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Are some of us guilty of "Presentism"? (today's "A.Word.A.Day")

Jan 18, 2005 03:12 PM
by John Knoderer

I found today's "word" interesting because it appears to describe part
of the recent discussion about CWL.

Forwarded for those people who enjoy studying words. 
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presentism (PREZ-uhn-tiz-uhm) noun

Evaluating past events and people by present-day values.

[From English present, from Middle English, from Old French, from Latin
praesent- (stem of praesens), from present participle of praeesse (to be
present before others), from prae- (pre-) + esse (to be).]

Presentism is the application of current ideals and moral standards to
interpret historical figures and their actions. For example, consider
Mr. John Teacher who caned pupils in his 1889 class. A presentist would
say that Mr. Teacher engaged in unacceptable violence against children
while one with an opposing view would claim that since it was considered
OK to hit children at the time, Mr. Teacher isn't to be blamed.

Absenteeism isn't an opposite of presentism. Rather, it refers to chronic
absence, e.g. from work or school. Another sense of the term presentism
is the idea that the prophesies of Scripture (especially of the
are now being fulfilled.

"In apocalyptic style, he (Jonathan Clark) says that presentism 'reaches
back into the past to silence its message'."
Stephen Howe; Fade to Blue; Independent (London, UK); Jul 12, 2003.

"Presentism is very often advanced in defense of America's founders.
It is
comforting to think that their generation, so distant in time from us,
lived in a condition of moral ignorance, and thus innocence, regarding
slavery. But that is not the case. Even Thomas Jefferson, some of whose
statements exhibit an almost demented racism, could see clearly that
slavery utterly compromised the nation: 'I tremble for my country when
I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.'"
Henry Wiencek; Yale and the Price of Slavery; The New York Times;
Aug 18,

This week's theme: miscellaneous words.

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