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Re: Theos-World More on animal cruelty? (from the news)

Jan 24, 2005 06:06 AM
by Erica Letzerich

Last year I was in a Portuguese-Brazilian internet group about occultism, and many members they were Umbandist, an afro religion practiced in Brazil. And the question of animal sacrifice in religious rituals started to be discussed. The discussion end up with extremely offensive e-mails from the part of those that are against animal sacrifice in religious rituals and from the part of those in favour. It was really heavy discussion, and a war of words, in which those who defend animal sacrifice were not willing to changetheir opinions as much those against were not willing to change their opinions as well. Things got really ugly and I left the group. 
Religious sacrifice of animals in many countries is permitted and it is a common practice. When I was in Nepal I remember one Hindu festival they had in which they sacrificed in a public square more than 3.000 goats.
Animal cruelty is something large spreaded in the world and has many different forms. Also the question of vegetarianism is a fundamental option to beembraced by those who are against animal cruelty. In other words vegetarianism for me is an option based on compassion.  
To close, I am very radical on such matters and for me a middle way cannot be found when discussing about cruel propagandas and practices related to animals. So my experience shows that such discussions end up most of the time in a bad way, and I try to avoid it. 

krishtar <> wrote:

What about people who kill for sports fishes and animals?
Fishing for relaxing, for example, is so popular but it is still a murder against animal�s life.
Am I being exagerated?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: John 
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: Theos-World More on animal cruelty? (from the news)

If you look here:
(below my signature for people who don't have access)

you'll see a Cleveland Plain Dealer news item about a high school
student who, for life skills class, skinned and cooked a guinea pig
and a rabbit during class. (He killed the animals at home.)

Needless to say, some people complained, and the school is going to
change the rules to prevent it from happening in the future.

Fortunately, the school principal determined that the boy did not do
anything criminal, but the Humane Society is threatening to file
animal cruelty charges.

I see it as a case of the student's societal upbringing having
different standards than those of the people who buy their meat

I defend the school's right to change the rules, but I also defend the
boy's right to follow the old rules and use those animals for the
lesson in which he was required to cook a meal in class.



Boy Skins, Cooks Rabbit in Class
January 21, 2005 8:34 PM EST

THOMPSON, Ohio - A high school principal said guidelines for a living
skills class will be changed after a 16-year-old student skinned and
cooked a Guinea pig and a rabbit during class.

The animals were purchased at a pet store and prepared at Ledgemont
High School, located about 35 miles northeast of Cleveland, on Wednesday.

Officials at the Thompson Township Police Department and Geauga Humane
Society said they received complaints from students and parents and
they are investigating.

"Something irrational and wrong happened," said Geauga Humane Officer
Sarah Westman.

Westman said the incident may warrant animal cruelty charges.

Ledgemont Principal Beto Gage said misjudgments occurred but the boy's
actions are not criminal. Gage said the student, whose name was not
released, is an active hunter.

The 16-year-old told Gage he killed the animals at home before
bringing them to school Wednesday. Gage said his living skills
teacher, Diana Stevens, lets students prepare a meal of their choice
on that day.

The student had asked Stevens if he could catch and cook a wild rabbit
and she approved, provided he gut the carcass before class, Gage said.

The other students in his class who didn't want to watch were allowed
to go into another room, Gage said.


Information from: The Plain Dealer,

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