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An Open Letter to Robert Bruce MacDonald, Editor of FOHAT

Oct 05, 2004 08:42 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

In editorial comments introducing three
letters from readers objecting to certain
Blavatsky letters included in Vol. I of THE LETTERS
OF H.P.B., you (I assume it is you unless 
it was another member of the editorial staff)
wrote as follows:

"There are very good political reasons
for including those letters. Adyar and
Wheaton embrace a brand of 'theosophy'
that is built upon the work of Annie Besant,
Charles Leadbeater, and their worshipping

"Adyar and Wheaton have to believe, and they
have to ensure that their members believe in
the sainthood of at least Besant. This 
sainthood cannot be guaranteed if Blavatsky,
Judge and their interpretations of the Masters
are not made suspect. The easiest way to
accomplish this is to attack the reputations
of these two founders of the society and 
attribute to them base, political motives,
to make them as ethical as a Jesuit. Adyar
and Wheaton obviously want these letters
included in these collections and you can
be sure that they will not be the last of 
their type. There will be other letters
of the same ilk in future volumes. If
you are members of these organizations, do
not let your leadership get away with this."
[Quoted from Fall, 2004 issue of FOHAT]

This is a serious charge and one must assume
you direct it specifically at Dr. John Algeo,
the editor of the volume.

I would point out that both John Cooper and Boris de Zirkoff
wanted the "Solovyoff" letters (mentioned by the 3 readers)
published. Dara Eklund can confirm this about BdZ.

And John Cooper published these "Solovyoff" letters as well as Letter 
No 7 as part of his dissertation and as part of the manuscript he 
sent to Wheaton. Gregory Tillett can verify for you my statement
about Cooper's dissertation.

Therefore if you want to ascribe base/negative motives to
John Algeo and Wheaton/Adyar in this matter, then in fairness one 
could ascribe the SAME motivation to both de Zirkoff and Cooper.

Do you believe John Cooper included these letters for the same reason
you give for Dr. Algeo including them?

As I said this is a serious matter and I would like to know your 
thinking on the above facts that I have given you.

I hope that you will seriously reconsider this matter, retract
those statements and offer a public apology.

Daniel H. Caldwell

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