Re: More Controversy on LETTERS OF H.P. BLAVATSKY, Volume 1
Dec 28, 2004 11:13 AM
by ringding777
I received the following text:
legalrightsjournalism wrote:
> John Algeo was the Editor of QUEST Magazine when
> Radha Burnier forgery of the MAHATMAS LETTER 10
> was published in QUEST Magazine, July/August, 2000:
> Carefully, read the true MAHATMAS LETTER 10 in:
It is quite clear that the Master speaks of the imagined God of the theologists as a
"power which has never yet manifested itself."
This portion was cutted out in Radha Burnier's quote. Why?
Obviously she did not want to trouble her readers by reminding of the Coming-Christ-hoax of Annie Besant, Leadbeater and the two Krishnamurtis!
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