Wheeler Wilcox
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p15 - Death as Viewed by Theosophy -- 
> Alexander Fullerton
> PathAu y1940 v21 i75 January p20 - To the Sportsman (vf) -- GR 
> Gulliver
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p1 - History Repeats itself -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p2 - Happiness -- Channing Pollock
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p2 - The Abuse of Sacred Names and Terms 
> (rprnt 'Key to Theosophy') -- HPB
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p2 - The Tongue (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p3 - Remarkable Prophecy -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p3 - Pre-Existence and Rebirth -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p4 - Successful Pious Frauds (rprnt 'In 
> League With Life') -- J Tyssul Davis
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p8 - Om. A Memory (vf) (rprnt 'Songs by 
> the Way') -- AE
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p9 - The Tempest -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p13 - Buddhist Relics -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p14 - If I Just had Money! 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p15 - The Three Truths -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p16 - Greek Philosophy -- FRW
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p17 - From the Chinese -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p18 - The Shila Virtue -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p19 - Cat's Homing Instinct -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v21 i76 April p19 - An Outline (rprnt 'Century 
> Magazine') -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p1 - Theosophy and its Message -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p6 - The Years (vf) -- EW Wilcox
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p7 - Aboriginal Religion -- Keith Kennedy
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p8 - The Carrot -- George E Littlefield
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p9 - Vision and Prophesies of HPB 
> (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1888) -- HPB
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p10 - The Hour of Opportunity 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p11 - Hypnosis and Hitler 
(rprnt 'Canadian 
> Theosophist') -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p12 - The Man Whom the Machine Love 
> (rprnt 'In League with Life') -- J Tyssul Davis
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p17 - obituary - Talbot Mundy (1879-
1940) --
> anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p17 - Australia Unbound -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1940 v22 i77 July p18 - On the Functions of a Doormat -- 
> Katherine Hillard
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p1 - The Mystery of Man -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p3 - Reincarnation -- Lilian Edger
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p5 - What Exactly Happened? -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p6 - Illusions and Disillusions -- A 
> Broderick-Bullock
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p10 - To Which Class do you Belong? 
> (rprnt 'Aryan Path') -- BM
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p11 - Aboriginal Faith -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p12 - Theosophical Studies -- William 
> Judge
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p13 - Ancient Egypt -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p14 - Democracy - False and True 
> (extracts ULT lecture) -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p15 - Follow the Gleam 
(excerpts 'Spirit 
> Fruit and Voice') -- Jacob Beilhart
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p16 - Life and Literature -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p16 - On War (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- 
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p17 - What is Spiritual Wisdom? 
> ML) -- ML
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p18 - A Letter to New Members 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1940 v22 i78 October p19 - Where to Look -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p1 - What is Occultism? (rprnt 'The 
> Word') -- T Subba Row
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p3 - Friendship -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p4 - An Outline of Theosophy -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p7 - Concerning Obsession -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p7 - Love Thyself Last (vf) -- Ella 
> Wheeler Wilcox
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p8 - From the Katha Upanishad (vf) 
> (extract) -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p8 - Easter -- Student
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p9 - Theosophy from Analogy -- 
> Fullerton
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p11 - Some Thoughts on Sleep -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p12 - On Existence - Comfortable and 
> Otherwise -- ATK
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p13 - What is Man? -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p14 - New Wine in Old Bottles -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p15 - Winding up a World 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p17 - Illusion (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p18 - And There Were Giants in Those 
> Days -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p19 - Prevention of Gossip 
> (rprnt 'Beacon') -- Gerrit P Judd
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p19 - Meat Eating (rprnt 'Theosophical 
> Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p20 - The Betrayals of handwriting -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i79 January p20 - Fate of the Degenerate -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p1 - The Leader of To-morrow 
(rprnt 'Aryan 
> Path') -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p3 - A Meditation (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p4 - As A man Thinketh -- TH Martyn
