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Part 2 -- Ancient Cataclysms

Dec 31, 2004 03:49 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Dec 31 2004



Included	Geological Chronology -- Time Charts

Chronology of THEOSOPHY and Hindus


It is important as we said at the beginning of Part 1 to remember
that the entire evolutionary cycle of humanity on our Earth is 3

1. Spiritual (or MONADIC),  
2. Intellectual (Mind and Emotion conjoined), and,  
3. Physical [SD I 181].

In all cases the units are immortal MONADS. The study of
evolution is the study of the progress of the Monads as each is
assisting in the evolutionary development of others which are
less progressed. In all cases, the wiser assist the rest, who
have less experience, in theirs.


It is a vast living and progressive BROTHERHOOD. It is a vast
cooperative. The first object of the TS is to demonstrate that.
The SD was written with that purpose in mind, hence the HISTORY
(SD I 267) of the past is opened to all of us as never before.
The sweep of esoteric History shows us in retrospect where we
have been and how we have participated in the maturation process
that has produced our talents, character, and our personality in
general; it now plays an important part in our motivation. But,
as students of Theosophy we have to always remember that these
are not he essential "US." We are the Spiritual MONAD, which is
Atma-Buddhi-Manas. The "personality" is our vehicle, and our

We ought to use the diagram that HPB gives us on p. 200 of SD
Vol. I quite frequently.

This "Part Two" deals mainly with the 3rd, 4th and 5th ROOT RACES
of GLOBE "D" in the 4th ROUND. [ the Lemurian, Atlantean, and
Aryan root Races through which we have passed, and are now
passing, as immortal Egos. ]

If we wish to review the information given in the SECRET DOCTRINE
concerning the land masses (continents) that were used (in this
the 4th ROUND, GLOBE "D") by the early RACES, when we were
incarnated in and used the type of bodies provided by those
RACES, we could open the 2nd Vol. of the S D at p. 6 where a
table of Continents is given:

TABLE OF CONTINENTS [ 4th Round, Globe "D" ]

1. "he IMPERISHABLE SACRED LAND" lasts from one end to the other
of the Manvantara. Presumably this is an area which is never destroyed by 
either floods or volcanism but is reserved for the use of the Wise, who
alone know its present location.

2. "The HYPERBOREAN" -- 2nd Continent - extended its
promontories south from the North Polar area. Apollo (the Sun,
Hyperboreas) traveled there once a year according to Greek
tradition, and for that half year visit, the Sun never set there.

3. "The LEMURIAN" -- 3rd Continent -- (the name was invented by
P. L. Slater who between 1830-60 asserted its existence on
zoological grounds). He contended (as does the Secret Doctrine)
that it stretched, shaped like an enormous crescent from
Greenland in the West through England, Europe and North Africa,
then passed through Madagascar and Mauritius, through Ceylon and
Sumatra, then, including Australia, it crossed the Pacific,
touched South America and California and ended in what we call
north-east Asia after passing through the area we name the Bering
Straits in the East.

4,242, 352 BC 	

Extreme volcanism began the period of Lemurian destruction 
[SD II 266], and finally its remnants were swept away in a vast 
flood around 4,242, 352 BC [SD I 439fn].

4. "ATLANTIS" -- 4th Continent. It included portions of the
2nd and the 3rd Continents, but was chiefly massed in what is now
the Atlantic Ocean, permitting the passage over land from Europe
to America. It had many important land masses associated with
it, including north Africa and Egypt, as well as portions of
Central Asia, and some remnants of Lemuria in the Indian and
Pacific ocean areas [SD II 403, 327].

998,100 years BC 	

Atlantis began a cataclysmic sinking around 998,100 years BC [SD
II 141], and its largest peninsula was submerged around 850,000
BC [SD II p. 10]. Posedonis, the last island (of which Plato
wrote) sank in 9,566 BC [SD II 155 406 444fn ISIS I 589-594,
"Five Years of Theosophy," p. 99fn]. A number of archeologists
and paleographers have remarked on the close similarity of
monuments, zodiacal and astronomical records, and of script that
is to be traced on opposite sides of the Atlantic--showing an
ancient linkage there.

