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Re: Theos-World Re: Anand and Pedro Pt.1

Jan 27, 2005 12:01 PM
by samblo

Thanks for your comments, as always. One of your recent posts contained 
the term "sepelchre" whgich caught my attention. I remembered a verse "Ye are 
become like unto whitened sepelchre's" I read many years ago in the western 
Bible, when I first read it it was not clear to me the context of it's meaning, 
but some years later after an experience I posited one interpretation from my 
personal acquired view. It is this, today I type this post and the background in 
the e-mail box is white, as my activity of expression occurs in typing, the 
letters appear and are enabled to be read, to me this is like Purush and 
Prakriti as a simile. Our lower mind, the conditioned consciousness is in many 
ancient writings likened to the "veiled' aspirant which being veiled as it is, yet 
having it's very existance intrinsically within the limitless Purush,. it is 
in it's own self made whitened sepelchre the walls being the lower mind of 
conditioned consciousness of each of humankind, our actions are the letters of 
our expression and if one is of the condition to be able to penetrate beyond the 
self made walls of the tomb of lower consciousness one meets oneself awaiting 
all about, limitless like the sky and space and Purush. It is very Zen like 
to me, there is no arriving as there never was an actual departure, only the 
self created veil mediates context of perception, regulates and governs aware 
reality. Since all that we are and all that is about us, past,present, future 
has relative existance inseperable of the Purush as the senior substrate I think 
akash is also dependent to it also and Akash may be stratified with many 
planes and levels. I agree with your point about physical Libraries, though 
useful to our hands it is only a subset that has meaning to the lower mind that 
requires objects of tangible nature that reinforce the veil agreements that 
collectively maintain the common context dear to the survival dynamics of the 
conditioned lower mind and consciousness.


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