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Re: Theos-World Hitlers aura

Feb 21, 2005 10:47 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Thanks Jerry for the important information.
You saved me from long search in my banana boxes.

Research greetings from snowy Berlin to CA and 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Hejka-Ekins" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Hitlers aura

I have a full run of The Theosophist here--at 
least up to the 1990s,
after which it became completely devoid of 
content. There is an article
by Hodson in the May issue, but it is about Native 
Americans in Arizona.
There is no mention of Hitler. Arundale has an 
article and an
Editorial. He does mention the political troubles 
in Europe as "clouds
of darkness" but no mention of Hitler.

Erica Letzerich wrote:

>I found the source, and please if you have The 
>Theosophist of May,
>1936 and you find the article of Hodson could you 
>kindly send me a
>copy of it. In the T.S. here I could not find 
>this issue.
>"In Germany, soon after Hitler seized power, the 
>liberal political
>parties became illegal. So did Theosophy, four 
>years later. In the
>meantime, The Theosophist monthly had published 
>denunciation of persecution of Jews; but also 
>praise by the 1934-
>1945 President George Arundale of Hitler; and an 
>paranormal description by `A non-German 
>theosophist' [G. Hodson?] of
>the `purity' of the F�hrer's beautiful aura.13)"
>13) The Theosophist, May 1936, 242. Nazi 
>propaganda posters also
>often depicted Hitler with an aura around his 
>head; Albrecht W.
>Th�ne, Das Licht der Arier. Licht-, Feuer- und 
>Dunkelsymbolik des
>Nationalsozialismus. M�nchen: Minerva, 1979, 35.
>>Erica wrote:
>>the works of CWL and after continued by Geoffrey
>>Geoffrey Hodson description of the great 
>>aura of Hitler
>>(before the war)is somewhere in one of The
>>(I am without time to search for it, but please 
>>anyone have this
>>quote I would like to get it.)
>>That would be very interesting to me.
>>Could you limit the time period in which 
>>aura description may have appeared?
>>I have some bulks of The Theosophists somewhere
>>and it would save much time if I would know
>>whether I should begin with the 1920's or 30's.
>>What is meant by "before the war"? Does it mean
>>that Hitler's aura has changed?
>>And what about the auras of Churchill, Roosevelt
>>and Stalin?
>>Did Hodson made also a descitpion of it?
>>And has had Hodson anything to do with 
>>"Occult bureau"?
>>BTW, all what Sylvia Cranston writes in her HPB
>>bio is FICTION (or probably politically correct
>>propaganda for some reason), nothing is based on
>>But who is interested in facts in these times of
>>enlightenment? :-))
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