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Re: Theos-World theosophy & politics

Feb 14, 2005 03:59 PM
by Cass Silva

Dear Bart,
I also found it very disappointing, that when I went to the TS websites, I found that there was no provision for study groups via the internet. The Melbourne TS have or had some very good teachers and I was hoping to continue my study through networking, but alas. Most of the board members were over 50 at the time I was attending. Perhaps no one there had the technological skills to set up a study group on the www, but I doubt it, as I visited, Australia, UK, Ireland,Adyar and no groups.

Bart Lidofsky <> wrote:

Jerry Hejka-Ekins wrote:
> points. I am trying to say that the TS is about more than finances, it 
> is also about members. 

A couple of years back, I set up a list largely for discussion of 
running the TS from a lodge level, where people could communicate with 
each other, and share experience and resources. It went over like a lead 
balloon (and no, it was NOT moderated).


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