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RE: Music and the Brain

Oct 05, 2004 09:00 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Oct 4 2004

Re: On the subject of "HUMMING."


I read in U S NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, Pre-Dated. Oct. 11, 2004, p 16

That since 1998 (year of discovery) the Earth has been known to hum at a
very low rate of vibration. Per,: Dr. B Romanowicz.


-----Original Message-----
From: Odin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 8:56 AM
Subject: Music and the Brain

Use Humming and Toning to Tune Up Your Brain

In the Mozart Effect, Don Campbell, founder of the Institute of Music,
Health and Education, lists the benefits of using your voice to enhance mood
and memory. He says that all forms of vocalization, including singing,
chanting, yodeling, humming, reciting poetry, or simply talk can be
therapeutic. "Nothing rivals toning," he concludes. The word 'toning' goes
back to the fourteenth century and means to make sounds with elongated
vowels for extended periods of time. Ah, ou (such as in soup), ee, ay, oh
and om are examples of toning sounds. 

Campbell writes that when people tone on a regular basis for 5 minutes a
day, "I have witnessed thousands of people relax into their voices, become
more centered in their bodies, release fear and other emotions, and free
themselves from physical pain.I have seen many people apply toning in
practical ways, from relaxing before a dreaded test to eliminating symptoms
of tinnitus or migraine headaches.

Toning has been effective in relieving insomnia and other sleep
disorders..Toning balances brain waves, deepens the breath, reduces the
heart rate and imparts a general sense of well-being." Campbell reports that
in his experience certain sounds tend to have certain effects on the body
and emotions: 

Ahhh - immediately evokes a relaxation response, 

Ee or Ay - is the most stimulating of vowel sounds, helps with
concentration, releasing pain and anger, 

Oh or Om - considered the richest of sounds, can warm skin temperature and
relax muscle tension. Try toning for 5 minutes a day for 2 weeks to see if
it will help you. 

In a similar way, humming can also make a positive difference in mood and
memory. Mozart hummed as he composed. Children hum when they are happy.
Adults often hum tunes that go through their minds, lifting their spirits
and tuning their mind. Consciously focus on humming during the day. As the
sound activates your brain, you will feel more alive and your brain will
feel more tuned in to the moment. 

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