Re: Theos-World A Question for the New Year
Jan 09, 2005 03:39 AM
by Cass Silva
Do you mean, THAT and NOT THAT?
Zakk Duffany <> wrote:
View does not mean a literal sight. A concept is a view. The Absolute has no
One must take into consideration a direction of meaning from the use of
It is like the word "THAT". "THAT" represents a "thing". The Absolute is not
a "thing".
One goes beyond the literal meaning of "THAT" in order to grasp the concept.
"View" can also be taken in the same manner. One can substitute
"relationship" for
"view". As an example :
The Absolute is Relative in the relationship of the Relative.
The Relative is Absolute in the relationship of the Absolute.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World A Question for the New Year
Right. There is no such THING as THE Absolute. So how can we talk about it
viewing or being viewed?
In a message dated 01/09/05 12:32:51 AM, writes:
Perhaps the only thing that is Absolute, is THAT beyond the zero point.
Zakk Duffany wrote:
The Absolute is Relative when viewed by the Relative.
The Relative is Absolute when viewed by the Absolute.
Perspectives change with the standpoint of viewing.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World A Question for the New Year
In a message dated 01/08/05 3:38:29 PM, writes:
>If the absolute evolves. it is not absolute.
>The absolute cannot evolve, or itīd be relative, and when there is
>we are not dealing with the absolute anymore.(qwack!)
But, "The Absolute is Relative, and the Relative is Absolute." Didn't you
know that? It comes straught from the mouth of the Buddha, and was verified
later by HPB.
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