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p7 - As Above, So Below -- Student
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p8 - Judgment Days (vf) -- SW Foss
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p8 - One and All -- RJ Campbell
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p9 - The Theosophic Life -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p10 - Overheard -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p13 - The Doors of Being -- Miriam Perle
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p14 - A Parable (vf) -- AR Aldrich
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p15 - On the Future: A Few Reflections 
> (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1892) -- William Q Judge
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p18 - Karma - The Law of Justice -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v22 i80 April p19 - On War (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p1 - What Can We Do? -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p2 - Theosophy and the Future -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p3 - From the Mahabharata -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p4 - Theosophy and its Message -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p9 - After Death in Arabia (vf) -- Edwin 
> Arnold
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p10 - Acquiring Wisdom -- LV Wilkinson
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p11 - Experience (vf) -- Lenore Oakley
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p12 - Between Games -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p14 - Self Responsibility -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p15 - Meditation, Concentration, Will -- 
> William Q Judge
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p16 - The Turn of the Road (vf) -- Sam 
> Walter Foss
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p17 - United Lodge of Theosophists -- ULT
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p18 - Which Side? (rprnt 'Theosophy' 
1941) -
> - anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p19 - Doll Magic -- anon
> PathAu y1941 v23 i81 July p19 - Inspiration (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1888) -
> HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1941 v23 i82 October p1 - (October 1941 issue missing) -- 
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p1 - Lessons From the War 
> (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') -- GI Kinman
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p3 - Brahma (vf) -- Emerson
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p4 - What is Thesophy? (rprnt 'ULT 
> Bulletin') -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p6 - Deity (rprnt 'Ayan Path') -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p6 - The Real Conquerors -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p6 - The Divine Reproach (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p7 - Mind and Brain -- Student
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p9 - Methods of Meditation -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p11 - Death as Viewed by Theosophy -- 
> Alexander Fullerton
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p16 - Whence Am I, Whither Do I Go? -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p17 - A Story for Flesh-Eaters -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p18 - Mundane Science and Man's 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i83 January p19 - The Attaining of Power -- CF
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p1 - The Three Truths (rprnt 'Idyll of 
> White Lotus') -- (Mabel Collins)
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p2 - Progression Through Renunciation -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p4 - You Cannot Afford -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p4 - Sad Fact of History -- Ernest 
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p5 - After the War (rprnt 'Toronto 
> Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p6 - God and the Golden Calf -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p7 - A Talk About Theosophy 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1892) -- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p9 - Bravest Man -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p9 - Experience (vf) -- Emerson
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p10 - review - 'The Great Boomerang' by 
> Ion Idriess -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p12 - United Lodge of Theosophists -- ULT
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p13 - The Very Last (vf) -- JJ Bell
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p14 - Shakespeare and Pre-Existence -- JS
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p17 - Spiritualism in Fiji -- Keith 
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p19 - Confusion Among Prophets -- CC 
> Faulkner
> PathAu y1942 v23 i84 April p20 - The Human Eye (rprnt 'Theosophical 
> Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1942 v24 i85 July p1 - (July 1942 issue missing) -- 
> PathAu y1942 v24 i86 October p1 - (October 1942 issue missing) -- 
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p1 - The Theosophist's Function -- HP 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p2 - Terra Australis -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p4 - Fundamental Principles -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p5 - HPB -- TH Martyn
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p8 - Power over Deadly Snakes -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p8 - Memories (rprnt 'Shelter of 
Life') -
> - Georges Duhamel
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p9 - The Secret Doctrine 
> (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') -- WMW
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p11 - A Thought -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p11 - True Dana (vf) -- Ella Wheeler 
> Wilcox
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p11 - What is Death? 
