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Re: Theos-World RE: [bn-study] Why is Theosophy better than religions or othe...

Oct 05, 2004 10:27 PM
by MKR

Did not HPB address in ISIS how Pyramids were built?


At 06:55 PM 10/05/04 -0400, wrote:

> Thanks for your post. BTW, today I read a website that is one of those
>unusual but, most interesting creative individual sites that pop up from 
>time to
>time. Knowing your interest in this area I take this opportunity to post 
>it to
>you. This man was a carpenter for 35 years and he has a new original theory
>of just exactly how they managed to build the Pyramids and other Megalithic
>Monuments. On the 10 pages he gives the Theory and Principle he has 
>and as well places color Photographs showing how he performs it all. He 
>seems to
>have out classed the Japanese and others who have attempted to do the same
>using more widely accepted formula that did not work.
>The Forgotten Technology
>Hope you and others enjoy,


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