Re: Theos-World Anand Gholap's widsom
Oct 04, 2004 08:08 AM
by Drpsionic
In a message dated 10/4/04 3:04:48 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
<< Does this make him a bad man?
was he a criminal conman? or was he a tragic and self-deluded figure? I
have no way of knowing, and make no judgment.
Dr Gregory Tillett >>
A marvelous response. As for me, I am more than content to merely being an
animal soul in a human body. It is so much better than being the soul of a
being so far from enlightenment that he cannot tell good from evil in a human
body but rather indulges in hero worship to the point where he will follow
whomever has the loudest voice.
Chuck the Heretic
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