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Re: Creation of the Cosmos

Dec 07, 2004 10:32 PM
by leonmaurer

Speaking in the scientific and metaphysical "Language of this Age"... 

Actually, from a purely scientifically valid metaphysical POV, and 
disregarding all the mystical anthropomorphic references to a "personalized" LOGOS or 
"GOD" idea... If we look at the diagrams of the "woven" spheres (*globes*) 
within spheres within spheres, etc., (See web pages below) that emanate from the 
"whirling" energy ("Laya Point" or "spinergy") of the LOGOS (source of the 
"WORD," Verbum, or *holographic vibrational interference patterns* containing all 
WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE)... And, considering that the ABSOLUTE (outside of all 
metric time and space) *Zero Point* of such Cosmic origin is the rootless root of 
CONSCIOUSNESS or SPIRIT) -- we can see how simple (and impersonal) it all is. 
(*---* = italics)  

But first, we must understand that; Since any spherical or "global" space has 
three *lines of direction* (N-S, E-W, Up-Down) that cross perpendicular to 
each other at the center... Therefore, the primal global "spinergy" at any 
zero-point has three primary poles or directions of rotation. (However, here, for 
purposes of simplifying our visualization, we are only considering one axisof 
such rotation.) In actuality, each LOGO (of the *three* LOGOS) has reference 
to one of these polar directions. And, each such polar direction has three 
*zero points* of reference, one, common to their crossing centers, and two at 
the extreme ends of their extension and termination in infinity. Thus, there 
are seven points in all -- which are the basis of the "Diamond Heart" geometry 
as well the seven "rays" of consciousness or "Lineage's" that represent the 
true fundamental metaphysical reality. See the 6-diamond (UniOmniForm) crystal 
diagram (which can be infinitely divided or expanded into smaller or larger 
diamonds without changing its overall octahedron shape) at:
This is why Plato quoting Pythagorus said, "The universe geometrizes." 
(Escher couldn't have said it better, although he certainly knew how to illustrate 
it. :-)

We must also consider such "Consciousness" represented by the zero-point 
itself, as pure [abstract] and *impersonal* AWARENESS as well as the link to 
WILL... And, thereby avoid personalizing Spirit on the three higher monadic 
(ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS) or *logoic* planes that are above or preceding the plane of the 
lower Astral mind or KAMA-MANAS.  

Therefore, Consciousness as *awareness* is simply the unconditioned 
*witness*... And *will* is the impersonal Force inherent in the "spinergy" that can 
only be applied through the action of *desire* focussed through the MIND -- 
whether it be that of the universal MAHAT or Buddhi-Manas (higher Mind) or the 
individualized reflection of it in the Kama-Manas (lower mind)        

However, we must not be confused, since from a metaphysical point of view, 
i.e., looking at it from the point source within, outward -- this entire system 
is the reverse of how the pseudo theosophists (and of course, all 
theologists:-) see it (from the outside looking in)... Since, as HPB pointed out and as 
both Hermes and Plato explained it (and some later writers missed) -- the inside 
is the outside and the outside is the inside. And, therefore, the *I AM* or 
Self of any so called "God" up to the highest LOGO is equivalent to the *I AM* 
or self of any fully conscious Human being. 

This *involutional* process (before *Chaos* leads to *Cosmos* and the 
universe of forms begin its *evolution") -- ruled by fundamental LAWS of 
multidimensional geometry -- is perfectly illustrated, and can be easily visualized, if we 
follow the Mobius path of the spiral vortex that forms each FIELD or PLANE of 
consciousness in successive fractal iterations, both outwardly and inwardly, 
simultaneously, like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, etc. Thus, from 
the scientific POV, the Universe both expands and contracts, while forming both 
the "dark matter" and the "light matter," simultaneously.  

Therefore, on any plane or spherical surface, the spiritual field or ATMA is 
the closest to the Zero-point of any form (and thus hidden within the space 
between the primal "Atoms" or fundamental particles of both *Astral* and 
*Physical* space)... And, at the same time, stretches the furthest infinitedistance 
from the Central zero or (laya) point of Cosmic origin... Thus, *containing* 
and, simultaneously inwardly supporting every particle and form within its 
overall circumference on every "coadunate but NOT consubstantial" PLANE of 

*Personalization* or personification only begins to occur on the lower planes 
of both the *light* and *dark* Cosmic levels -- after, in our visible 
space-time, the first seven DHYAN CHOHANS appear on the *light* side... And, we must 
*not* imagine such "personalization" both on the higher Cosmic MONAD planes 
that comprise the first three LOGOS (Note: the word "Logos" is plural) or on the 
planes of the "Dhyan Chohans" that are part of the *Third Logos* (our 
physical metric space-time). Only, when these "Chohans" are incarnated in mankind, 
can they be personified. 

