re Dallas's " dreams?" and Mauri's "real"...
Jan 05, 2005 03:48 PM
by Mauri
W.Dallas TenBroeck wrote, in part:
Jan 5 2005
Dear M:
Here are some statements on "dreams: to
Best wishes
-----Original Message-----
From: Mauri Sent: Tuesday, January 04,
2005 8:46 AM
Subject: re "real " Dreams ?
Thanks, Dallas, but as I recall, my
reference to the word "real" was in a
general sense. I had in mind anything
at all that one might think of as "real"
in any kind of sense. And so, as I see
it, "not real," eg, could be seen as
"real" in some sense that might be
defined as "real" in terms of "not
real." That is, as I tend to see it,
the nature of all
definitions/interpretations on dualistic
planes generally depend on various forms
of interpretive (karmic) comparisons
based on initial (again "karmic")
assumptions---"per karmic influnces," in
a sense. And so, as a result, while
such "realities" might be seen to play a
substantial role in one's life, one
might, at some point, (I'm speculating),
realize that one's Theosophical studies,
eg, have an exoteric/intepretive aspect
to them that can be misleading if it's
taken literally or "too literally" in
that while one might find many forms of
"exoteric versions" helpful, I feel that
the "real" helpfulness in one's
t/Theosophical studies might basically
depend on some form of what's known as
"reading between the lines," or
intuition. I suspect that throughout
history there's been a struggle between
literal/orthodox interpretations, on the
one hand, and the
"more-intuitive/broader" or "gnostic"
interpretive tendencies on the other
hand. Theosophy, as I tend to interpret
it, and as I think HPB represented it in
its essential ("esoteric") sense, makes
"more sense" where it's "read between
the lines" or where the "exoteric
versions" are used only as helpful clues
towards an understanding that, in it's
Realer aspects, would transcend such
"versions" by way of intuitive guidance
and such as "just being," eg.
Best wishes,
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