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Re: Alice Bailey

Jan 21, 2005 02:37 AM
by krishtar

Bart :

Very good e-mail and I did apreciated your opinions.
I agree that we cannot be narrow-minded in only one direction but we must take the best referrences too.
Wisdom is spread everywhere as much as untruths are.
If we observe cautiously the world as mere watchers we can undersand many things, and it is the " life-university." as many say.


Thank you very much for your email.
I have downloaded again the article from Cleather and as soon as I can gonna take a look.
Thanks for the attention again.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Konstantin Zaitzev 
To: krishtar 
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: Alice Bailey

--- In, "krishtar" wrote:

> Is it possible to study both Theosophy and the books of AAB and take 
advantage of it?
> As I said, I bought some second-hand books from AAB and havent read 
it yet.
> What is your opinion? And the views of everybody?

I think yes. I have read most of them and found them useful while 
there are some thinhs which I couldn't agree with. But I can say this 
almost about any book. There never was a book that had no any doubtful 
points for me.

There's an article "Pseudo-occultism of Alice Bailey" by A. Cleather
(see , where you will find a big theosophical 
library). Naturally she is arguing strongly against Bailey, but she 
also says that the teachings by Bailey and Leadbeater are essentially 
the same, and I agree with her in that point. So, if you find the 
works by Leadbeater & Besant suitable and useful for you, you can 
surely study works by AAB too.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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