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RE: Re to Dal

Oct 12, 2004 06:12 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Oct 12 2004

Thanks Jerry

I think it is also called quantum theory and its nature is also called

I can see that from a strictly material point of view.

In "Psychic and Noetic Action" [H P B Articles, II, p. 7] H P B says that
the physical aspect of Nature ends with the "molecule." 

Beyond and within that lies the realm of atoms and sub-atoms, etc., and
there she says, begins the plane of the ASTRAL LIGHT and ASTRAL FORMS --
Energies and Powers -- but those, as far as I can see, may also relate to
the plane of Prana and Jiva -- Life-energy.

But I may be wrong.

I have been, like you following the developments in science along these

I find these are suggestive and encouraging. Now I notice in computer
technology that both quantum theory and indeterminacy are aspects of
mathematical and actual, physical substance work in which they hope to be
able to make still more speedy and larger computers compressed into ever
smaller physical space. 

[ Western occultism? ]



-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald S
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 5:14 PM
To: Theosophy Study List
Subject: Re to Dal

<<Certainly at the level of sub-atomics we are dealing more with forces and
CENTERS OF FORCE than anything else. But what stability can be established
for manipulation? >>


at the subatomic level it is more like probability of force than a
center. Scientists observe subatomic particles using a probabilistic
equation called the wave function, which addresses paarticles as if they
were waves. 

These waves are spread out over distance, and so when we look
for an electron, for example, we say that "it is probably in this areas as
opposed to other areas" 

When the wave function is translated into our
everyday world, it collapses, and this "collapse of the wave function"
results in uncertainty and probability.

Jerry S.

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