Note, also, that the *information* or KNOWLEDGE these primal GLOBES carry (in 
their holographic interference patterns of vibrational energies) on their 
surfaces, represent the noumenal *matrices* or "Genes"of all the *individual* 
forms that appear on every plane. (See my previous posts for an explanation 
of how the dual rays of primal force that weave every globe, like balls of 
twisted yarn, forms these spiraling genetic *ladders* that are -- as above,so 
below -- analogous to the DNA molecular ladders of amino acid bases on the 
physical plane.) Also, see DNA pictures at:

Note also, that the WISDOM of the LOGOS is the noumenal *root* of these 
phenomenal patterns which are based on its immutable LAWS of KARMA (cycles and 
periodicity) that govern their actions-reactions... And, such WISDOM is the 
inherent nature of the "Whirling" or *Spinergy* of the Primal *Zero Laya Point* 
origin of each of the LOGOS (or primal triune Monads on the Cosmic Spiritual, 
Astral and Physical planes). HPB called this "spinergy" the "Abstract Motion of 
Absolute Space" which is prior to the manifestation of the LOGOS or any 
substantial *being* following them, in accord with fundamental law... And, guided 
only later by the conscious *light* Dhyan Chohans, "Builders," "Cosmocreators," 
"Architects of the Universe," or "Great Masons" -- with the help of both 
*impersonal* MAHAT (Cosmic mind) and FOHAT (Cosmic force). 

The fundamental error in the interpretation below this dissertation (not to 
say that their general overview is entirely wrong) is the personalization or 
personification of the LOGOS -- which leads every following writer who bases 
their theories on these interpretations, to make a Religion out of Theosophy 
based on a Ruling Hierarchy and a carnal Messiah -- which completely deniesthe 
individuality, liberty, and free will of all *equal* human beings (as spiritual 
entities), and foments the creation of a dictatorial ruling elite as Mankind's 
Governmental agencies. This is the "wrong view" of most writers following 
HPB, such as AB, AAB, CWL. etc. who profess to reinterpret the teachings ofthe 
ancient Masters according to their personal religious beliefs that 
anthropomorphize the higher Consciousness or Spirit of the Universal Monad and its 
reflection in the "Dhyan Chohans" -- who initially *guide* the building of the 
phenomenal universe and, ultimately become incarnated in Mankind as *Masters* (but 
not *rulers*). Therefore, there cannot be a "personal GOD" other than the 
"Ray" of the Universal Consciousness that can be directly experienced within each 
of us. (Our direct zero-point center of individual awareness of Self, and, 
indirectly, of the reflected [coadunate or entangled] points of non local 
sensory perception.) This implies that everything in the universe is *conscious* in 
one degree or another. For an explanation of how we "see" -- go to:

ALL this, BTW, is fully explained in the "Secret Doctrine," for those 
intuitive students able to read "in and around the words and between the lines" -- as 
HPB clearly pointed out. To see how Einstein must have seen it, go to:

I hope this clarifies things a bit and gives us some food for further thought.



For comparative reference to "interpretations" of post HPB theosophical 
writers, see below quotes:  
In a message dated 11/11/04 3:18:28 PM, writes: 
(quoting either AB or CWL) 

