Re: Theos-World Hitler, Hodson and Hitler's Aura
Feb 21, 2005 01:31 PM
by Cass Silva
But Daniel
If he (Hitler) was an initiate or higher on the Left Path, he would have had an aura? No? There are probably other countless metaphysical reasons thatwe don't understand that may explain the aura of a black magician. I haveread that they LHM can reach something like 7 initiations, and as evil andgood come from the same source, perhaps it is worth investigating.
"Daniel H. Caldwell" <> wrote:
The limits of liberalism and of Theosophy:
colonial Indonesia and the German Weimar republic, 1918-1933
by Herman A.O. de Tollenaere
In Germany, soon after Hitler seized power, the liberal political
parties became illegal. So did Theosophy, four years later. In the
meantime, The Theosophist monthly had published Jinarajadasa's
denunciation of persecution of Jews; but also praise by the 1934-
President George Arundale of Hitler; and an enthusiastic paranormal
description by `A non-German theosophist' [G. Hodson?] of
the `purity' of
the F�hrer's beautiful aura.13)
13) The Theosophist, May 1936, 242. Nazi propaganda posters also
often depicted Hitler with an aura around his head; Albrecht W.
Th�ne, Das Licht der Arier. Licht-, Feuer- und Dunkelsymbolik des
Nationalsozialismus. M�nchen: Minerva, 1979, 35.
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