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Jan 28, 2005 06:58 PM
by silva_cass

Dear Zakk
I was reading that the period of the earth's duration is greater 
than that of any entity or race upon it, and for this reason Karma 
is adjustable. Effects represent the combination and interaction of 
the whole number of cuases involved in producing the effects. Karma 
needs appropriate instruments (conditions) for its action. Without 
the appropriate conditions it remains unexpended. Karma requires the 
exact correction and relation of the Karma with the body, mind, 
intellectual and psychical nature acquired for use by the Ego in any 
life. In any life our body may be appropriate for karma to operate, 
or inappropriate, so that karma is expended until the time/condition 
is ripe.
I was also reading that
"Everything that takes place on this globe or in the solar system or 
in the Sun or in the Galaxy takes place according to law, the Agents 
of Karma are there to hold it firm, to prevent as it were the 
earthquake or the tidal wave or the cyclone from going crazy and 
destroying indiscriminately. There must be a guiding spiritual 
power to see that the performing of these events shall take place 
without the complete wrecking of mankind. This is Narada's work, a 
protection of mankind and also an avenger. He works by 
overshadowing men of the proper psychological, spiritual, 
intellectual and even physical temperament and works through them. 
His duty is to see that the world is protected, that Karmic Law, 
destiny, be carried out irrespective of the consequences, for it is 
the only way to reestablish law, order, equilibrium, justice, 
ultimate wisdom and peace. Otherwise there would be Nature piling 
up a vast accumulation of unexpended karma which in time might flood 
the human race and utterly destroy it.


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