Questions on Theosophy and related issues
Oct 31, 2004 10:54 AM
by Anand Gholap
All Members,
I received number of questions related to Theosopy and the TS. It is perfectly normal and good to have questions because Theosophist and future disciple must be intelligent and knowledgeable. He must have wide and deep knowledge of laws of Nature.
Theosophy is a vast subject and to understand it one will require extensive reading of RIGHT books. I find that members read many books but they don't read RIGHT books. So I have uploaded most important books at As you read those you will get answers to your questions. Mr. Leadbeater and Mrs. Besant have written in detail on very large number of topics which gives answers to most of the questions which members have. If you refuse to read those books because somebody impressed on your mind that they were bad, then it is not possible for me to help you in getting answers to your questions.
I hope you read without prejudice their books. That is the only best advice I can give.
Best wishes.
Anand Gholap
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