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Re: [bn-study] Help: SD

Jan 03, 2005 08:14 PM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 01/01/05 12:34 AM, Etzion Becker wrote:

>Dear friends, I have an English question, concerning the chapter Beginnings
>of Sentient Life, Stanza I, page 160 of the Abridgement.
>Passage no# 4. "After the changeless immutable Nature..."
>I don't quite see the difference, or the nuance between *changeless and
>I'll appreciate your comments. Etzion

Simply ... in the sense that the words are used together without redundancy 
of meaning with reference to a law or principle;

"Changeless" could mean that the law or principle remains constant in its 
rules or qualities under all conditions. 

"Immutable" could mean that the rules under which the law or principle 
operates or exists cannot be altered or violated. 

Therefore, a law or entity can be both changeless (and) immutable. 

It's interesting to note these subtleties of meaning in much of HPB's 
writing, since she endeavored to be very precise in her use of the limited English 
language which very often does not define the subtle nuances of particular 
adjectives as does languages such as Sanskrit, Hebrew, Chinese, etc., that can 
indicate nuances of meaning in inflectional changes of their oral expression, and 
by use of certain diacritical marks in their writing. 


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