(rprnt 'Theosophy' 
> 1928) -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p12 - The Miracle of Soilless 
> (rprnt 'Digest and Review') -- Roy Ross
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p15 - Horoscopes -- Theo
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p16 - Says Mr Henry Ford -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i87 January p17 - The Curse Called Man 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p1 - Meaning of Pantheism (rprnt 'SD') --
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p2 - Evolution and Reincarnation -- 
> Alexander Fullerton
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p4 - The Door of Life's Highway -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p5 - What is Orthodox Christianity? -- 
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p7 - An Incredible Delusion -- 
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p8 - Emerson's Over-Soul -- Michael 
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p10 - The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -- 
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p10 - The Seer (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- 
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p11 - The One, Changed -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p12 - Look Aloft -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p13 - Nature's Power -- Sir Walter Scott 
> (Guy Mannering)
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p14 - On Symbols, the Literal-Minded and 
> Noah's Ark (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p16 - East - The Source -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p16 - Build on Resolve (vf) -- EW Wilcox
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p17 - The Carrot -- George E Littlefield
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p17 - Mystery of God -- Claude Houghton
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p18 - Theosophy Applied to Social 
> Problems -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v24 i88 April p19 - Fundamental Principles of 
Theosophy -
> - William Kingsland
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p1 - Theosophy as a Guide in Life -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p4 - Balmoral Amphitheatre -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p4 - A New Order of Body and Mind -- 
> William Q Judge
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p4 - Self-Help -- DN Dunlop
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p5 - The Secret Doctrine of HP Blavatsky -
> BP Wadia
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p6 - WQ Judge on HPB -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p6 - Experience (rprnt 'Story of an 
> Farm') -- Olive Schreiner
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p7 - The Essence of the Secret Doctrine 
> (rprnt 'Path') -- Katharine Hillard
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p10 - Caste -- Charles Lazenby
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p11 - My Body and I (vf) -- Richard 
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p12 - Reform the Senate -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p14 - Karma -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p15 - Out of the Mouths of Babes 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p16 - Unto This End (vf) -- Edgar Foxall
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p17 - The Necessity for Reincarnation -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p19 - A Monkey's Viewpoint (vf) -- Unknown
> PathAu y1943 v25 i89 July p20 - Eternity Beds (rprnt 'Canadian 
> Theosophist') -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p1 - Christmas Then and Now 
> (rprnt 'Theosophist' 1879) -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p4 - The Actor and the Character -- HP 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p4 - Pleasure and Pain (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p5 - The Essence of the Secret 
> (2) (rprnt 'Path') -- Katharine Hillard
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p9 - Crossing the Blue Mountains -- 
> Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p10 - On Stars, Planets and Fairies 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p13 - Reincarnation (rprnt 'Canadian 
> Theosophist') -- Charles Lazenby
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p17 - As Above, So Below -- CS
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p18 - The Voice of the Silence -- FE 
> Titus
> PathAu y1943 v25 i90 October p20 - World Saviours -- HPB
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p1 - One and Many -- Charles Lazenby
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p4 - The Essence of the Secret 
> (3) (rprnt 'Path') -- Katharine Hillard
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p8 - Orthodoxy or Theosophy -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p9 - What is Art? -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p11 - Between Our Folding Lips (vf) -- 
> TE Brown
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p11 - Advice to a Seeker -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p12 - Self-Made Destiny 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Path') -- HT Edge
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p14 - Heroes (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p15 - Justice (rprnt 'Balance') -- ET 
> Maddocks
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p17 - Fire Walking -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p18 - How Much Must We Learn 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i91 January p20 - Prelude -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p1 - Reincarnation (rprnt 'Theosophical 
> Path') -- HT Edge
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p4 - The Essence of the Secret Doctrine 
> (4) (rprnt 'Path') -- Katharine Hillard
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p6 - A Poem for To-Day (vf) -- Ella W 
> Wilcox
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p7 - Education: The Key -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p9 - The Theosophy of Emerson -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p11 - Spiritualism in Britain 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1944) -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p13 - Our Troubles -- WW Atkinson
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p14 - Memories (rprnt 'Toronto 
> Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p14 - Dana (vf) -- AMH
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p15 - Animal Suffering (rprnt 'Lucifer' 
> vol 2) -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p16 - Buddhism - A Rule of Life -- Alice 
> Leighton Cleather
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p17 - The Afterglow -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p18 - Catholic Modernism -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p19 - Modern Mediumship 
> (rprnt 'Theosophist' 1879) -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p19 - The Price of Knowledge -- HP 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p19 - Life of the Mind -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v25 i92 April p20 - Proof of Prophecy (rprnt 'Book of 
> Prophecy') -- John Cournos
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p1 - The Age of Reason (rprnt 'Balance') -
> anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p4 - The Essence of the Secret Doctrine 
> (rprnt 'Path') -- Katharine Hillard
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p9 - Thyself Reform (rprnt 'Theosophy') --
> anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p10 - The Life of Buddha and its Lessons -
> Henry Steele Olcott
