re: Bonsai kittens as satire
Jan 21, 2005 08:43 AM
by John
The website may be a joke. I certainly believe it was intended as a
joke. In fact, one version of the page, a few years ago, had a
statement buried in a remote link that it was so intended.
I believe the vast majority of visitors recognize it to be a joke.
I believe my analogy to be a valid one. I'm already seeing signs that
the Christian Right is doing more and more to prevent other points of
view from being recognized. A minister is Governor of Arkansas, and
our state is one of the states that chose to impose the
Judeo/Christian "law" about homosexuality on everyone, even to the
point of outlawing anything that remotely resembles gay marriage.
The day may come that some government units go even further and make
it against the law to promote any view that disagrees with the
pseudo-majority, and if that day comes, some of the theosophical sites
may be censored just as you wish to censor this site.
As long as we have Freedom of Speech, we have to allow that this
freedom extends to freedom for people to speak who disagree with our
points of view.
Stalin believed in Freedom of Speech, as long as it was speech that he
agreed with.
Are we going to move to that point of view that the only freedom is
for the people we agree with?
I hope not. Because the logical extension is that someone else, who
disagrees with us, may make the rules. I do not believe that the
minority should make rules for the majority, and the majority should
not make rules for the minority.
I believe this case to be a case of the small minority (percentage
wise) of people who take this site seriously (think it should be shut
down) to be trying to shut down freedom of speech for the majority
(who think the site is merely a wry commentary on society as a whole)
>The website is a cruel joke! Such sites must be censored. If you
>consider that freedom should have no limits and we do have to accept
>everything in the society, even the promotion of cruelty through
>sick satires that offer torture tools to use on animals, what to say�
>Your clever analogy left me speechless.
>--- In, "John" <John@L...> wrote:
>>The first time I saw this site (or one of its mirrors) a few years
>>ago, I recognized it for what it was, a satire.
>>Intelligent people should be able to recognize that someone
>>the site for satirical purposes, and enjoy it for what it is. I
>know I
>>did, and I'm not tempted to try to manipulate my cat's appearance.
>>If we censor sites like this one, just because we don't like their
>>"simulated cruelty", then what's next, someone censoring a
>>theosophical site because it doesn't agree with their personal
>>I checked out one month's worth of DVDs and loved every minute.
>And I
>>really appreciated the fact that they didn't try to promote just
>>point of view.
>>*** previous msg ***
>>Thank you Krishna for your e-mail, but it is really a bad joke and
>>many people will believe to be truth, as for sample I believed and
>>you too. This site stimulates cruelty toward animals, and is a
>>that should not be online.
>>--- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...>
>>>>Hi Erica
>>>>Me and my wife were Persian Cat breeders until last year and
>>we were aware of it in a site used to promote techniques of how to
>>get and produce a " Bonsai Kitten". I went so disturbed and
>>perplexed at that time ( 3 years ago) that I started posting
>>to many Cat Breeders authorities in USA and England and after
>>parallel investigations we discovered that .
>>>>To cut the story short the site was and
>>still is a very well produced joke, always consfusing people and
>>also FBI investigated it due to many complainments the cat-
>>associations received!
>>>>The interesting is that the site also teaches how to bottle the
>>kitten, how to feed it and also forges to sell equipment and books
>>on it. Many other countries had also imitators of this bad tasted
>>>>Definitely there are many sick and black-humored people in the
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Erica Letzerich
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 7:27 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Please Read this E-mail
>>>> Cruelty to Animals,
>>>> Please Copy this message and post it again after return it to
>>with the signatures. It is disgusting the level of cruelty people
>>can develop.
>>>> A web page in which that was closed one year ago is online
>>again. We have to close it forever.
>>>> A Japanese in New York is trying to produce and sale cats
>>he names "BONSAI CATS". To make it he closes the cats on bottles
>>where the cat live all his life in permanent incarceration
>>food through a tube and through another tube releasing urine and
>>excrements. The cat end up having the shape of the bottle and
>>is used as an unique object of decoration.
>>>> This is a barbarian method used in New York, China, Indonesia
>>and New Zealand.
>>>> You may see the site at:
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