Re: Theos-World Fw: doubt about modems and connections doubt Eldon
Feb 01, 2005 02:45 AM
by krishtar
Thanks for the explanation, Eldon.
Just one more question, to end the subject: Is In USA necessary an ADSL modem to have a fast connection?
I make my connections using a router-modem ADSL between my PC and the telephone ordinary line.
My doubt is if the information I was sent is a hoax or I am being , as usual, exploited by the telephone company... my bills are very high...but the 300 KBP/s speed is good.
Krishtar----- Original Message -----
From: Eldon B Tucker
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 11:27 PM
Subject: RE: Theos-World Fw: doubt about modems and connections
There are different kinds of DSL, but it is basically a type of Internet
access that is carried along your phone lines. The phone company has to have
it setup at their local switching station, and you have to live close enough
to that station (usually less than 15,000 feet) for the signal to be strong
enough. The Internet connection comes over the phone line at a different
frequency than voice phone calls. When the phone wires reach your house,
there would be a splitter that lets phone calls come out one set of wires
and the Internet connection out another set of wires. The wires for the
Internet connection go into the house and come out a regular phone jack on
the wall; the DSL modem you would get would connect to that jack. Behind the
DSL modem, you either have a single home computer or a firewall/router which
would allow multiple home computers to share the same connection.
DSL is a good form of Internet connection, but it's more expensive and you
need to live close to a phone company switching station.
-----Original Message-----
From: krishtar []
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 9:03 AM
Subject: Theos-World Fw: doubt about modems and connections
There is an e-mail going around in my country with the statement that
internet speed connections( ranging from from 156 to 512 Kbp/s ) is
worldwide possible using the conventional line, and in our country if you
need a fast internet connection you have to buy an ADLS Modem ( about 100,00
US$ ) and pay an extra fee of 20 - 100 US$ for the connection plus a
10-30,00 US$ for the provider per month.( the price of the "special line"
and the provider�s price varies depending on the speed)
My question is:You, who live ouside Brasil , and have a fast internet need
or do not need special modem and rates?
All included in the telephone�s monthly bill.
It is a steal!
My telephone bills are killing me!!! Help!
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