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help for another

Oct 05, 2004 01:15 AM
by ana maria torra

Dear all,

I have'nt been around for a while, as I went away and could not get to
a computer.
I just came back last night and today I read this mail from somebody
in another list I belong to:

Linda or anyone,

I just got a call that one of the clients from the volunteer agency I
work for that the doctors have told him there is nothing more they can
do for him. He is a handsome young man from Greece who is going to get
married in 3 months. His name is George and he had cancer of the
tongue that has spread. He is going home tomorrow night. He asked to
see me before he leaves. He is quiet and young with great dignity and
has been a private person during his 6 week stay with us at Miracle
House. I don't know if he has any religion or specific beliefs. But he
wanted to know if I could talk to hime about reincarnation.

Usually when this happens I can get out of my own way and I am helped
to listen and somehow find words if necessary to help. He definitely
wants words and thoughts and as many specifics as possible. I am
concerned that I went back to work too soon after my daughter's death.
This request in the past would not have been so problematic to me but
my mind and heart are not working as they usually do. I don't want to
not give him what I can because I may have possibly made a mistake in
judgment by jumping back to work so quickly. He will be on a plane for
many hours tomorrow night for his thoughts and fears. Why he
specifically asked about reincarnation now I do not know. He never
mentioned this before but then he thought he would be cured. Can
anyone offer any thoughts or experiences or knowledge that I can use
to help George. He is a gentle soul and alone here in New York with
only those of us from Miracle House. I want tobe with him where he is
and listen and speak to his concerns. Any help would be a gift.



It seems there is not much time to think about the issue or to find
something "right to the point", that is: clear, not too long or
difficult to grasp, and yet able to give him some hope and comfort.
But I have no time right now to go into that and I would like to ask
you if somebody could have any idea as to what could be suitable to
him, as I would send it to her right away. Maybe he could print it to
him for the long flight back...

Thanking you so much,

ana maria

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