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Re: Theos-World preserving the unique opportunity of this list

Oct 08, 2004 08:20 AM
by Eldon B Tucker

At 08:01 AM 10/8/2004, you wrote:

Hallo Eldon and all,

My views are:

You wrote:
"Anyone is entitled to participate, so long as they are
here to share ideas and not merely fishing for converts for something else
or not seeking to disrupt, discourage, and confuse people because they hold
Theosophy in contempt and want to "save" people from it."

I ask:
Are Heretics then not allowed on the list?

M. Sufilight with peace and love...
Heretics are welcome, bearing gifts of needed humor. (We all know whom I am thinking of.) Challenging ideas are also helpful to keep us from getting too rigid in our thinking. There's a difference, though, between us considering our basic assumptions and freshly rethinking things and someone coming along, seeking to disrupt, discourage, and confuse people because they hold Theosophy in contempt and want to save people from it.

It's my job to draw the line between normal inquiry and healthy interaction and abusive behavior on the list. It's now always black and white, but rather judgement calls that I may have to make. I may sometimes make a mistake, but overall things are better than if I never did anything at all.


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