copies, originals cloning tulkus
Jan 06, 2005 04:36 AM
by krishtar
Just a comment.
Scientists wish to use cloning to produce Tulkus, in other words, the genetically identical body=same personality, which is a fallacy.
As long as official science thinks the external personality has its origin in the brain cells and all its electrical activities, itīll be the ever pervading error in the studies on the mistery of life.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bart Lidofsky
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World re cloning, twins, copies, originals
Mauri wrote:
> prmoliveira wrote:
> > Identical twins are the outcome of a
> >natural reproductive process and
> >even astrology (sorry to mention it
> >again on this list) regards them
> >to be two completely distinctive
> >individuals as far as their
> >psychological make up is concerned.
> (Bart)<<It's still a cloning process.>>
> But isn't there a significant enough
> difference between "copies" and
> "originals" ...
That's kind of the point I've been trying to make. Clones are only
identical on the DNA lavel, and even then, they will not have the
environmentally generated mutations that exist in all of us from the
moment of conception.
> Twins, for
> example, in my HSO, could be said to be
> either "copies" or "clones" (depending
> on how one defines those terms more
> specifically), but in my experience they
> are not identical, or not identical
> enough to be called the same person.
Once again, that is the point I've been trying to make.
> In
> other words, as it tend to see it, an
> attempt to clone HPB from DNA might, at
> best, result in some sort of essentially
> non-identical twin (outwardly similar
> person). Such a twin might, I suspect,
> take an interest in Theosophy, or, on
> the other hand, the incarnating person
> in the body might have very different
> karmic influences. But I tend not to see
> how one can "clone" (if that's meant as
> "bring back") an "original" human
> whether the body of that "original" is
> alive or dead.
It would be an identical body, but NOT the same monad (or even,
probably, the same aura, especially if one believes the aura to be the
first root race body, and the carrier of karma from one incarnation to
the next).
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