5. "AMERICA" -- is the 5th Continent. However, in old Sanskrit
literature it was located at "Patala" -- the "antipodes" to India
It is the land mass related to our Race, named the Noble (Aryan).
Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor are parts of the 5th
continent; and, more recently, America has once more become more
densely inhabited in the last 300 years. But, as we may see when
we consult a map of our Earth, our land masses of today include
portions of the older continents that have been heaved up out of
the ocean. Submersion and upheaval are constantly going on.

It should be noted that the records of the SECRET DOCTRINE are
not limited by (or to) the present geographical outlines of the
configuration of our present continents.  


It may be noted that the present "plate-tectonics" hypothesis is not 
endorsed by the S D. This plausible hypothesis has recently engaged 
the attention of geologists and geographers. It advances the concept that
present known continental patterns are fixed to their "plates."
These in turn "float" and gradually move on a softer subterranean
core of a more fluidic mass of hot rock; and the result is that
they have participated (without altering shape) over millions of
years in "continental drift." But, this is not a theory that is
confirmed by the esoteric history of our Earth, as given in the

In tracing the past history and movements of the RACES, the land
masses follow the order of evolution of the RACES from 1st to the
5th. The book The SECRET DOCTRINE, does not take into account
the location and fate of many islands and peninsulas since the
face of the Earth has changed many times, and the Poles have been
inverted several times [SD II 350 353 360 368 432-3 785-6 436].

12,000 BC 

The last serious geographical and geological change occurred around 12,000
BC [SD II 8-9] and was followed by 

9,566 BC

the submergence of Posedonis (9,566 BC). Change in the elevation of the
continents and islands is not always violent states the S D [SD II 787fn].


The stature of man (which in the early Astral matter races, was
gigantic as compared with ours) has varied and decreased with the
concretisation of the material environment. The passage from the
1st to the 5th RACE following this increased densification is
traced in the SD [SD II 9 224-5 336-8] On page SD II 338, we
read of a still existing series of statues on the north side of
the Hindu Kush range that illustrate this decrease. At Bamiyan
stand carved in stone the record of the decreasing size (173,
120, 60, 27, to 6 feet in height ) of the physical forms that
humanity has used. A few years ago the magazine NATIONAL
GEOGRAPHIC published photographs of these.


The SECRET DOCTRINE states that a complete record of all these
many changes covering millions of years, have been maintained
[SDI xxiv-v, xxxii, xxxix, II 324-29 334-5]. Ancient monuments
were erected to show Astronomical time, and record the source of
measures as well as other facts that succeeding civilizations
could use when the time came for their civilizations to emerge
again [SD I 439fn II 346 430 501 732].


It was in the 5th Sub-race of the 3rd Root Race (Lemurian) that
mankind separated sexually [SD II 715fn] In the 6th and 7th Sub
races Cities were built and the first seeds of civilization were
scattered under the watchful eyes of the "Divine Instructors" [SD
II 20-21,199, 220-1, 317-19, 366, 432, I xxxiv-v]. It was then
that language and writing were developed [SD II 199-201, 346fn,
439-42, 729, I xxxii].


Our Earth is subject to 7 major periodical entire changes which
occur as the RACES change on the GLOBE where they are evolving
[SD II 329].

The RACES and their Continents are periodically destroyed
alternately by fire (volcanoes and earthquakes) and water
[floods] -- this is a doctrine as old as man [SD II 725].

Our continents, like Lemuria and Atlantis, have been several
times submerged and then have reappeared so that they may bear
their fresh crop of civilized groups of mankind [SD II 332]. AS
an example the Egyptian Pyramids are said to have been three
times submerged [SD I 313 424 617 II 351-2 462-575 749-50

Such re-emergence is accompanied by a cleansing process whereby
the thick deposits that cover the land are disposed of and
restore its fertility [SD II 325].