> " We have just seen that the source from which a universe proceeds
>is a manifested Divine Being, to whom in the modern form of the Ancient
>Wisdom the name LOGOS, or Word has been given. The name is drawn from Greek
>Philosophy, but perfectly expresses the ancient idea, the Word which emerges
>from the Silence, the Voice, the Sound, by which the worlds come into being.
>We must now trace the evolution of spirit-matter, in order that we may
>understand something of the nature of the materials with which we have
>to deal on the physical plane, or physical world. For it is in the 
>wrapped up, involved, in the spirit-matter of the physical world that lies
>the possibility of evolution. The whole process is an unfolding, self-moved
>from within and aided by intelligent beings without, who can retard or
>quicken evolution, but cannot transcend the capacities inherent in the
>materials. Some idea of these earliest stages of the world's "becoming"
>is therefore necessary, although any attempt to go into minute details
>would carry us far beyond the limits of such an elementary treatise as
>the present. A very cursory sketch must suffice. 
> 2. Coming
>forth from the depths of the One Existence, from the ONE beyond all thought
>and all speech, a LOGOS, by imposing on Himself a limit, circumscribing
>voluntarily the range of His own Being, becomes the manifested God, and
>tracing the limiting sphere of His activity thus outlines the area of His
>universe. Within that sphere the universe is born, is evolved, and dies
>; it lives, it moves, it has its being in Him ; its matter is His emanation
>; its forces and energies are currents of His Life ; He is immanent in
>every atom, all-pervading, all-sustaining, all-evolving ; He is its source
>and its end, its cause and its object, its centre and circumference ; it
>is built on Him as its sure foundation, it breathes in Him as its encircling
>space ; He is in everything and everything in Him. Thus have the sages
>of the Ancient Wisdom taught us of the beginning of the manifested worlds.
> 3. From
>the same source we learn of the Self-unfolding of the LOGOS into a threefold
>form ; the First LOGOS, the Root of all being ; from Him the Second, 
>the two aspects of Life and Form, the primal duality, making the two poles
>of nature between which the web of the universe is to be woven - Life-Form,
>Spirit-Matter, Positive-Negative, Active-Receptive, Father-Mother of the
>worlds. Then the Third LOGOS, the Universal Mind, that in which all 
>exists, the source of beings, the fount of fashioning energies, the treasure
>house in which are stored up all the archetypal forms which are to be brought
>forth and elaborated in lower kinds of matter during the evolution of the
>universe. These are the fruits of past universes, brought over as seeds
>for the present. 
> 4. The
>phenomenal spirit and matter of any universe are finite in their extent
>and transitory in their duration, but the roots of spirit and matter are
>eternal. The root of matter (Mulâprakriti ) has been said by a profound
>writer to be visible to the LOGOS as a veil thrown over the One existence,
>the supreme Brahman (Parabrahman) -to use the ancient name. 
> 5. It
>is this "veil" which the LOGOS assumes for the purpose of manifestation,
>using it for the self-imposed limit which makes activity possible. From
>this He elaborates the matter of His universe, being Himself its informing,
>guiding, and controlling life. ( Hence He is called "The Lord of Mâyâ"
>in some Eastern Scriptures, Mâyâ, or illusion, being the principle of form;
>form is regarded as illusory, from its transitory nature and perpetual
>transformations, the life which expresses itself under the veil of form
>being the reality). 
> 6. Of
>what occurs on the two higher planes of the universe, the seventh and sixth,
>we can form but the haziest conception. The energy of the LOGOS as whirling
>motion of inconceivable rapidity "digs holes in space" in this root matter,
>and this vortex of life encased in a film of the root of matter is the
>primary atom; these and their aggregations, spread throughout the universe,
>form all the subdivisions of spirit-matter of the highest or seventh plane.
>The sixth plane is formed by some of the countless myriads of these primary
>atoms, setting up a vortex in the coarsest aggregations of their own plane,
>and this primary atom en-walled with spiral strands of the coarsest 
>of the seventh plane becomes the finest unit of spirit-matter, or atom
>of the sixth plane. These sixth plane atoms and their endless combinations
>form the subdivisions of the spirit-matter of the sixth plane. 
> 7. The
>sixth-plane-atom, in its turn, sets up a vortex in the coarsest aggregations
>of its own plane, and, with these coarsest aggregations as a limiting wall,
>becomes the finest unit of spirit-matter, or atom, of the fifth plane.
>Again, these fifth-plane atoms, and their combinations form the subdivisions
>of the spirit-matter of the fifth plane. The process is repeated to form
>successively the spirit-matter of the fourth, the third, the second, and
>the first planes. These are the seven great regions of the universe, so
>far as their material constituents are concerned. A clearer idea of them
>will be gained by analogy when we come to master the modifications of the
>spirit-matter of our own physical world. 
> 8. (The
>student may find the conception clearer if he thinks of the fifth plane
>atoms as Atma ; those of the fourth plane as Atma enveloped in Buddhi-matter
>; those of the third plane as Atma enveloped in Buddhi and Manas-matter
>; those of the second plane as Atma enveloped in Buddhi-Manas- and 
>; those of the lowest as Atma enveloped in Buddhi-Manas-Kama and 
>Only the outermost is active in each, but the inner are there, though latent,
>ready to come into activity on the upward arc of evolution). "

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