Re: Theos-World Re: "It is possible...."
Jan 02, 2005 08:55 AM
by Mauri
prmoliveira wrote, in part:
<<I am trying to find out, through
questioning, if Theosophy, as a
teaching, can evolve.>>
I suspect that "Theosophy as a teaching"
could "evolve" (in various senses) by
way of interpretion, like a lot of
things. But I wonder if one might want
to keep in mind that the various bottom
lines of various interpretations may be
seen, in some cases, maybe, (as in the
case of the Wisdom Tradition and
Theosophy), as having a somewhat less
interpretive Inherent Reality to them,
in some sense, inasmuchas they're seen
to "ray" from (or have an intimate
connection with) Beness ... So that
"atma-buddhi," eg, might seem "more
Real" and thereby "less interpretive" in
the sense of seeming (in some cases ...)
less prone to notions/interpretations re
"evolution" ... ^:-/ ...
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