[ We give below a table of Geological Ages as they were estimated
in HPB's time, and as they are estimated now. [SD II 710]


[ These dates are used by Scientific Geology
and are approximate estimates only. ]

Name of	1888 2000
=================	==============	====================

PRIMORDIAL	.	321,000,000 years,
[SD II 711-2]

Laurentian	.	.	.	1 billion years ?? (+/-)
Cambrian	.	.	.	590,000,000 years
Ordovician	.	.	.	505,000,000
Silurian	.	.	.	.	438,000,000

PRIMARY	.	150,000,000 years
[SD II 712]

Devonian	.	.	.	408,000,000 years
Carboniferous	.	.	.	360,000,000
Permian	.	.	.	280,000,000

SECONDARY	.	45,000,000
[SD II 713-14]


Triassic	.	.	.	.	248,000,000
Jurassic	.	.	.	.	213,000,000
Cretaceous	.	.	.	144,000,000

TERTIARY	9,000,000
[SD II 714]


Paleocene	.	.	.	65,000,000
Eocene	.	.	.	.	55,000,000
Oligocene	.	.	.	38,000,000
Miocene	.	.	.	25,000,000
Pliocene	.	.	.	5,000,000

QUATERNARY	1,600,000
[SD II 715]

Paleolithic	.	.	.
Pleistocene	.	.	. 2,000,000
Neolithic	.	.	.
Holocene	.	.	.	100,000
Historical	.	.	.	10,000 (?)

[Origin and Evolution of Mammals considered SD II 724-738.]



[SD II 68-70]


Year Groups, Tribes Notes and References
>From To or Individual

Universal and World Periods SD II 68-70 OCEAN 125

311,040,000 000 000 years = Maha Kalpa, or Life of Brahma
( 100 of Brahma's years)
[311 trillion, 40 billion] SD II 70

3,110,400,000,000 years = 1 Year of Brahma SD II 70
[ 3 trillion, 110 billion ]

8,640,000,000 years = 1 Day + 1 Night of Brahma

4,320,000,000 years = 1 Kalpa = l Day of Brahma or
1,000 Maha-Yugas SD II 69
or 14 Manus SD II 59-60
see The Theosophist, Nov., 1885, p. 115-6;

1 Day of Brahma = 4,294,080,000 years 
= 994 Maha-Yugas or 14 Manus

add 25,920,000 years = 1 Sandhi (twilight)
4,320,000,000 years = 1 Kalpa 1 Day of Brahma
(4 billion, 320 million) SD II 69-70

1 Manvantara = 306,720,000 years = 71 Maha Yugas 
of 4,320,000 years

add 1,728,000 years = 1 Sandhi SD II 69
308,448,000 years = 1 Manvantara SD II 69

4 Yugas [ The 4 "Ages" ] . SD II 69 ML p. 121; IS I 32

1,728,000 years = Krita (or Satya, or Golden Age-Yuga)

1,296,000 years = Treta (or Silver Age--Yuga )

864,000 years = Dwapara ( or Bronze Age--Yuga )

432,000 years - Kali ( or Black, Iron Age--Yuga )
4,320,000 years = 1 Maha Yuga - or 1/1000th of A Day of Brahma 
SD I 136 II 69 HPB Art. III 422; 
Lucif XIII, 183-4; ML 121  	
ISIS I 14 32 293 301-4 428 587 II 260


Solar or Heliacal Year 25,868 years SD I 314 Ocean 121
( 1 Sub-race )	SD I 439fn II 141fn 330fn 436fn

Metonic Cycle 6,586 days = cycle of eclipses ( or revolution
= 18 yrs. 11 1/2 day - the moon's node
[a cycle of 6,585 days (18.041 years)

Grand Cycles	Orpheus: 120,000 years IS I 294 fn
Cassandrus 136,000 years IS I 294 fn


Our Earth

1,955,884,687 years (in 1887) from the beginning of
"cosmic evolution"	SD II 68fn
- 300,000,000	Years as a Sandhi (twilight)
1,664,884,687 years (in 1887) from the first
appearance of "Humanity" (on this planetary
chain) as a physical form SD II 68fn

Kali Yuga	ours is the 28th age of the 7th Manvantara of
308,448,000 years	ISIS I 32


B. C.

18,618,727 Lighting up of Manas [ mind ] (as in 1887)
SD I 150fn; SD II 69 254-5

4,000,000 c. Engulfing of Lemuria (e.g.:--Easter Island)
4,242,352	SD I 439fn II 68-70 141
[4th Round, 4th Globe, 3rd "Race"]

Easter Island - evidence SD I 322 439 II 224 317

Atlantis [ Titans / Kabiri / Cyclops ]
[4th Round, 4th Globe, 4th "Race"]

