Re: Some help
Feb 09, 2005 10:20 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev
--- In, Noel vasco <nenqueteba2000@y...>
> Is it possible to get the article By Damodar Mavalankar "Can Female
Become Adepts"...?
I can't help you much for I've got a Russian translation only.
But you shouldn't expect much from that article, for it is very small,
one page with a half, and he says that there are no serious
objections, and that he knows a female adept in Nepal. He refers to
HPB article "Reincarnation in Tibet" in CW vol 3 p.272, footnote.
The article itself was originally published in Theosophist, Oct.'1883,
and repritned by TPH in 1965 under a title like "A Hindu Chela's
In Mahatma Letters �17 K.H. also says that there no significant
spiritual difference between woman and man.
- References:
- Some help
- From: Noel vasco <>
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