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p15 - The Plan -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p17 - The Old Road (vf) -- MM Cass
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p18 - These laid the World Away 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p19 - Symbolism in the Bible -- LW
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p19 - The Mind of Man -- WQ Judge
> PathAu y1944 v26 i93 July p20 - Psychology of Devotion -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p1 - The Mission of Theosophy -- KB 
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p3 - The New Cycle -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p4 - Water for the Inland -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p8 - Many Mansions 
(rprnt 'Theosophical 
> Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p11 - The Essence of the Secret 
> (6) (rprnt 'Path') -- Katharine Hillard
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p15 - The Bridge (vf) -- E Glasson
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p16 - War-Time Experiments -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p17 - Beginning at the Beginning 
> (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p18 - After the War -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p19 - Pungent Observations 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1944 v26 i94 October p20 - Concentration and Relaxation -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p1 - Is Theosophy Practical? -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p3 - The War Path -- AT Keeble
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p5 - Sic Transit Gloria Mundi 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p7 - Television: A Forecast -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p8 - Inoculations and Theosophists 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p9 - Present-Day Problems 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p10 - On the Future: A Few Reflections 
> (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1892) -- William Q Judge
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p12 - Was It Telepathy? -- William Q 
> Judge
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p13 - Life and Literature -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p13 - From a Scrap-Book: Believe, O 
> Friend (vf) -- E Markham
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p14 - Theosophists -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p14 - What is Theosophy Worth? -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p15 - The Vengeance of Heaven 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Review' 1901) -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p18 - Ltte -- H Henderson
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p19 - Questions and Answers -- ALC
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p20 - Reincarnation -- William Q Judge
> PathAu y1945 v26 i95 January p20 - Ghost Stories (rprnt 'Yorkshire 
> Post') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p1 - The Four Castes -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p4 - Lower Animals: Do They Survive? 
> (rprnt 'Light') -- James M McLintock
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p5 - Mediumistic Phenomena 
> (rprnt 'Theosophist' 1879 -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p6 - Time: A Phantasy -- E Ernest Smith
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p7 - Solitude and Society 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p9 - Lessons of Life -- Albert Ernest 
> Stafford
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p9 - A Song of Sunrise -- Camille 
> Flammarion
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p10 - A Gateway to Life -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p10 - Life (vf) -- Barrauld
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p11 - The Masters -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p13 - The Ladder of Lives(vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p14 - A Student's Notes and Guesses 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- XR
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p16 - Mental Reversion -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p17 - Theosopy and its Teachings -- 
> Hartmann
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p18 - Spiritual and Material Things -- 
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p19 - Ltte -- WB Pease
> PathAu y1945 v26 i96 April p20 - Dogma (vf) -- MEF
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p1 - An Introduction to Theosophy (1) -- 
> Wilson
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p5 - Are we Swayed by Propaganda? 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p6 - Occult Interests of George Sand 
> (rprnt 'Eirenicon') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p8 - Fellow Creatures -- WB Pease
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p10 - The Quest (vf) (rprnt 'Aryan 
Path') --
> Anup
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p11 - Getting Out of It 
(rprnt 'Balance') --
> anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p13 - The Mahatma Letters -- Christmas 
> Humphreys
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p13 - Who Was He? (rprnt 'Two Worlds') -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p14 - Theosophy and the Masses 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p15 - What is Karma? -- Alexander 
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p17 - Compensation -- HT Patterson
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p18 - Reincarnation -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p19 - Ltte - Reconstruction -- E Ernest 
> Smith
> PathAu y1945 v27 i97 July p19 - Ltte - obituary - Basil Crump -- H 
> Henderson
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p1 - An Introduction to Theosophy (2) -
> HA Wilson
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p4 - There are Three Truths 
> (rprnt 'Idyll of the White Lotus') -- (Mabel Collins)
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p5 - What Is Man? -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p7 - Hollywood Religion 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1945) -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p8 - Youth -- Unknown
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p9 - The Key Signature in Outer 
Things --
> Fleur de Lis
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p13 - On Self-Improvement (rprnt 'Key 
> Theosophy') -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p13 - Power of Motion in Plants -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p14 - Real Astrology -- anon
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p15 - Christian Science 
(rprnt 'Lucifer' 
> 1889) -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p16 - The Earth -- Camille Flammarion
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p17 - The Nazarene (vf) -- AH Adams
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p18 - Twice-Born: A Story From Burma 
> (rprnt 'Light') -- E Oe Somerville
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p19 - Man's Early Contemporaries -- 
> PathAu y1945 v27 i98 October p20 - A New Booklet -- JJO
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p1 - An Introduction to Theosophy (3) -
> HA Wilson
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p5 - The Mahatmas: An Authentic Piece 
> Evidence (rprnt 'Five Years of Theosophy') -- Damodar K Mavalankar
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p5 - Easter -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p6 - Lent (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p8 - Can Catholicism Win America? 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p11 - Priest or Prophet? 