1,050,000 Beginning of the 5th "Race" SD II 141 144 435

Vedas SD I 269-71 II 483-4 450 606 616
T M 5-67 Glos 361 IS I 444 THY 2-468
Theos't I-247 Col. I TOP. WQJ ART II 82-3
Theos't 9-428

1,050,000 BC
Vedanta	SD I 7 50-1 269 451 Glos 361 253
(Uttara Mimansa - Vyasa)
Theos't I-201 287 9-411 Lucif 6-119

Advaita (non-dualistic) SD I 8 55 522 II 637 GLOS 7
(Shankaracharya - founder) ML 53-4
Theos't 10-7 Glos 307
Dwaita (dualistic)

Manu Smriti (Code of Manu given Krita Yuga) IS I 585-6

1,000,000 Aryan Race	began SD II 395 Theosophy 45, p. 219
Brahmin invasion of N. India	Is II 156fn 169 158
Is II 323 192 SD I 209 II 565 Glos 222
Persians, Turanians, Goths, Slavs IS. I 569-576; II 426-433

c.	1,000,000 - 500,000 B C

998,100 Cataclysms: Atlantis begins sinking SD II 141
Is I 557 593 SD II 10 144	Glos 42-3

869,000 Dwapara Yuga Commencement (since 1888) SD II 147
( Kali-Yuga began 3,102 BC )

850,000 Since submergence of last large peninsula of
the Great Atlantis SD II 10

850,000 Glacial Period est. by Stockwell & Croll	SD II 141 144

800,000 Angkor Wat built (2nd most Occult Edifice) Glos 223
Is I 239 561-8 271-2

500,000 - 250,000 B C

470,000	Babylon's astronomical observations go back to
this Nebo or Birs Nimrud, BCW 13-274 Isis I 533

450,000 Epoch of Ramayana (Brahmin estimate) C & J p. 73
Theos't Vol. 10-35 SD II 496 IS II 278 Glos 275

400,000	Egypt was settled by the Atlanteans and the Eastern
AEtheopeans	SD II 750

250,000 - 100,000 B C

250,000 + Last Glaciation of Europe Isis I 3

Pyramids were 3 times submerged SD I 313 424 617
S D II 462-6 575 435 749-50 351-3 462 351-2 93 276fn 429
GL 223 GLOS 300 IS I 154 239 296-7 517-21 THY Vol. 67-p.54

Sphinx (Harmachus)	SD II 124 618 Glos 135-6 Is I 573

200,000	Chaldean Astronomical Observations extended back at
Alexander's invasion -- Berosus SD I

200,000 Stockwell & Croll est. of last Glaciation	SD
II 144

100,000 - 30,000 B C

78,000 + Denderah Zodiac [Egyptians brought from Lanka--Menes ]
SD II 374fn 431-6 456 577 580; IS I 440-1

49,186 Egyptian Records go back to ( Diogenes Laertius )
by 8,863 yrs. in 323 BC IS I 33

34,300 Sumerian Tablet gives 32,234 yrs between Deluge
and last king of Isin c.200 BC Thy 16, p.195

30,000 - 10,000 B C

29,217 Alpha Polaris (Dhruva) (as Pole Star) (in 1888)
31,105 yrs ago Glos. 17

15,194 Zodiac Originated 1st degree of Aries ( Ram )

15,086 Vernal Equinox and 1st degree of Libra coincided
( 16,984 yrs ago in 1888 )	SD I 658

12,300	Vyasa - Uttara Mimansa & Vedanta taught Isis II 621
"Bhadarayana"	SD I 50 269 451 Glos 361

11,100 Vega (Alpha Lyrae was Pole Star Thy 17-18

10,000 - 6,000 B C

9,566 Deluge of Deucalion. Last Island of Atlantis ML p. 155
submerged. Last war between the "Sons of God"
of the "White Island" and the last Atlantean sorcerers
ISIS I 589-594; 5 Yrs of Thy p. 99; SD II 406 444fn

9,500	Atlantis - Last Island sank Timaeus"- Plato as narrated
by Priests of Sais to Solon	TM 46-469

8,000 Hindu Initiates had same Secret Philosophy then
as now (estimate)	SD II 406 IS II 535

