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Watching theocracy

Feb 03, 2005 05:20 AM
by kpauljohnson

Dear Leon, Cass, and all,

The Dominionist agenda is terrifying enough without imagining "black 
magicians" behind it. What is most mind-boggling is the way many 
different strains of theocracy empower one other even though their 
visions of the future are deeply, and potentially violently, 
incompatible. For example, Christian theocrats in the US are a solid 
base of support for the Israeli extreme right, which welcomes their 
support in spite of the Christians' long-range goal of converting all 
the Jews. (Because in the short term destroying the Dome of the Rock 
and rebuilding the Temple strike both as divinely ordained-- they'll 
worry about the details later.) Similarly, there is a weird marriage 
of convenience between the Baha'i administration, which makes no 
effort to disguise its ultimate goal of taking over the entire world 
and the governments of every country in it, and the state of Israel 
where Baha'i headquarters are located.

Odds are that 1400 American lives, 200 billion American dollars, and 
tens of thousands of Iraqi lives will ultimately have been sacrificed 
to install a Shi'a theocracy in Baghdad aligned with the mullahs in 
Tehran. (Thanks to the Defense Department PNACers and 
such "journalists" as Judith Miller, the US govt and press became 
enablers of Ahmed Chalabi's espionage and fraud.)

Here's a link to an article about the latest antics of Rev. Dobson, 
who sees cartoon characters as insidious agents of the gay agenda. I 
think "Plaid Adder" hits the nail on the head-- the very notion of 
tolerance of any kind must ultimately be destroyed if these people 
get their way. And who is going to stop them?


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