Re: Theos-World Re: Re: QUANTUM and EVOLUTION ?
Oct 20, 2004 03:50 AM
by samblo
Leon and Dallas,
Thanks for your comments. Well, last time I posted about Cleve Backster's
research on the Rapport of Plants and our consciousness and Peter Gariaev's
research. Today there is a new origination featured in Psychology today in
regard to new tentative findings that are correlate and related to the previous
posts. I found the content most interesting as yet again another point of
convergence adding to a database that is growing day by day. I encourage you and
members to read and inform yourselves of this most interesting finding testing
psychic capacity in a way that is ahead in time of the random test event based on
telemetry of physiological response.
Psychology Today: Is There a Sixth Sense?
Naturally there is also the attendant skeptic arguments included in the
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