Re: Theos-World Jehovah Witnesses & Mahatma KH/HPB on Body/Soul/Spirit & Life after Death
Oct 15, 2004 12:15 PM
by clarity12.1@j...
To Whomever can respond
I heard of the yogi mummifiying himself and thus being in some kin?of conscious state, though the body is apparently dead.
What state of mind would occur in this yogic state and what influence might this mind have and what "experiences" that we can have that reflect influences from such states of mind, if any.
If we are all connected, then thought forms that exist, somewhere, that we can experience, that have import for our life--they make us more aware, clear and coherent.
thus, I looking for a reasonably credible explanation for the influence of hgily evoled beings, those living amongst us perhaps, whose lives have great import and can somehow influence group affairs.
Not sure I am clear about this is an attempt to find a bridge from what we do know, more or less, and what we are ready to know, more commonly, regarding the so called end of life and the ongoing influence.
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