A thought on mental hygiene
Jan 05, 2005 11:54 AM
by stevestubbs
I was just thinking of the cliche "you are what you eat" and it
occurs to me a corollary to that could be "your mind is what you
think." That led to remembering the cliche "Garbage in, garbage out"
and that led me to wondering if the habit some people have of feeding
their minds nothing except cranky literature day in and day out is as
harmless as we have all assumed it to be. One fellow on this list
says he devours "The Watchtower" whenever it comes out, even though
he is not a crank himself and presumably does not take it seriously.
Others seem to be infatuated with garbage like The Book of Mormon,
or, worst of all, the nonsense attributed to "W.C." Leadbeater and
Annie Besant.
I always assumed feeding your mind a steady diet of cognitive barrel
scrapings was a harmless and even amusing habit. Now I am starting
to wonder. If it is true that "garbage in, garbage out," what would
we expect to happen to a person who does not engage in appropriate
mental hygiene?
Well, now that I got that off my chest pardon me while I return to my
copy of "The Idiot's Guide to Elizabeth Prophet's Collected
Yadayada." It's not exactly Sartre's Being and Nothingness, but then
I just preach mental hygiene. I do not practice, heh, heh.
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