(rprnt 'Toronto 
> Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p12 - The Occultism of Shakespeare -- 
> Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p15 - Between A and B -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p18 - A Letter (rprnt 'Path' 1886) -- 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1946 v27 i99 January p20 - Never too Late (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p1 - An Introduction to Theosophy (4) --
> HA Wilson
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p5 - Ambition (vf) -- John Bateman
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p5 - The Inner Tribunal (rprnt 'Golden 
> Verses of Pythagoras') -- Pythagoras
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p6 - Probation (rprnt 'Balance') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p8 - Geology and the Sidereal Year -- 
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p9 - Bombs Over Australia -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p11 - Mr Wells at the Beginning of 
> Insight? (rprnt 'Eirenicon') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p12 - Religion Without Revelation 
> (rprnt 'In League with Life') -- J Tyssul Davis
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p16 - Making the Nation Kindness-
> Conscious -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p18 - The Return of the Soul 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p19 - The Unmarked Milestones -- WB
> PathAu y1946 v27 i100 April p20 - Fundamentals of Theosophy -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p1 - An Introduction to Theosophy (5) -- 
> HA Wilson
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p4 - Greeting (vf) -- Edwin Markham
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p5 - Occultism and Spirituality -- LV 
> Wilkinson
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p6 - Mentalism and Theosophy -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p8 - Three Fundamental Ideas 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p9 - Reincarnation -- William Q Judge
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p10 - The Centre of the Whirlwind 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p11 - The Acid Test (rprnt 'Canadian 
> Theosophist') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p11 - A Watchmaker -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p12 - The Greatest Problem -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p14 - Science Note: The Extent of Space -
> anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p15 - Impersonality -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p16 - Is Theosophy Practical? -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p17 - Fame ('Hyperion') -- Longfellow
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p17 - Pelorus Jack (rprnt 'Theosophy 
> 1945) -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p18 - What is Theosophy? 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p18 - Self-Shining (Aryan Path') -- EH
> PathAu y1946 v28 i101 July p19 - Theosophy and the TS as viewed by 
> HPB's Nephew (rprnt 'Irish Theosophist' vol 3) -- H Henderson
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p1 - Christmas (rprnt 'Lucifer' 
1889) --
> HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p2 - An Introduction to Theosophy 
(6) --
> HA Wilson
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p5 - The Upanishads -- EA King
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p7 - Karma - The Law of Justice -- 
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p9 - Impasse (rprnt 'Golden Lotus' 
> 1946) -- anon
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p10 - Moon's Mystery and Fate 
> (rprnt 'Path' 1894) -- William Brehon (WQJ)
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p12 - Cosmic Consciousness -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p14 - Brotherhood and Food -- J 
> Krishnamurti
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p15 - Esotericism -- Mahatma Letters
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p16 - Acquiring Wisdom -- LV Wilkinson
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p17 - The Three Objects -- WQJ
> PathAu y1946 v28 i102 October p18 - Ltte -- WB Pease
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p1 - Prorean Man -- WW Leisenring
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p6 - Evolution and Reincarnation -- 
> Alexander Fullerton
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p9 - The Conquest of Illusion (by JJ 
> Van Der Leeuw) -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p11 - Atomic Science and the Secret 
> Doctrine -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p12 - Theosophy and Priestcraft 
> (rprnt 'Eirenicon'1947) -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p13 - All Things Are One -- Horace 
> Flower
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p16 - Theosophists and Social Changes 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p16 - Always Remember -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p17 - The Spell (rprnt 'Balance') -- 
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p18 - Reincarnation in Tibet 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1947) -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i103 January p19 - Imagination -- CJS
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p1 - What the Theosophical Movement 
> Stands For -- AM Stephen
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p6 - Brotherhood -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p7 - An Attitude of Mind -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p8 - A Random Shot -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p8 - Experience (vf) -- Lenore Oakley
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p9 - Emerson and Mentalism -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p11 - The Man With X-Ray Eyes 
> (rprnt 'Liverpool Evening Express') -- Francis Hillson
