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Re: Theos-World Proportion of Good and Bad

Oct 05, 2004 04:33 AM

Dear Dr GT,

Let us say we know reasonably the percentage of bad and good about a person, say a politician, Bush or Kerry? Is not the bad or good relative to the issues at stake...the conventions of the time...and personal prejudice?

Then how does one make decision to vote, or read, or follow? 

Thus what value does the human attempt at weighing a person's karmic account, which is only a keyhole version at best, do for us?

Are not history and biography told from the lenses/bias of the author, not a bad thing for sure, yet a POV,no more no less.

It seems that this issue of judging what to write on, and how, and what evidence to present, and yes to be as inclusive and objective and fair as possible, IS STILL a passing moment in time, and of what actual value to the evolution of our humanity in a practical sense?

If it is a choice between the lesser of two evils, how do we know that we are chosing the lesser and if that lesser is indeed anything more than our own passing bias? 

Taking everything with a grain of salt...seeking to find what harmonizes... or does not unduly disturb one's current perception?

These are questions that entertain or satisfy curiousity. How does one then, guide another except from their limited POV which another may come to trust for good or not. 

My personal experience over the grand seven decades has led me to realize that what I once thought was so bad, got less bad over time; and what was so good, means little today. It's all memory that perhaps needs integrating into a NOW that better assures that I can truly contemplate and practice compassion--a daunting task indeed.


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