RE: The Self
Oct 22, 2004 11:18 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Oct 21 2004
Dear Jerry --Thanks.
I pursue Ideas and am afraid I did not try to follow the more strict writing
criteria. [Monad / monad ]. Both are the same to me.
It makes little difference to me when we think/speak of them as to when they
began or when they may end. Beginnings and endings relate to our
time-conditioned present mind and experience limits.
But is seems to me that if the Mind is able to pass through these usual or
accepted limits, and visualize a wider and deeper environment, the it is but
a step to deal metaphysically with forces, powers and presences. As I try to
express this in language I feel constricted.
If they are indeed eternal and immortal, our kind of time and space, is not
a determining factor. But in my mind I think the important factor is of the
products of experience, no matter how that may be described, limited or left
I cannot logically subscribe to the concept that sop much activity leads
from ZERO to ZERO in a vast arc of living and contacting others who have
apparently the same potentials and capabilities.
Some purpose is being served. Is it entirely mayavic or illusionary? The
this would imply a greater REALITY and, furthermore this could presumably
have the ability to perceive the many activities as purposeful?
I know well the idea of false similarities -- but that does not explain the
prime motivating FORCE, and the exercise of countless beings and finally
some point where evaluation is possible.
Now this is my continued search and present puzzle.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: The Self
<<If so, what is it within the MONAD that leads it to experience life here
and now. How can we trace it origin and its destiny?
I am curious.
Dallas >>
Hi Dal.
Let me be brief and to the point.
The Monad (cap M means an indivisible unit) is not in conditional reality
and needs no further experience in that it is already perfect and complete.
The monad (small m meaning anything Monad-like within conditional reality)
goes through involution and evolution with each Round of a planetary chain.
The Monad has no origin.
The monad has no origin.
A Buddhist would say that the monad has been reincarnating since time
began. Blavatsky reverts to a "causeless cause" to suggest that no logical
answer is possible.
The Monad has no destiny because the concept of destiny does not apply to
The desitny of the monad is to end up back where it started, forming a nice
circle of experience often symbolized by a dragon or snake swallowing its
own tail.
The idea that there is something real that needs experience to grow into
something even more real, is an illusion. Conditional reality is real
enough, but a separate and individual self does not exist. The self or I
has what the Mind Only school calls an imputational reality which is to
say, an illusive one. When we mistake a coiled rope for a snake, the snake
is imputed based on the rope and does not really exist. In exactly the same
way we see the skandhas and impute a self that is not really there.
Jerry S.
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