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p13 - Nothing New Under the Sun -- LJ 
> Dickinson
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p15 - Diet in Relation to Health 
> (rprnt 'American Theosophist') -- Otto Carque
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p17 - What Can I Do? (rprnt 'Vahan 
1891) -
> - WQJ
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p18 - Injustice (rprnt 'Theosophical 
> Path') -- R Machell
> PathAu y1947 v28 i104 April p19 - The Fulfilling of the Law -- H 
> Ernest Hunt
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p2 - The Foundations of Theosophy -- 
> Charles Lazenby
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p7 - Some Admonitions -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p8 - Philosophy and Theosophy -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p10 - As Above, So Below -- Student
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p11 - Fallen Leaves (vf) -- Vanda Sawtell
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p12 - Reincarnation and Memory 
> (rprnt 'Herald of the New Age Magazine') -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p13 - obituary - T Penman -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p13 - The Dark Horizon (rprnt 'Golden 
> Lotus' 1947) -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p14 - As A Man Thinketh -- TH Martyn
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p17 - Man - Heir to the Ages -- Horace 
> Flower
> PathAu y1947 v29 i105 July p19 - Religious System of the 
Aborigenes --
> Keith Kennedy
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p1 - Christmas -- Wayfarer
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p4 - An Outline of Theosophy -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p6 - Believe, O Friend (vf) -- E 
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p7 - Bishop Barnes on Christianity -- 
> Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p10 - A Parable (vf) -- AR Aldrich
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p10 - Theosophists -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p11 - Christ - The Saviour 
> (rprnt 'Aryan Path') -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p12 - The Word Karma 
> (rprnt 'Theosophist') -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p13 - From an Early Letter -- HP 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p13 - Nature's Alchemy (vf) -- Vanda 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p14 - Spiritual or Karmic Wealth 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p15 - Much Reding, Little Thought -- 
> William Brehon (WQJ)
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p16 - True Greatness -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p17 - The Secret Doctrine of HP 
> Blavatsky -- BP Wadia
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p18 - Judgment Days (vf) -- SW Foss
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p19 - The Independent Theosophical 
> Society -- anon
> PathAu y1947 v29 i106 October p20 - Discussing Lotteries as Karma --
> anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p2 - The Leaders of To-Morrow 
> (rprnt 'Aryan Path) -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p3 - The Actor and the Character -- 
> Blavatsky
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p4 - Theosophy (rprnt 'Canadian 
> Theosophist') -- Ariel
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p5 - Intellectual Freedom -- Charles 
> Lazenby
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p8 - Spiritualism in Fiji -- Keith 
> Kennedy
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p9 - Signs of the Cycle 
> (extracts 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p10 - Advance of the Material Atom -- 
> anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p11 - obituary - The Death of Gandhi 
> (rprnt 'Balance 1948) -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p13 - The Idea of Law -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p14 - Humanity is One -- Jasper 
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p15 - Plato's Republic and Theosophy -
> Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p16 - Lodge Purpose 
> (rprnt 'Eirenicon') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p18 - God and the Golden Calf -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p19 - Sad Fact of History -- Ernest 
> Hamilton
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p19 - An Idea Called Death -- 
> Mulford
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p19 - You Cannot Afford -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i107 January p20 - Church and Temple Worship 
> (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1889) -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p2 - Decline of the West 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- REL
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p4 - Theosophy in Masonry 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p4 - The Very Last (vf) -- JJ Bell
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p5 - The Religion of Shakespeare 
> (rprnt 'A Man's Religion') -- J Tyssul Davis
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p8 - RW Emerson, The Prophet of 
Vedanta --
> Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p11 - On Understanding -- WW Leisenring
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p13 - Without a Creed -- WQ Judge
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p14 - Spiritual Message of Gandhi 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p15 - Musings on Theosophy 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement' 1948) -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p16 - Krishna, Gautama, Jesus 
> (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') -- AESS
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p17 - Fundamental Principles of 
> Theosophy -- William Kingsland
