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Re: Theos-World Re: Alice Bailey & the Adyar Society (ES jealousy)AAB or HPB

Jan 20, 2005 06:12 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

MKR wrote:
Don't all copyright expire after a certain period of time. So copyright on some of AB's book may have expired and on others may be expiring soon. It is also my recollection that many of AB's books are available on line for anyone to download and use them for their study.
In the United States, the Sonny Bono Copyright Act (aka the "Mickey Mouse Bill") ensures that most of Alice Bailey's works will be protected by copyright for some time to come. Her books published before 1923 are currently in the public domain, but her books published 1923 or after are copyrighted for 95 years after the publication date.


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