Re: John:Theos-World Re: To Jerry & Dallas: "I view M. as a composite charac...
Oct 19, 2004 07:00 AM
by samblo
Daniel immediately posted an alternative URL that is identical to the one
I posted but is the same URL. However there was a second that I have placed
for reference in my favorites but due to it's nuance I considered the first URL
a better choice.
Here is the other URL, it is from a Roerich Agni Yoga site and contains
extracts of the original William Quan Judge Article. BTW, I often "edit" Title
of Homepages adding a que' revenant to my personal interest (Charles Johnson),
this was the case when I first posted the original link with no intention to
diminish William Quan Judge as the Author, His authorship appears top left of
the page of the website.:
The Red Rajputs And The Moryan Dynasty
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