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p18 - Inverse Theosophy 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p19 - Interesting Lawsuit 
> (rprnt 'Eirenicon') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p20 - Experience (vf) -- Emeson
> PathAu y1948 v29 i108 April p20 - From the Persian (vf) -- Djelal-
> Eddin-Rumi (1207-1273)
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p2 - Great Utopias -- Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p4 - The Fear of Death (rprnt 'Aryan 
> 1939) -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p5 - Intimations of Immortality 
> (rprnt 'Letters') -- Charles Darwin
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p6 - World Changes (rprnt 'Golden Lotus 
> 1948) -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p7 - What is Orthodox Christianity? -- 
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p9 - Mission (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p10 - Mediumship and Mediatorship 
> (extract 'Isis Unveiled') -- HPB
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p11 - The One, Changed -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p12 - The Door of Life's Highway -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p13 - Birth and Death -- DN Dunlop
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p17 - Theosophy Applied to Social 
> Problems -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p18 - At Dinner with a Dietist 
> (rprnt 'Daily Mail') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p19 - The Mystery of Man -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p19 - Simple Christianity -- Lyman Abbott
> PathAu y1948 v30 i109 July p20 - Mediumistic Phenomena 
> (rprnt 'Theosophist' 1879) -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p2 - My Books (rprnt 'Lucifer' 1891) -
> HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p7 - Concept of Atlantis 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p7 - Mystery of God -- Claude Houghton
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p8 - The Faith of a Scientist 
> (rprnt 'Indian Social Reformer') -- AC Morrison
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p10 - Thought (vf) -- Ella Wheeler 
> Wilcox
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p11 - More About Vedanta -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p14 - Then and Now -- TH Martyn
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p17 - Nature's Power -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p18 - Birth and Resurrection 
> (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist') -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p18 - Sacrifice -- Kokoro
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p19 - Rebuilding Life -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p19 - Thought and the Body -- anon
> PathAu y1948 v30 i110 October p20 - Mount Kosciusko -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p1 - Easter Symbols -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p2 - Laws of Social Welfare -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p5 - Environment -- WQ Judge
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p7 - Our High Cost of Living 
> (rprnt 'Toronto Theosophical News') -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p8 - Vedanta and Christianity -- 
> Michael Sawtell
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p11 - Playtime is Over 
> (rprnt 'Balance') -- O
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p12 - Animal Survival -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p13 - The EQuilibrium of Nature 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy' 1948) -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p15 - Habits (rprnt 'Bombay 
> Theosophical Bulletin') -- RD Kanga
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p17 - Living the Life -- `Abdu`l-Baha
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p17 - The Bundle of Action -- HPB
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p18 - Turn to the Earth -- Horace 
> PathAu y1949 v30 i111 January p19 - The Law of Cycles 
> (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement') -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p1 - The Astronomy of the Secret 
> Doctrine -- AT Keeble
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p5 - Emerson, a Forerunner 
> (rprnt 'Theosophy') -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p7 - Vedanta for the West -- Michael 
> Sawtell
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p9 - Fundamental Principles of 
Theosophy -
> - William Kingsland
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p10 - More Lunar Effects -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p10 - Hatha Yoga -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p11 - Theosophy Applied to Social 
> Problems -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p12 - Black Magic -- Mabel Collins
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p13 - Mr Churchill's Premonition 
> (rprnt 'Daily Telegraph') -- Churchill
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p13 - Dogma (vf) -- MEF
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p13 - Mathematical Genius -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p14 - On Self-Improvement (rprnt 'Key 
> Theosophy') -- HP Blavatsky
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p14 - Descent and Dissent (vf) -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p15 - Karmic Aphorisms -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p17 - Is Reincarnation Ever 
> Instantaneous? -- anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p18 - Lessons of Life -- Albert Ernest 
> Stafford
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p18 - HPB (vf)(rprnt 'Dream of Ravan') -
> anon
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p19 - Nature -- Wordsworth
> PathAu y1949 v30 i112 April p19 - Together (vf) -- Unknown

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Theosophy World: Dedicated to the Theosophical Philosophy and its Practical Application