8,000 Tchandalas (Semites) begin to emigrate India to Chaldea
SD II 200 Glos 323 165 IS I 135 551-2 578
Isis II 438-9 SD I 313fn

7,975 End of the last Sidereal Year Ocean 129 SD I 649-50
(9,868 yrs. before 1893) SD II 314 331
432 470

6,500 c Zarathustra (6,000 yrs. before Plato c 400 BC Glos. 384-5
IS I 19 II 141 SD I 464 II 323 Theos't I-13 Thy 14-97
Zoroaster was a Title - 24 Zoroasters. The last
was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha. c. 600 BC ]

6,000 - 4,000 B C

6,000/5,000 Trojan War nearer 6,000 BC S D II 437fn
Thy 27-103 IS I 520 598 Glos 96
(Dardanus) SD II 101 236 440

5,100 Neith (1st Dynasty) Lucif 2-465 SD I 399 Glos 77 227 234

4,100 c Manu-Vina (Menes) to Masra (Cairo) IS I 627 516
SD II 335 374 431-2 436 746; Thy
15, 317

4,000 - 3,000 B C

3750 Sargon I reigned (Prof. A.H.Sayce)	SD II 691

3,700 Local Deluge in Middle East S D II 691

3,200 c Date assigned to last Veda Vyasa by
the Brahmins. [Vyasa is a title.] Glos 362

3,102 Kali Yuga began Feb. 16, AM: 2 Hrs, 27 Min, 30 Sec.
[the only precise time given] SD I 662 SD II 147 fn

3,102 Krishna's death (18 Feb. 3,102 BC) Glos 170 387
[ midnight 17/18 ] Thy. I-p.374; IV-p. 37

3,102 Hindu Zodiac Begins at sunrise Feb 18th SD I 662
( origin of present Hindu era: "Vikram Samvat"
and Zodiac, Tiravalour, So. India )

3,100 c Vikramaditya rules at Ujjain ("Vikram Samvat") SD I 662
[ begins at Sunrise, February 18th 3,102 B C ]

3,100 c Fu - H'si ( Krishna of China ) Thy 14- 308

Po - H'si ( 1st Ruler of China) Thy 14- 1

3,100 c Arjuna to Patala ( marries Ulupi ) SD II 214fn
[ Orphean Mysteries ]	Glos 29
("Patala" = Mexico ) Thy 15, 546 IS II 561fn

3,100 c Orpheus identified with Arjuna Thy 27, 148 Glos 242
(On travel to Patala, stops in Greece)
HPB ART III 138 IS I 532 II 129
SD I 207 267fn 529 784 Lucif 16-273
Theos't 5-20 Col 2 Bot,
"Mysteries of Orpheus" established.

3,000 - 2,000 B C

3,000 c Gilgamesh epic "Flood" of Jewish Bible Thy 16, 307

2,875 c Akkadians (Semites) Sumer Sargon IS I 576-78

2,800 c Yi-King (Chinese Kabala --Akkadians) Thy 25-444

2,700 Hwang-Ti 3rd after Po-H'si Thy 15-19 Thy

Babylon & Assyria Glos 47 37 IS I 567
ML 152
THY 16-194 307

2,253 Chaldean Astronom. Observations for the past 1903 years
Calliosthenes to Aristotle (c 350 BC) IS I 21

Kasidim Glos 75 81 39 196 IS I xxviii 534
459 567
HPB Art III 134 ML 152 CWB 5-13 326-8 SD II 620

2,200 c Shu-King and Shi-King (China) Thy 14-310 IS I 11

Hammurabi (Code) Babylon Thy 16-196

2,000 c Sumeria old texts interlinear Semitic Thy 16-194
translations Thy 21-414

2,000 - 1,000 B C

1,925 c Hittites capture Babylon IS I 567-8

1,850 c Chung-Ki (China ) Thy 14-34

1,700 c Knossos (Crete) at its height IS I 264 545
[ c 3,000 BC - 1,400 BC ]

1,628 c	Thera (Santorini) Volcano Erupts (Tree Ring Dating)
[ L A Times, Aug 29 1996 ]
[ End of Minoan Civilization, and tidal waves
overwhelm coasts of Eastern Mediterranean.]

Chronology interrupted at this point. DTB



Best wishes,


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